ESREA Life History and Biography Network: 2006 Conference
Transitional Spaces, Transitional Processes and Research
Volos, Greece, 2-5 March 2006
Paper Submission
> Participants & Abstracts
> Thematic Symposia
> Parallel Session1
> Parallel Session2
> Parallel Session3
Travel Info
Local History
The Papastratos building
Thursday 2 March
Tour of the Archaeological Museum of Volos
Contact Person: Irene Nakou
Meeting point: in front of the Museum, 1 Athanassaki Str., at 12:00.
Papastratos Building
Coffee and Registration
Kordatos Auditorium
Opening Session
- Mr. Kyriakos Mitrou, Mayor of the City of Volos
- Professor Stavros Peretidis, Academic Dean
- Professor Vasilis Anagnostopoulos, Department of Early Childhood Education
- Dr Linden West, ESREA
- Mr. Giorgos Pantelodimos, Volos Municipal Centre for Historical Research and Documentation (DIKI)
- Dr. Tania Vosniadou, Greek Society of Clinical Social Research
- Professor Konstantinos Bagiatis, University Rector
Kordatos Auditorium
Housekeeping announcements
- Dr. Anna Vidali
- Dr. Linden West
Kordatos Auditorium
Chair: Dr. Linden West
Key Speaker:
- Professor Pierre Dominice: The practice of life history as an alternative to the escape of academic research
Papastratos Building
Friday 3 March
The Spirer building
University Library
University Library
Parallel Sessions
University Library
University Library
Parallel Sessions
University Library
Spirer Building
Thematic Symposium
Transformation and transition in professional working life: changing cultures, subjectivity, identity and learning.
Chair: Dr. Athena Chatzouli
- Dr. Chryssi Inglessi: Doing work with teachers: the implications of reflexivity and self-reference on action research professionals
- Professor Dr. Kirsten Weber, Denmark: Life History without Biography: a theoretical exploration of a Continental tradition
- Professor Phil Hodkinson: Learning as Becoming and Unbecoming: conflicts between professional identities and organizational cultures
Spirer Building
Video Documentary, directed by Menis Theodoridis
- Paroles d'Anciens, Parole de Sages – "Trikalina Topia"
Saturday 4 March
The University library (right) with the Conservatory (left front) and the De Chirico Centre (left rear)
Spirer Building
Spirer Building
Thematic Symposium
Sociological perspectives on transitional space and transitional processes.
Chair: Professor Agnieszka Bron
- Professor Anika Liversage: Three women leaving limbo - using lifestories for analyzing through space and time
- Professor Skevos Papaioannou & Dr. George Tsiolis: Biographical approach of social transformation processes. Some methodological issues
University Library
University Library
Parallel Sessions
University Library
Spirer Building
Thematic Symposium
Using narrative, auto/biography and life history methods to enhance and illuminate processes of healing, health care and cultures of caring.
Chair: Dr. Edmee Ollagnier
- Dr. Linden West: Border Country: Transitional Space in Health, Learning and Research
- Professor Klimis Navridis: Travail du genogramme et metaphores du trasnfert dans la psychotherapie de groupe
- Professor Linda Andersen: Life history as text and context in human service
Dinner (optional)
Sunday 5 March
The village of Makrinitsa
Kordatos Auditorium
Chair: Dr Anna Vidali
Key Speaker:
- Professor Ivor Goodson: The Rise of the Life Narrative
Papastratos Building
Kordatos Auditorium
Report back / Evaluation
Life Future of the Network
- Dr. Anna Vidali
- Dr. Linden West
Excursion (optional)
The artist Pavlos Nicolacopoulos kindly contributes to the Conference his work of art: One of two thoughts, 2002, which will be exhibited on the 5th floor (event room – coffee area) in the Library Building.
