
The Cold Within

Six humans traveled by happenstance

Through the dark and bitter cold

Each one possessed one stick of wood

Or so the story goes

The first woman held hers back

She could tell by the faces of the five

That one of them was Black

The next man sitting across the way

Saw one not of his church

And could not bring himself to give the fire

His stick of birch

The poor man sat back

And gave his coat a hitch

Why should his stick of wood

Be used to warm the rich

The rich man sat back and thought

Of all the wealth he had in store

Why should his stick of wood be used

To warm the lazy, shiftless poor

The Black man’s face bespoke revenge

As the fire passed from his sight

Because all he saw in his stick of wood

Was a chance to spite the White

The last man of this forlorn group

Did nothing except for his gain

Giving only to those who gave to him

Was how he played the game

Their logs held tight in their now stilled hands

Is proof of human sin

Because they did not die from the cold without

They died from the cold within

It Can’t Be Done

Someone said that it couldn’t be done

But she with a chuckle replied

That maybe it couldn’t, but she would be the one

Who wouldn’t say so ‘till she tried.

So she buckled right in

With a trace of a grin

One her face, if she worried

She hid it!

She started to sing, as she

Tackled the thing

That couldn’t be done

And she did it!

Somebody scoffed, “Oh you’ll never do that!”

At least no one has ever done it.

So she took off her hat and she

Took off her coat

And the next thing we knew

She’d begun it.

With a tilt of her chin

And a bit of a grin

Without any doubting or quiddit

She started to sing

And she tackled the thing

That couldn’t be done

And she did it!

There are thousands to tell you

That it cannot be done

There are thousands to prophesy failure

There are thousands to point out to you

One by one, all of the dangers that wait to assail you

But, just buckle right in with a bit of a grin

Just take off your coats and go to it

Just start to sing as you tackle the thing

That cannot be done

And you will do it!

Edward R. Guest

A Lesson from Robert Frost

Robert Frost is my favorite poet. Although I love many of his poems, my favorite is The Road Less Traveled. I use its lesson almost daily:

The Road Less Traveled

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden back.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost (1916)

Mother to Son

Well son, I’ll tell you

Life for me aint been no crystal stair

It’s had tacks in it, and boards torn up

And places with no carpet on the floor-bare

But all the time

I’ve been climbing

And reaching landings

And turning corners

And sometimes going in the dark

Where there aint been no light

So don’t you stop now

And don’t you sit down

Just cause it seem kind of hard

Don’t you turn around now

Because I’s still climbing

And life for me

Aint been no crystal stair

Langston Hughes

Larry’s 20 Favorite Sayings

If we keep on doing what we’ve always done we’re going to keep on getting what we’ve

always gotten. (Dr. John Maxwell)

Man’s mind once stretched by a new idea never again regains

it’s original dimension. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

Kids don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care.


Everything in life I ever did that was worthwhile I caught hell for.

(Harry Truman)

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do, but it takes

character self control to be helpful and supportive of all people.

(Dale Carnegie)

A little revolution now and then is a good thing. (Thomas Jefferson)

There is no such things as good or evil. Only thinking make it so.


We are such stuff that dreams are made of. (Shakespeare. The Tempest)

Only those who are willing to risk going too far will ever know how far they can go.

(T.S. Elliott)

The ultimate measure of man is not where you stand during times of comfort

and convenience, but where you stand during times of challenge

and controversy. (Dr. Martin Luther King)

Use whatever language you will, but you can never say more

than what you are. (Emerson)

There is no progress without some struggle! (Frederick Douglass)

Tell them I did the best I could with what I had. (Thurgood Marshall)

A great man shows his greatness, by how he treats lesser men. (Carlisle)

Before we can move the world, we must first move ourselves. (Socrates)

What you do unto the least of thee, you do unto me. (The Bible)

Life is a daring adventure or it is nothing. (Helen Keller)

You never give up. Never. Never give up. (Winston Churchill)

We must learn to live together as brothers, or perish together as fools.

(Dr. Martin Luther King)

The human personality is like a charioteer with two headstrong horses,

each one seeking to go in opposite directions. (Plato)


People can be unreasonable, illogical and self-centered-

Love people-Anyway

If you do good, you will be accused of having selfish, ulterior motives-

Do good-Anyway

If you are successful you can win false friends and true enemies-

Be successful-Anyway

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable-

Be honest and frank-Anyway

People root for underdogs but they only follow top dogs-

Follow some underdogs-Anyway

What you spend years building up maybe torn down overnight


You can give the world the best you have and end up getting kicked in the teeth

Give the world your best-Anyway!

Church Bulletins

1. The low self-esteem group will meet Thursday from 7-8 PM. Please use the backdoor.

  1. Please remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.
  1. Don’t let worry kill you off, let the church help.
  1. We are having a pot luck supper. Prayer and medication will follow.
  1. For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
  1. The 8th graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
  1. The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Saturday morning.
  1. Next Sunday’s sermon is entitled “Is there really a hell?” Come early and hear your choir sing.
  1. On a church marquee…The sermon this morning – “Jesus walks on water.” The sermon tonight “Searching for Jesus.”
  1. Ladies don’t forget the rummage sale next Saturday. It is a good chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around your house. Bring your husbands!

