1.1 Members will recall that this application was deferred at the Planning Committee on 23 March 2006 for:-
-‘negotiation’ to make the building look less oppressive.
-Members were happy with the number of units proposed but considered that overlooking should be addressed and the building re-orientated to reduce its impact upon the neighbouring properties.
-Negotiations were to involve the ward member Cllr Graham Wilson.
1.2 The previous Committee Report is appended.
2.1 To refuse the application for the block of 6 flats as set out in the recommendation attached.
3.1 Amended plans were received on 4 May 2006. Subsequent to the previous committee report and in light of the amended plans received the comments are as follows:-
3.2 The footprint of the building has been altered to an ‘L’ shape which extends closer to the boundary with the rear gardens of properties on Hill Crest Road, however this elevation is narrower than the previous scheme and no windows are shown on this elevation. The elevation to Cornelia Lodge has been extended in length with additional windows in this elevation, however, the bottom half of these windows are shown to be obscure glazed which negates overlooking to the occupants of Cornelia Lodge.
3.3 With regards to the proposed bulk, scale and massing, the proposal does not overcome the officers concerns with regards to the original scheme in that the application site is currently amenity land for the residents of Cornelia Lodge. The proposals will give rise to a cramped and contrived form of development which would be harmful to the character and appearance of the surrounding area. Therefore issues of privacy here now have been overcome. Whilst the building is narrower in part, but deeper in the Cornelia Lodge site, the amendment does not reduce the oppressive appearance of the development and result in overdevelopment. Therefore the scheme fails to demonstrate how the number of units proposed can be satisfactorily provided on site.
3.1 To clarify the reasons for refusal are to read as follows:-
1 – Non Standard
The proposed development by reason of it’s footprint, bulk, scale and massing would give rise to a cramped and contrived form of development which would be harmful to the character and appearance of the surrounding area. The proposals are thereby contrary to the provisions of policies BE1 and H13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).
2 – RR010 (Recreational Contribution)
The proposal fails to make a contribution towards recreational open space facilities within the Borough in accordance with Policy L17 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004). As such, it would put an additional demand on existing recreational facilities in the Borough. It would be contrary to Policy L17 and set a precedent that would make it difficult for the Council to implement this policy effectively in the future.
3 – Non Standard
The proposed development fails to make the appropriate Highway contribution, in accordance with Policy T13. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy T13 and set a precedent that would make it difficult for the Council to implement this policy effectively in the future.
Informative Notes
1 – IN490 – Policy L17
The applicant is advised that if this application had been acceptable in all other respects, a financial contribution towards recreational open space provision would have been required in accordance with Policy L17 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004). This would overcome refusal reason No.2.
2 – Non Standard
The applicant is advised that if this application had been acceptable in all other respects, a financial contribution towards recreational open space provision would have been required in accordance with Policy L17, in addition to a financial contribution towards the promotion of forms of transport other than the car required in accordance with Policy T13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004). These contributions would overcome refusal reason No.3.
Contact Officer: Clare Dick, Planning Officer
Case Officer: Ms C M Dick
Site: Cornelia Lodge, 12 Sea View Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, BH12 3JU
Application No: 06/00157/007/F
Date Received: 19th January 2006
Agent: Traves James Architects 5 Wolterton Road Branksome Poole Dorset BH12 1LR
Applicant: Knightstone Housing Association
Development: Erect a block of 6 flats with associated parking accessed from Croft Road. (Amended plans received 4.5.06).
Ward: J 100 Newtown
This application is brought to the Planning Committee for consideration because the proposals are outside the scheme of delegation.
Site Description
The site is accessed from the south side of Croft Road, close to the junction with Sea View Road, through the Adult Training Centre. Cornelia Lodge is a
2 storey building with principal windows overlooking the site. To the south are the rear gardens of 2 storey houses in Hillcrest Road. The rear of these properties are approximately 1m lower than the application site. To the east of the site is a playing field/amenity area used by the Training Centre. The application site is currently amenity land for use by the residents of Cornelia Lodge.