©2006: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults
ESREA Life History and Biography Network: 2006 Conference
Transitional Spaces, Transitional Processes and Research
Volos, Greece, 2-5 March 2006
Paper Submission
> Participants & Abstracts
> Thematic Symposia
> Parallel Session1
> Parallel Session2
> Parallel Session3
Travel Info
Local History
Parallel Sessions
Friday 3 March 2006, 13:30–16:30
Education & Learning
Chair: Jose Gonzalez Monteagudo
- Tasoula Tsilimeni & Evanna Stavroulaki, Greece: Storytelling: the natural way for people to learn about their world
- Jose Gonzalez Monteagudo, Spain: Autobiographical Formation and Emotional Education
- Kostas Kokogiannis, Greece: Re-negotiating the aims of the hierarchically structured education: transformable power and pedagogic identity
- Panagiota Paliokosta, UK: Inclusive education and special educational needs: the impact of differing school cultures on teachers and other stakeholders' interpretations of these notions and consequent practice within mainstream schools
- Karan Day-Kahl, Australia: An Auto-Biographical Introduction to the New Adult Learning Movement
Community &Exclusion
Chair: Soula Mitakidou
- Soula Mitakidou, Greece & Joanne Kilgour Dowdy & Shane T. Williams, U.K: Greek Rom women in their own words
- Panayiota Charalambous, UK: "Compulsory Greekness". Grand narratives, minor literatures and politics of identity in Greek-Cypriot literary education
- Vassiliki Kallinteri, UK: The fluidity of the "nation": Xenophobia, discrimination and suppression in Aridea
- Giorgos Laskaridis, Greece: Feeling of shame and schooling trajectory in the case of migrant students
- Anna Ferrero & Lucia Portis, Italy: Mixed Races Memories. Migration – biographies collection path
- Demetra Kogidou, Greece: Childhood poverty and social exclusion – Incorporating children's perspectives
Identities & Selves
Chair: Laura Formenti
- Irene Nakou, Greece: From childhood to adulthood and vice versa: approaching early childhood through adults' narratives
- Maria Leon, UK: Relationality of Self and Other / Reciprocity of life-histories: Cavarero, Andriana. Relating Narratives: Storytelling and Selfhood (2000)
- Laura Formenti, Italy: The bringing forth of a story: autobiography in a bio-systemic view
- Ganchev, A., Ukraine: Bessarabian Bulgarians, studying in Bulgaria. On searches of identity
- Elissavet Evdoridou, Greece: Fellini, Moravia, Segre: From life stories to hypertext
- Abilio Daniel Garcia Gonzalez, Spain: The inclusion of the Archaeological heritage of Galdar (Gran Canaria; the Canary Islands; Spain) on the primary and secondary school syllabus: contributing towards retrieving cultural identity
Research Methodology
Chair: Hazel Bryan
- Meg Hart Robertson, Spain: Borders and Frontiers: Databases as Transitional Research Spaces
- Teresa Cairns, UK: Past traces, present memories: exploring life history accounts from the Mass-Observation Archive
- Elia Ntaousani, Greece: Gender identity as social temporality and space ground as gendered corporealization of time: two parallel analysis of continuous, interactive & performative transition
- George Iordanidis, Greece: Administrative Policies for the Professional Development of the Educational Staff in an Adult Education Centre
- Paraskevi Taki, Greece: Using Grounded Theory in Feminist Research – A research about women's exclusion from administrative positions in greek primary education
Health & Healing
Chair: Mai Vidali
- Maria Tsouroufli & Heather Payne, UK: Tensions, dichotomies, contradictions and transitions in senior hospital doctors' histories of learning and professional development: Implications for Postgraduate Medical Educational practice in the UK
- Manos Savvakis, Greece: Demarcating a State of "Non-Illness": Leprosy as Battlefield and as Struggle of Resistance
- Myrto Chronaki & Sophia Mavropoulou, Greece: The mothers' network as a learning environment for women's transition to maternity: the case of La Leche League
Learning & Professional Identity
Chair: Agnieska Bron
- Smaragda Papadopoulou, Greece: Life History and Biography through Bibliotherapy: a teaching tool at school in language acquisition (grades K-6th) Greece
- Anders Siig Andersen & Rebecca Trojaborg, Denmark: The interplay between learning environments in working life and life history learning processes
- Christina Lonnheden & Agnieszka Bron, Sweden: Life history method – How does the process of life story telling triggers and enables learning?
- Christina Lonnheden, Sweden: To move – to feel – to learn
- Chrissa Manthou, Greece: Feminine routes: exceeding the limits in education and work. Biographies of women in the Evening Junior High School of Ioannina
Chair: Bettina Dybbroe
Kirsten Weber: Theorizing Professional Identity: Conflict, contradiction, anxiety and ambivalence
Bettina Dybbroe, Denmark: Transformation of Work and Workplace Knowledge in a Life History Perspective
Tor Ahlbäck, Maria Alm, Margareta Carlsson, Ann-Christin Dettner-Arvidsson, Elisabet Frithiof, Claudia Gillberg, Inger Hellgren, Gunilla Härnsten, Eva Klinthäll, Inga Ljung, Kerstin Pong, Birgitta Sjöblom, Birgitta Söderlund-Wijk, Sweden: It/s been a long and winding road...