Chairman: Ian Paterson

Clerk to the Council Briar Cottage,

Mrs. Pauline Williams Burras, Wendron

01209 831229 Helston TR13 0HU




Cllr. I Paterson – Chairman Cllr. P. Bickford-Smith Vice-Chairman

Cllr. P. Martin Cllr. M. Morgans

Cllr. Mrs. A. Pascoe Cllr. Ms E. Williams (arrived 7.37)

Parish Clerk Mrs. Pauline Williams, and 3 members of the public,

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – were received from Cllr. P. Elliott and Cornwall Councillor John Keeling.

2. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES - The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd December, 2014 were proposed

by Cllr. Martin, seconded by Cllr. Morgans and unanimously agreed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman asked if it was Council’s wish to bring item 17 co –option forward. It was proposed by Cllr. Pascoe, seconded by Cllr. Morgans and carried that Standing Order 42a (iii) be invoked bringing the item forward.

17. Co-Option of new Parish Councillors: -Mr. Perrin being present introduced himself and gave further information to the Council on his background.

Cllr. Morgans proposed, Cllr. Pascoe seconded and it was carried that Standing Order 7 be invoked (due to the confidential nature of the matter to be discussed) and the public and Mr. Perrin left the meeting at 7.40. It was proposed by Cllr. Bickford-Smith, seconded by Cllr. Morgans and carried that Mr. Perrin be offered one of the vacant posts of Parish Councillor. The public and Mr. Perrin returned at 7.50. Cllr. Perrin was welcomed to the Parish Council and took his seat.

17. Co-Option of new Parish Councillors: - Mr. Clive Perrin signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and the Clerk countersigned it. Cllr. Perrin to bring his Declaration of Interests Form to the February Parish Council Meeting.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FOR ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA – See page 41 of Disclosure of Interests Book

Councillor Bickford-Smith declared a disclosable financial interest in item 11 Planning Application by Pencoys as a contiguous neighbour/landowner, Item 20 website and item 22 Affordable Housing.




Appeals - APP/D0840/A/14/2224296 (PA14/00748) Extension of existing railway with platforms and car park. Construction of temporary platform, change of use of two barns to storage and light maintenance and provision of premises for Organic Trevarno. – The application for the railway was refused, with some costs awarded against Cornwall Council but the application for Organic Trevarno was allowed. It was acknowledged that the Railway could still operate under the planning permission granted in 2008, but the Clerk was asked to query with Cornwall Councillor John Keeling what the decision actually meant in respect of the railways activities.

Footpath 230/6/1 Mellangoose to Newham Barton and Farm – Still no funding available.

Footpath 230/9/2 – The Clerk had advised Mr. Sanders not to cut the section of path that goes through Mr. Grout’s property (Chynance) or the path that goes through (Chanters) owned by Mr. Betteridge. The Clerk asked Mr. Sanders what herbicide had been used to spray the path. Mr. Sanders had advised the Chairman that he had visited Mr. Grout’s property several times but he had not been in. He would continue until he met up with Mr. Grout. The Clerk was directed to ask Mr. Sanders to clear the area outside Mr. Grout’s property where the sprayed foliage had died.

Footpath 230/30/1 – Hamish Gordon advised the Clerk that Cornwall Council is liaising with Scott Hesketh with a view to legally diverting the line of the Bridleway.

Replacement of missing/defective footpath signs – Hamish Gordon had advised the Parish Council that the cost of each sign would be £110 which includes purchase, searches and installation. It was agreed as this was a Cornwall Council duty and due to the high cost not to pursue the matter further.

Overhanging bough Front Lodge to Mellangoose – This had not been cut. The Clerk to chase Cornwall Council.

Light Bulb Lowertown Library Box – This had no yet been done.

