Scottish Pay Reference and Implementation Group (SPRIG)
To:AfC Project Managers HRDsSL/2005/016
Cc:SPRIG MembersDate: 05th October 2005
Dear Colleague
1.The assimilation tool being developed by Grampian (GRAMPAA) has now been signed off following final testing and arrangements are in hand for training and distribution to all NHS Boards. This letter provides further details of the work that now requires to be undertaken to ensure that systems are in place to assimilate staff at the earliest possible date.
2.Grampian will provide training for all NHS Boards and this training will be undertaken by staff who have an expertise in the tool and who have been involved in its development. The two day training courses will be run in Aberdeen and it has been recommended that a maximum of two Boards are trained at each event. The first training course will commence today, 5 October, and the final course will end on Tuesday 1 November 2005. We have looked into ways of possibly increasing this number to enable the training to be concluded more quickly but the Steering Group feel very strongly that to attempt to train more staff or reduce the length of the course will lead to a lesser degree of understanding of the tool which could potentially cause difficulties and delays at the point of assimilation. Having considered this, we support the arrangements put forward by Grampian.
3.A Steering Group has been established to oversee the project. Dates have now been provided to Payroll Managers with regard to GRAMPAA training. Information has been provided by the Pay Modernisation Team to assist with prioritising the training. Priority has been given to those NHS Boards who have groups of staff ready to assimilate.
4.Two options are available for installation, either using Pragma (the developers of the tool) or local IT Departments. The Steering Group have already asked NHS Boards to consider which option they would prefer and the necessary arrangements are being put in place. If Boards elect to have the system installed by their own IT Departments, a CD will be distributed along with a comprehensive installation guide. Where applicable, CDs will be distributed by 7 October 2005, which for the majority of NHS Boards is prior to their training session.
5.A user guide for GRAMPAA is being developed as an additional support and will also be available by 7 October. The guide will be distributed to Payroll Managers.
Enquiries to: Pay Modernisation Team, Morar House, c/o Forth Valley Primary Care, Old Denny Road, Larbert, FK5 4SD01324 404207
Scottish Pay Reference and Implementation Group (SPRIG)
IT Support
6.IT support for the project is essential and the Steering Group have agreed a support contract with Pragma. The contract, which commences on 1 October 2005, is for a 12 month period. A copy of the contract will be distributed to Payroll Managers for information by 14 October 2005. The cost of this will be funded by the Scottish Executive Health Department.
Steering Group
7.The Steering Group is aware of the importance of this project and has a remit to provide training, technical support, development modifications and communication. The Group will meet every two weeks and more regularly if required.
Further Information
8.Any enquiries on the above should be addressed to Janis Millar at or by telephone on 07789 592959.
Yours sincerely Yours sincerely
Ian Reid
Ian ReidGordon Wenham
Co-chair SPRIG Co-chair SPRIG
Enquiries to: Pay Modernisation Team, Morar House, c/o Forth Valley Primary Care, Old Denny Road, Larbert, FK5 4SD01324 404207