Relevant Planning History
16 x 1 bedroom apartments approved in 1991 – (Cornelia Lodge).
Current Proposal
It is proposed to erect a 2 storey building accommodating 6 flats for people with learning disability.
Neighbours were notified. Two letters of objection have been received. The comments are as follows:
· Overlooking and loss of privacy
· Increase in noise
The Head of Transportation Services - no objection subject to conditions.
Relevant Planning Policy
The following policies of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004) are relevant:
BE1 - (Design Code)
H13 - (Purpose Built Flats, Bedsits, Hostels and Sheltered Housing)
T13 - (Traffic Generated by Design)
L17 - (Provision for Recreation Facilities)
Planning Considerations
The principal considerations concern the effect of the development on the character/appearance of the area, impact on neighbouring amenity, implications for important trees, highway safety issues and provision of off-site recreational facilities.
Character/Appearance of the Area
The application site is currently amenity land for the residents of Cornelia Lodge. The proposals will give rise to a cramped and contrived form of development which would be harmful to the character and appearance of the surrounding area.
Neighbouring Privacy and Amenity
There will be a separation distance of 11m between the west elevation of the proposal and the east elevation of Cornelia Lodge, which would be harmful to the outlook of the occupiers of Cornelia Lodge. Furthermore, there will be a separation distance between windows of properties on Hill Crest Road and the south elevation of the proposal of approximately 17m which, given that these properties are lower than application site, will be harmful to both the privacy of the occupants of Hillcrest Road and the occupiers of the flats.
Highways/Parking and Highways Contributions
· While the provision of secure and sheltered cycle parking (6 spaces) would be required as part of the development, this could be secured by by condition.
· The accommodation could be conditioned to prevent its general residential use and reflect the low levels of car parking provision. The applicant has indicated that the nature of the accommodation would result in low levels of car ownership and residents would therefore benefit from improvements to transport modes other than the car. It is therefore appropriate to seek a contribution of £6000 towards that provision.
Recreational Contributions
In accordance with Policy L17 of the Poole Local Plan the provision of recreation facilities must be considered for all proposals for new residential development.
Human Rights Act
In coming to this recommendation/decision consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Refuse - Recommendation
Case Officer
Reason(s) for Refusal
1 ( Non Standard Reason )
The proposed development by reason of it's footprint, bulk, scale and massing would give rise to a cramped and contrived form of development which would be harmful to the character and appearance of the surrounding area. Furthermore, the proposal would constitute an unneighbourly form of development giving rise to an unacceptable degree of overlooking and loss of privacy to adjacent residents to the rear and side and the occupants of the proposed flats. The proposals are therefore contrary to the provisons of policies BE1 and H13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).
2 - RR010 ( Recreational Contribution )
The proposal fails to make a contribution towards recreational open space facilities within the Borough in accordance with Policy L17 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004). As such, it would put an additional demand on existing recreational facilities in the Borough. It would be contrary to Policy L17 and set a precedent that would make it difficult for the Council to implement this policy effectively in the future.
3 ( Non Standard Reason )
The proposed development fails to make the appropriate Highway contribution, in accordance with Policy T13. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy T13 and set a precedent that would make it difficult for the Council to implement this policy effectively in the future.
Informative Note(s)
1 - IN490 - Policy L17
The applicant is advised that if this application had been acceptable in all other respects, a financial contribution towards recreational open space provision would have been required in accordance with Policy L17 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004). This would overcome refusal reason No.2.
2 - Non Standard
The applicant is advised that if this application had been acceptable in all other respects, a financial contribution towards recreational open space provision would have been required in accordance with Policy L17, in addition to a financial contribution towards the promotion of forms of transport other than the car required in accordance with Policy T13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004). These contributions would overcome refusal reason No.3.