Columbus Middle School 2017/2018 School Supply List
5th Grade2 - blue or black pens
3 - packages of 12, #2 yellow pencils
3 - packages of loose leaf paper (wide ruled)
3 - wide ruled, single subject, 70 page notebooks
1 - composition notebook
5 - pocket folders, 3 hole punched
1 - 3 ring binder (1 1/2 inch)
2 - 2 pocket folders (STEM)
1 - pair of sharp scissors
4 - glue sticks
1 - box of colored pencils
1 - box Crayola crayons
2 - yellow highlighters
1 - package washable markers
4 - dry erase markers (black only)
1 - white Elmer's glue
1 - zipper pencil pouch (no boxes)
2 - boxes facial tissue
1 - bottle hand sanitizer (girls only)
1 - quart-sized ziplock baggies (boys only)
6th Grade
blue or black pens (replace as needed)
2 - package - loose leaf paper
1 - 2" Clear view 3-ring binder
5 - 80-100 page composition notebooks (math,
science, social studies, language arts)
1 - heavy duty three hole punched pencil pouch
1 - package plastic dividers with pockets
2 - packages wooden pencils (collected by
1 - package colored pencils
6 - glue sticks
1 - package highlighters (various colors)
2 - large boxes of facial tissue
3 - 2 pocket folders(reading, STEM-2)
1 - clear (transparent) protractor (math)
1 - package of dry erase markers (replace as
Health/Fitness: no extra clothes needed
1 – bottle hand sanitizer OR disinfecting wipes
7th Grade
pencils and pens (replace as needed)
colored pencils (replace as needed)
highlighters - at least 5 colors(replace as needed)
loose leaf paper (replace as needed)
dry erase markers (replace as needed)
1 - 3 ring binder personal use
1 - three hole punched pencil pouch
1 - package tab dividers (personal binder)
2 - 2 pocket folders (STEM)
3 - large boxes of facial tissue (given to anchor
1 - bottle hand sanitizer (given to anchor teacher)
2 - large glue sticks (give to your social studies
1 - 100 page composition notebook (social studies)
1 - small bottle of rubber cement (give to your math
2 - 120 page college ruled notebooks (math)
1- single subject notebook (science-silver only)
1 - single subject notebook (language arts)
Health/Fitness: t-shirt, shorts, tennis shoes,
deodorant (roll on or stick)
*Pre-Spanish: 1 - 100 page composition notebook
8th Grade
1 – 2” binder
1 – pencil pouch
8 – dividers
1 – package #2 pencils (replace as needed)
1 – red pen
1 – composition notebook (science)
2 – 2 pocket folders (STEM)
2 – highlighters
1 – package (2-4) dry erase markers (replace as
1 – tri-fold display board (science)
2 – spiral notebooksor 1, 3 subject notebook (math)
1 – 1 ½ “ binder (math)
erasers – replace as needed
3 – large boxes of facial tissue (given to advisory
1 – bottle hand sanitizer (given to advisory teacher)
Health/Fitness: t-shirt, shorts, tennis shoes, deodorant
(roll on or stick)
Spanish – 1” 3 ring binder
$5 class fee to be paid by ALL students, grades 5-8, on the first day of school
*NO sharpies, gel pens, or sling bags