Technical Reference Manual

Internal Database:


●route_id - The primary key of the table. Will also be the filename of the route, stored locally on the device

●title - The name of the route.

●date - The date the route was created

External Database:


●trail_id - The primary key of the table.

●filename - The name of the file on the server.

●title - The name of the trail.

●admincomment - The CEF management can upload a comment on the trail.

●path - The directory path that the file is located in.

●date - The date the trail was uploaded.


●userid - The primary key of the table.

●email - The user’s email address, also used as their username.

●password - The user’s password.


●mediaid - The primary key of the table.

●filename - The name of the file on the server.

●path - The directory path that the file is located in.

●title - The name that is given to the media.

●type - The type of media e.g. image, video.

●userid - Foreign key to the Users table, allowing CEF management to keep track of who uploads pictures.

●trailid - Foreign key to the Trails table, allowing CEF management to see which trail the picture was taken on.


●ri_id - The primary key for the table.

●filename - The name of the file on the server.

●path - The directory path that the file is located in.

●latitude - The latitude where the picture was taken.

●longitude - The longitude where the picture was taken.

●description - A short description of the damaged item the user can upload.

●date - The date that the item was reported.

●userid - Foreign key to the Users table, allowing CEF management to keep track of who reported the item.


●d_id - The primary key for the table.

●trail_id - Foreign key to the Trails table, attaching the difficulty rating to a trail.

●difficulty - The difficulty rating of the trail, on a scale of 1 to 5.

●transportation - How the user traveled the trail e.g. walking, biking, horseback.

●user_id - Foreign key to the Users table, allowing CEF management to see which user provided a particular rating. Also allows user to only rate a trail once per transportation type.


●p_id - The primary key for the table.

●name - The name of the POI.

●description - A description of the POI.

●filename - The name of the file on the server.

●path - The directory path that the file is located in.

●longitude - The longitude of the POI.

●latitude - The latitude of the POI.

Device Features:


The GPS is used to show the user’s location in the CEF. The user can see themselves on a map which shows all of the trails in the CEF. When the user is recording a route, the device will save their location every time they move a set distance. This will be used to store routes that the user can save. These recorded points will also be used to calculate the user average speed while traveling the route.

Google Maps:

Google Maps will be used to show where the user is in the CEF. All of the trails will be shown on the map so the user can navigate through them. Any routes that the user has saved will be viewable on the map, allowing them to easily travel them again. The map will also contain pushpins of points of interest along the trail.


The camera will be used to take pictures and videos that can be uploaded to the external database.

Authoring Tool:

The app access the external database uses multiple PHP scripts.

Uses Google Maps API to display map on the homepage.

Media upload and download uses PHP and Javascript.