Site Council Meeting

Scio High School

April 30, 2001

The following representatives were present:

Administration -Gary Tempel

Certified - Bob Croff, Mark Looney, Tomilyn Quigley, David Chrostek

Classified - Dani Morley

Parents - Larry Tucker, Debbie Backers

Students – (none in attendance)

The minutes of March 19, 2001 were approved as written.

Old Business

Mr. Looney reported on the PASS packet curriculum. He received more information on the curriculum that is available. The cost is $5,300for all 43 course packets but we could pick and choose the ones that we wanted to bring the cost down. He is going to send for the Health curriculum to be previewed by Mrs. Quigley and to let the faculty look it over. It would need to be approved by the board if the faculty was interested in getting the program.

Mr. Croff reported on the bid for the Day Planners. We would not be able to meet the deadline to receive a $.25 discount, therefore the cost would be $1748.00. The Booster Club is willing to pay one-third of the cost (up to $600); Scio Food Center: $200, Student store: $200; School Budget: $200; Student Body (Pop machine): $328-$400, and raising student fees by $1.00 (net +/- $220). Total Cost: $1748. The Franklin Planner would give an in-service to the staff on how to use the planners to the staff at the August in-service. The board would be notified of our intentions to use the planners for the next school year along with the character education supplement.

The School Improvement Plan mission statement was approved by the staff. Mr. Tempel had a copy of the plan to review. The nine statements to support the Mission Statement that the staff came up with were listed. The Site council reviewed them and approved eight of the nine statements as well as the Target areas. The staff will look at the Intervention Strategies and see which ones to maintain.

Mrs. Quigley passed out copies of the attitude survey used last year. The committee read through the question and made revisions and additions. She will type the new version and it can be given to the students in the near future. We have use of a Scantron machine to help count the results this time.

New Business

No new correspondence.

ESD is offering a TAG workshop and will reimburse the school $100 for anyone who goes. Mr. Croff will get the information out to the staff.

Mr. Looney brought up the idea of having Channel One at the end of 7th period to help alleviate the absences for the students involved in sports. Mr. Tempel will present it to the staff at the next meeting.

Next Meeting will be held on June 4, 2001 Meeting was adjourned at 4:35 PM

Respectfully Submitted, TQ