Site-Based Meeting
September 22, 2014
Members present: Kristy Thomas, KeithaRodden, Barbara Coleman, Elaine Shobert, Dianne DeNino, Setrina Byrd, Meredith Morales, Heather Boyer, Maria Truitt, Tricia Graham, Kristen Root, Megan Quinn, Ashley McLaughlin, Lauren Schexnider, Karen Rosenthal, Cyndi Newton, Debra Donovan, Krista James
Decision on Chairperson: Setrina Byrd
Decision on Secretary: Meredith Morales
School Improvement Plan – Some adjustments from last year’s plan. We need to read closely to understand the plan. School Improvement Plan has been reviewed, and deemed necessary for meeting the needs of our school. Plan is accepted as written.
Facilities Documents
UCPS homepage, Departments, Facilities site, CCEP/CFP/CFS, individual pages with presentations.
CCEP - Construction will be looking at equity for all schools.
CFP – Forest Hills, Rock Rest Elementary
Narrative - To get new construction, capacity will have to be changed to 1000 (will be for all students/schools)
Summary – if UCPS wins $91 million appeal after Christmas, these things will be taken care of. We need to decide other things that we need besides new construction wing. (Proposed fifth grade window would be curved between existing walkways, with meeting space for grade levels. Second proposed wing will be behind red hallway for first grade and red hallway will be Pre-K and kindergarten.) This isn’t being built for Title 1 school of 1,000, so we still may be tight on room.
Proposals – add more restrooms, close in workroom and have tutoring room, adding staff restrooms, intercom system so that doors can stay locked at all times, cafeteria remodel.
Temperature irregularity concerns in walkways because of windows – this should be addressed
Air conditioning/Heating system needs to be regulated so that temperatures are the same in all parts of the building.
Phone system in trailers isn’t sufficient to contact parents. This should be alleviated if/when trailers are taken away.
Gang bathrooms – no knobs to wash hands – put sensors in sinks and high pressure dryers, sensors on toilets – this will also prohibit spread of germs
Lightning rod to deter lightning strikes to building in best possible location
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Keitha will be sending this tonight. It is written for Title 1 schools when test results come in. It must be done for the school.
1-Parents walking students into building – this is a safety issue for the school to manage students and adults. After discussion, the site based team decides that our policy stays the same and parents will not be permitted to escort students into the building.
School Sprit Shirt as tie dyed shirt in one color
Ideas –
Have 2 shirts – one red, one gray
Will students be permitted to wear as a uniform shirt as a daily shirt or special days. We will have to stick to color and designated days for wearing the shirt
Shirt will be $10 (Our cost is $9)
Concern is that students are still not wearing uniforms and this won’t help the issues.
If we do the shirts, they will have to be allowed to wear daily but they must be ordered ahead of time.
Once concern is that boys won’t like red shirt, so we may need to have 2 options (Red and Gray)
We will look at both colors and decide.
3-Picture Day October 3
Can students wear anything or do they have to wear uniform?
Team decides to allow student choice for shirts/tops with restrictions of no spaghetti straps or tank tops and must follow UCPS dress code, but pants and shoes will be required to stay in uniform and let parents know that they will only see the top half of their child.
School makes 50% of sales in fundraising profit
4-Lunch on Wednesday, September 24
Autism Fundraiser for one of our students. Lunch will be bought for all staff from the Rock Store Barbecue.
Let Diane know how many meals are needed for your teams.
*Please share this with your team!!
5-Paperwork days
Classroom teachers will hopefully get the day to prepare report cards, conferences, etc. This should be 1.5 hours for teachers. Keitha is working on the schedule and will let us know.
Other teacher concerns:
– food isn’t ready when students arrived
- new staff is being trained when there are a lot of students, and the cafeteria gets backed up – Ms. Thomas and Mrs. Rodden will discuss this with cafeteria staff
Hallways are getting backed up and question was asked if we could double up lines in the hallways to get out quicker
-Restrooms are running out of soap and it isn’t being replaced and sinks aren’t always working.
-Specials on Fridays – can they be held in the special area rooms instead of classrooms? Mrs. Rodden will be working on a schedule to rotate this so that the same room isn’t used every time. Related Arts will work with Mrs. Rodden on working out schedules to rotate this. We will also communicate our schedule to them to avoid interruptions to classes.
-Smell in gang bathrooms is pungent and needs to be cleaned more often/thoroughly. Katherine will be sent to check the bathroom after breakfast and periodically during the day
-Paper cutter in workroom handle is being left up. We need to be respectful of each other and put it down.
-Microwave in cafeteria isn’t sufficient for all staff that needs to heat lunch. Ms. Thomas will work on getting another one.
-Book room – Literacy has worked very hard on getting it organized and we want to make sure that it stays that way. We have a set of rules that will be put in place for the book room. Be respectful of the resources we have and let everyone share the resources. Rules will be sent out to teachers.
-Teachers need to be sitting with their own students in the cafeteria, not together.
-Trashcan monitoring in cafeteria to avoid trash being strewn across the floor. Teach students to pick up after themselves when they drop food.
-21st century grants will be coming out and we would like to propose some activities that incorporate academics and “fun” for students (gardening, soccer with reading, etc.). This will be $25 per student and we need staff members to man the activities. Dianne will be meeting with the coordinator and get more information. We would need 4-5 staff member per day, and program will run from 2-5pm and will be for grades 3-5. Tentative start is in October. Students who are behavior problems will not be allowed. This will affect Excel to Fitness and Girls on the Run. Talk to your team and give names of students to Dianne. There are also field trips attached to this.
Meeting adjourned at 4:25