Rose Tree Media School District Root Word List

Grade 11 Vocabulary

AMOR-love (L.)

amicable (adj.) friendly; peaceable

paramour (n.) a lover, of either sex

* amorous (adj.) of or associated with love; especially sexual love

EQUI - equal, just (L.)

inequitable (adj.) unfair; unjust

equanimity (n.) the characteristic of being calm and even-tempered; composure

* equilibrium (n.) a condition in which all influences are balanced and stable

ANN-year (L.)

annuity (n.) the annual payment of an allowance or income

perennial (adj.) lasting or active through a year, or many years

* superannuated (adj.) obsolete; antiquated

RAT-to think (L.)

ratify (v.) to approve and so make valid

rationalize (v.) to make a circumstance conform to reason; to justify one's own behavior incorrectly

* ratiocination (n.) logical, methodical reasoning

TRIT - to rub, to wear away (L.)

trite (adj.) overused and commonplace; "worn" by use

attrition (n.) a wearing away by friction; a reduction in number or strength

CEDE-to go (L.)

precedent (n.) an event that may be used in dealing with later events (lit. "to go before")

antecedent (n.) that which precedes

* secede (v.) to withdraw from an association or alliance

* intercede (v.) to plead on another's behalf (lit. "to go between")

SPIC, SPEC - to see, look (L.)

introspective (adj.) given to contemplation of one's own feelings

conspicuous (adj.) attracting attention

* perspicacious (adj.) unusually perceptive or discerning

* specter (n.) ghost or apparition

SYN, SYM-with (L.)

synonymous (adj.) expressing a similar meaning

asymmetrical (adj.) lacking balance

*symphony (n.) a harmonious combination of elements; a musical piece for an orchestra

BELLI - war (L.)

antebellum (adj.) prior to the Civil War

bellicose (adj.) warlike in manner

* rebellious (adj.) tending toward rebellion

PUNCT - to pierce (L.)

pungent (adj.) having a sharp, acrid taste or smell

poignant (adj.) appealing to the emotions; touching

* puncture (v.) to pierce with a pointed object

* punctilious (adj.) attentive to the finer points of etiquette; precise

QUISIT - seek, inquire (L.)

query (n.) a question; an inquiry

prerequisite (adj.) necessary

(n.) a required, prior condition

* inquisition (n.) an investigation .

PED-child (G.)

pediatrics (n.) branch of medicine dealing with infants and children

pedagogy (n.) the art or profession of teaching

* pedant (n.) one who pays undue attention to book learning

* encyclopedia (n.) a comprehensive, often multivolume, reference work containing articles on a wide range of subjects or on numerous aspects of a particular field

ORAT - mouth, to speak (L.)

oracle (n.) a shrine for the worship of a prophetic god

oratory (n.) the art of public speaking; rhetoric

* orifice (n.) an opening of a cavity

FLAGR-toburn (L.)

conflagration (n.) a large and destructive fire

inflammatory (adj.) arousing strong emotion

* flammable (adj.) easily ignitable and capable of burning with rapidity

* flamboyant (adj.) highly elaborate; showy

PEND-to hang (L.)

append (v.) to add as a supplement; to attach to

impending (adj.) likely or due to happen soon; imminent

* pendulous (adj.) hanging loosely

METR - to measure (G.)

diametrical (adj.) exactly opposite; contrary

telemetry (n.) the science and technology of automatic measurement and

transmission of data by wire, radio, or other means from remote sources

*symmetrical (adj.) exactly corresponding

PAN - all, complete (G.)

pandemonium (n.) any place characterized by uproar and noise; wild uproar or noise

panacea (n.) a universal cure

* pantheistic (adj.) the doctrine identifying the Deity with the various forces and workings of

nature; the belief in all the gods

* panorama (n.) an unlimited view of all visible objects over a wide area; a survey

ORDIN - order, rank (L.)

subordinate (n.) state of being inferior or subservient

inordinate (adj.) excessive; immoderate

* ordinal (adj.) being of a specific position in an ordered series

DOC-to teach (L.)

docile (adj.) teachable; tractable

indoctrinate (v.) to teach to accept a system of thought uncritically

* doctrinaire (adj.) obstinately devoted to speculative, impractical doctrines

PULS, PELL - to drive (L.)

impel (v.) to urge to action; to drive forward

impulsive (adj.) acting on impulse rather than thought

* expulsion (n.) act of being driven out or forcefully ejected; state of being driven out

* optional