Enforcement Retail Unit Electrical Kitchen, Trannack Mills, Coverack Bridges EN14/01721 – Niamh Ashworth, Development Officer, Cornwall Council, had advise the Parish Council that she could not find a specific condition relating to non use of the site for retail purposes. She accepted that some items were sold from the site, but considered the amount of over the counter sales was too small to warrant an application for planning permission. However, if there was an increase in visitors and sales from the site she would look at the matter again.

Longstone Down to junction past the farm – As requested the Clerk had asked about the repairs to this stretch of road. Cornwall Council had said it was on a long list and with shrinking budgets it was impossible to say when the repairs would be carried out.

6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Mrs. Mickler said that she thought she no longer had a copy of the planning conditions applicable to the Trannack Mills development. Cllr. Paterson said he was sure that Cornwall Council would have checked them properly so it would not be a problem. Council agreed not to pursue the matter further.

7 POLICE REPORT – PCSO Ashley Fuller sent his the Clerk apologies. There had been one reported crime that on of non- dwelling burglary which is under investigation. The report stated that there would be some restructuring due to the employment of some more PCSO’s.


8. CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS – The Chairman reported that with regret he had accepted the resignation of the Parish Clerk; this would be dealt with under item 24.

9. COUNCILLORS’ QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS – Cllr. Paterson reported that he had received a complaint about the van and two caravans parked in Roseawen Wood and the untidiness of the site. The complainant believed that the van was now being lived in. Cllr. Mrs. Pascoe stated that enforcement was still monitoring the situation, which the Parish Council had previously raised. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr. Perrin, seconded by Cllr. Morgans and carried (4 votes) (Cllr. Mrs. Pascoe abstained) that the Council take up Cllr. Bickford-Smith’s kind offer to visit the site and speak to the owners.

Cllr. Mrs. Pascoe said that the roadside hedge at Trannack Cottage had not been cut for two years and was badly overgrown. This had been raised last year with Cornwall Council. It was agreed that the Clerk ask Cornwall Council to take action.

10. CORNWALL COUNCILLOR’S COMMENTS – Cornwall Councillor John Keeling report stated that he had attended a meeting with the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board where it was mentioned that First Buses were issuing personal cards to be shown by disabled persons to the driver explaining their disability. A review of domestic homicide will be undertaken by the Scrutiny Select Committee. Devolution plans were accelerating following the Scottish referendum. It stated that largely the new speed limits on the B3302/3 have been welcomed. Flood grants are now being extended to cover the period 14/13 to 4/12/2013 and he asked for any persons affected to get in touch. Cllr. Keeling stated that he had attended the ‘switch on of Sithney lights’


Planning Applications To consider recommendations to planning applications received: --

PA14/11155 Pencoys, Crowntown, Helston. TR13 0AB. Part demolition, extension and change of use of disused barn to single residential dwelling house – Killiow Estate Ltd.

The Parish Council supported this application but expressed concern as to whether the septic tank could cope with the additional demands. On a pre app it was stated that a sewage treatment works would be provided but there was no reference to this on this application.

PA14/11427 Top Lodge, Tregathenan, Sithney, Helston TR13 0RZ. Erection of a tractor shed.

The Parish Council supported this application.

PA14/11609 Trevarno Mill, Trevarno, Sithney, Helston. Conversion and re use of former Mill house and redundant agricultural barn to form two dwellings, including provision of revised vehicular access and erection of general store and log shed.

The Parish Council had no objection in principle to the conversion of the barns, but was unable to comment on access as drawings were not clear in relation to the existing plans. Concern was expressed about the use of a glass floor in an ensuite. The Council felt they would like to see the Mill workings retained and restored.

PA14/11699 Land adjacent to 8 Merther Close, Sithney. One detached dwelling.

The Parish Council object to this application. They felt that 2 flats or 2 bungalows were more appropriate so that older residents could downsize thus releasing 3 bedroom properties. It was not felt to be fully utilising the site.