What Have We Done Today?

We shall do so much in the yeas to come,

But what have we done today?

We shall give our gold in a princely sum,

But what did we give today?

We shall lift the heart and dry the tear,

We shall plant a hope in the place of fear,

We shall speak the words of love and cheer,

But what did we speak today?

We shall be so kind in the afterwhile,

But what have we been today?

We shall bring each lonely life a smile,

But what have we brought today?

We shall give to truth a grander birth,

And to steadfast faith a deeper worth,

We shall feed the hungering souls of earth,

But whom have we fed today?

We shall reap such joys in the by and by,

But what have we sown today?

We shall build us mansions in the sky,

But what have we built today?

‘Tis sweet in idle dreams to bask,

But here and now do we do our task?

Yes, this is the thing our souls must ask,

“What have we done today?

Author Unknown

Tune - Calendar Girl

Trace – outline and list the steps

Analyze – break it down, we’re not done yet

Infer – means you gotta read between the lines

Evaluate – judge and look at both the sides


Yeah, yeah, my brain’s in a whirl

I love, I love, I love, those 12 little words

They’ll help me, they’ll help me

pass the test

Formulate – create and come up with a plan

Describe – paint a picture, show you understand

Support – give examples, prove it, back it up

Explain – tell about it, who, when, why and what


Yeah, yeah, my brain’s in a whirl

I love, I love, I love, those 12 little words

They’ll help me, they’ll help me

pass the test

Summarize – the bottom line, in a nutshell

Compare – how things are the same, oh please do tell

Contrast – things are different, you can tell us how

Predict – what do you think will happen now


Yeah, yeah, my brain’s in a whirl

I love, I love, I love, those 12 little words

They’ll help me, they’ll help me

pass the test

(To the tune of Oscar Mayer Weiner)

My vocabulary has 12 words

that help me do my best

Infer, Analyze, Evaluate, and

Formulate comes next

Oh, I love to Describe

them everyday

They Support me while

I Explain and say

Summarize, Compare, Contrast,

Predict, and Trace

with skills that last!

Suzanne Bennett

Riverview School District – Judsonia Elementary


12 Words Song – tune Are You Sleeping?

(Introduce 1 word at a time; then build to it)

Can you ______? (word)

Can you ______? (word)

Yes we can.

Yes we can.



We can ______. (word)

We can ______. (word)

Example: Can you trace?

Can you trace?

Yes we can.

Yes we can.

Follow the steps.

Follow the steps.

We can trace.

We can trace.

Cynthia Brunelle

Portlock Primary


Twelve Words

To the tune of “The Adams Family”

We trace and analyze

Infer and evaluate,

We formulate, describe

We use the Twelve Words


Twelve Words (snap, snap)

Twelve Words (snap, snap)

Twelve Words, Twelve Words

Twelve Words (snap, snap)

Support it and explain it

Compare it and contrast it

Summarize and predict it

We use the Twelve Words

Submitted by Robyn Flowers - Bel Air Elem.

Columbia County GA

Principal: Mark Boyd 706-863-8724


Christine Gerritt

Spanish Teacher

Cromwell High School, Cromwell, CT

‘Ya trace and descri-ibe

Explain and infer-er

(pause) Share your thoughts (clap)

And then move on

‘Ya do the power (word) pokey

Trust me, it ain’t hokey

That’s how ‘ya build your skills

‘Ya evaluate (pause) and formulate

(pause) (pause) Ana ly y y yze and support

‘Ya do the power (word) pokey

Trust me, it ain’t hokey

That’s how ya build the skills

‘Ya summarize (pause) and compare

(pause) (pause) co o o o o ontrast and predict

‘Ya do the power (word) pokey

Trust me it ain’t hokey

That’s how ya build the skills!

UNRAAVEL the “______”

(Sung to the tune of the “Brady Bunch” tune)

Draw a line, under the title

Take your best guess what it’s all about

Put a number next to each paragraph

To help you find the answer

Take some time, and read the questions

Circle all, the very important words

Write down what each word means

And now its time to read

Chorus UNRAAVEL (ing)


This is how we UNRAAVEL the “______”

Cross out all the wrong answers

Pick the best of all that remain

Paragraph numbers will prove

you know the answers

Now double check your work


By Carrie Holt - Hazelwood School District - Townsend Elementary - Florissant, MO

12 Word Cheer

When I say: Trace

You say: Outline





When I say: Analyze

You say: Breakdown





Sue Chollet, Hall School

The wheels in my head go round and round

Round and round, round and round

The wheels in my head go round and round


I underline, predict, and number

Predict and number, predict and number

I underline, predict and number


I read the questions and circle the words

Important words, important words

I read the questions and circle the words


I venture through the passage

Venture through, venture through

I venture through the passage


I eliminate by crossing out

The wrong answer, the wrong answer

I eliminate by crossing out


I write the number where I found it

Found it, found it

I write the number where I found it


I let the question be answered

Answered, answered

I let the question be answered


The wheels in my head go round and round