PA14/11578 West Cornwall Engine Services, Nancegollan Industrial Estate. Increase in roof height of unit by 1.5m to enable work on vans and light commercial vehicles. Regularise highway access arrangements

The Parish Council supported this application.

PA14/11855 Tregoose Cottage, Tregoose, Sithney TR13 0RT. Proposed erection of a two storey extension to existing dwelling, erection of a double domestic garage attached to existing outbuilding, alterations to existing gated field access, formation of hardcore access track and concrete hard standing.

The Parish Council supported this application.

It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Pascoe seconded by Cllr. Martin (Cllr. Bickford-Smith abstained due to a declared interest) and carried that these decisions be endorsed by the Parish Council and transmitted to Cornwall Council as the Parish Council comments.


PA11/10902 Section 106 tie to development land, Trevarno Mill, Trevarno. Discharged.

PA14/10671 Penpraze Farm, Crowntown, Helston TR13 0AA. Conversion and alteration of ancillary accommodation to form holiday letting unit.

PA14/11714 Fields at Sithney Green, Tregoose, Sithney TR13 0RT. Improvement to access linking four fields around Little Tregoose to avoid narrow, steep and curved country lane. Four fields being used for agricultural use and will increase the range of a farming activities possible. Prior Approval Not required.


BW/FP14/4/5 – Cllr. Mrs. Pascoe stated that the path as shown on the Definitive Map could not be used from Menamber to Wheal Christopher due to open mine shafts and boggy ground. Cllr. Miss Williams agreed to speak to Crowan PC to see if an acceptable way forward could be found.

FP14/1 – Following a report an assurance from Hamish Gordon, Cllr. Paterson had checked the path and found that the definitive line has been reinstated to an acceptable standard. Councillor Bickford-Smith said he was satisfied with the work carried out.

13. REGENERATION – Cllr. Miss Williams said she had taken photographs of the cast iron signposts and would also photograph the granite milestones. The Clerks asked if she could date the photographs so they could form a permanent record. Cllr. Miss Williams said she had the red paint for the ex BT boxes, and on the Clerk’s request said she could store it.




Rural Services Network – weekly news 24/11, 2/12, 8/12, 15/12, 24/12. Manifesto for 2015

Spotlight on the heart of the village 26/11, Rural Opportunities Bulletin 3/12, Rural Vulnerability – Fuel Poverty, Transport & small businesses and the rural economy December

West Cornwall News from Signpost 28/11,

The Safer Cornwall Newsletter 8 – 14/12

Housing in Cornwall Part Three

Draft Case for Cornwall

Advance warning or new Parking Order for Cornwall consultation runs from 6th to 30th January.

Connecting Cornwall 2030 Strategy – consultation ends 4th February. The Clerk stated she had obtained a hard copy if anyone wanted to borrow it.

CALC The Week 26/12/2014


a) To consider the following accounts for payment: - Approval of schedule of payments and sign.

It was proposed by Cllr. Morgans , seconded by Cllr. Bickford-Smith and carried unanimously that the following accounts be paid as per the schedule of payments: - £

Mrs. Pauline Williams – Clerk 513.48

Mr. Bob Sanders – Clearance of Bridleway 29, repairs to lock on notice board at Lowertown 172.95


b) Consider the following applications for donations – Sithney and Lowertown over 60’s club – the final paperwork had been given to the Clerk at the beginning of the meeting and would be circulated in time for the next meeting. Cornwall Blind Association – It was proposed by Cllr. Williams and seconded by Cllr. Pascoe and carried unanimously that no donation be made.

c) Financial Reports by Clerk

Financial report.

The Clerk reported that she had invoices to pay totalling £686.43 as reported at item 16a.

The balance at the end of December on the Current Account was £4,954.92 (one unpresented cheque of £10) and on the Business Saver £33,548.64 . These are considered adequate to undertake the work of the Parish Council. It was proposed by Cllr. Perrin, seconded by Cllr. Miss Williams and agreed that the report be accepted.