Asset Information
Asset Name / Date
State Police Representative
Site and Owner Information
Asset NameOther Name(s)
State / Zip Code / County
Mailing Address (If Different)
State / Zip / Zip
Main Phone / Alternate Phone / Fax
Latitude (WGS84) / Longitude (WGS84)
Web Site
State / Zip Code
Describe the Mission of this Asset.Key Products and Services / Key Customers
Dependencies, Interdependencies and Redundancies
Electricity / TelecommunicationsGas / Water
Transportation / Transportation
Transportation / Transportation
Other / Other
Comments on placement and security of the dependencies listed above.
Are there any industries or operations that rely upon this site’s products or services?
Yes (Describe) No
Are there redundancies for the services this site provides?
Yes (Describe) No
Facility Description
Size (acreage or square feet) / Number of Buildings / Number of Floors in Each Building1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Describe the Facility
Is this site easily recognizable Yes No
Describe any new, in process, or planned construction
Surrounding Area – Describe Major Roads, Railways, Populated Areas, Water Ways, and surrounding Critical Infrastructure.
North / South / East / West
Building / Primary Ingress and Egress / # of Ground Level Doors / # of Ground Level Windows
Is Connected to Building . . . / Loading Dock
Yes No / Ground Level Air Intake
Yes No
Building / Primary Ingress and Egress / # of Ground Level Doors / # of Ground Level Windows
Is Connected to Building . . . / Loading Dock
Yes No / Ground Level Air Intake
Yes No
Building / Primary Ingress and Egress / # of Ground Level Doors / # of Ground Level Windows
Is Connected to Building . . . / Loading Dock
Yes No / Ground Level Air Intake
Yes No
Building / Primary Ingress and Egress / # of Ground Level Doors / # of Ground Level Windows
Is Connected to Building . . . / Loading Dock
Yes No / Ground Level Air Intake
Yes No
Is there Underground access to any of the buildings? Yes No
Approaches to the Facility / High Speed Approaches
Yes No
Landing Pad?
Yes (Describe) No
Critical Assets
Critical Assets are the components that are either critical to the site’s operation or pose a threat to the public health and safety.Name / Description (Include time needed to replace asset) / Location
Site Population
EmployeesPermanent Employees / Contractor / Temporary or Seasonal / Security
Day / Event / Year / Maximum Capacity
Hours of Operation
Shift 1 / Shift 2 / Shift 3
Hours Worked / Staff / Hours Worked / Staff / Hours Worked / Staff
Weekday / Weekend / Weekday / Weekend / Weekday / Weekend
Days Closed
Holidays (Circle days that the site is closed)
New Year’s Day / Martin Luther King, Jr. / Washington’s Birthday / Memorial Day / Independence Day
Labor Day / Columbus Day / Veterans Day / Thanksgiving / Christmas Day
Other Holidays
Special Events
Consequences (Check all that apply) / Facility Lost Operations Costs (Check one). / Facility Replacement Costs (Check one). / Environmental, Safety, and Health ImpactsAssuming a worst case scenario, how many off site people could be impacted? (Check one).
National Security / $1,00,000 and higher
$500,000 - $999,999
$250,000 - $499,999
$100,000 - $249,999
Less than $100,000 / $10 Billion and higher
$1 Billion - $9 Billion
$500 Million - $999 Million
$100 Million - $499 Million
Less than $100 Million / > 100,000
50,000 – 999,999
< 10,000
Extend off site with no population impacts
Limited to on site
Describe the consequences of an attack. / Loss of Life
Some deaths and injuries
Some injuries
ACAMS contains a number of checklists. An effort was made to present these checklists as they appear in the program. However, additional related questions were inserted that will be out of order in ACAMS. These are marked by a yellow fill and bold typeface in the left most field.
Physical Security
Fences and Gates / Yes / No / N/A / CommentsIs existing fencing surrounding the facility perimeter in good repair? / / /
Is the fencing alarmed? / / /
Is the fencing reinforced or otherwise protected against vehicle access? / / /
Is the area surrounding fencing clear of vegetation? / / /
Are warning signs placed at the perimeter? / / /
Are there gates controlling vehicular and/or pedestrian access? / / /
Are gates manned 24/7? / / /
Are gates controlled by a card reader system or other automated access control system? / / /
Are fence/gate areas adequately illuminated? / / /
Is the fence at least six feet high? / / /
Is the fence topped with Barbed Wire or Razor Wire? / / /
Are there multiple layers of fencing? / / /
How many Entry Gates exist? / Vehicle Gates / Pedestrian Gates
Are the Entry Gates guarded? / / /
Vehicle Barriers / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
Are speed control obstacles employed to prevent vehicles from running checkpoints or vehicle search areas during elevated alert levels? / / /
Are passive vehicle barriers employed to protect critical components from Large-Vehicle Improvised Explosive Devices (LVIEDs) (e.g., Jersey barriers, buried ties, concrete planters, cables, etc.)? / / /
Are active vehicle barriers employed at the entry gates? / / /
Are there any High Speed Approaches to the Facility? / / /
Intrusion Detection/CCTV / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
Does the facility have an exterior intrusion detection system (IDS)? / / /
If so, does this IDS provide specific coverage for significant facility assets? / / /
Does the facility have a closed-circuit television system (CCTV) in place? If so, how many cameras? / / / / Fixed / PTZ
Are all significant facility assets under CCTV coverage? / / /
Are the CCTV feeds recorded? If so, describe how the feeds are recorded and the retention time? / / /
Do the cameras have low light sensitivity? If so, describe it. / / /
Lighting / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
Does the facility have sufficient lighting? / / /
Are there any dark spots that would allow an adversary to approach and/or remain undetected? / / /
Access Control / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
Are badges used to identify employees and authorized personnel? When are they used? / / /
Are passes or decals used to identify authorized vehicles? / / /
Are access control devices (e.g., employee badges, swipe/proximity cards, biometric devices) used to gain entry to the facility? / / /
Are access control devices (e.g., employee badges, swipe/proximity cards, biometric devices) used to gain entry to critical assets/areas within the facility? / / /
Are screening devices used to detect the presence of weapons, explosives, or other unauthorized items (e.g., dogs, metal detectors, x-rays)? / / /
Alarms and Systems
Alarm Type / Yes / No / N/A / CommentsFire Alarms / / /
Fire Sprinkler / / /
Silent Alarms / / /
Intrusion Alarms / / /
Hazardous Release Alarms / / /
Security Practices and Procedures
Security Patrols / Yes / No / N/A / CommentsAre after-hours checks made of facility access points? / / /
Is the perimeter checked routinely by security? / / /
Are security checks recorded? / / /
Security Plans and Personnel / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
Does the company have a formal security plan? / / /
Does the security plan correlate to Threat Levels? / / /
Does the security plan correlate to other security levels? (i.e. MARSEC) / / /
If so, is this plan available to all employees? / / /
Does the company have a formal threat definition and assessment statement? / / /
If so, is this statement available to all employees? / / /
Is security awareness training provided to employees? / / /
How many employees comprise the facility security workforce? Specify whether these are company or contractor employees. / / /
Are additional security personnel added when the threat level increases? / / /
Do any members of the security force have arrest authority? / / /
Is the Security Force armed? / / /
Do security personnel utilize SOPs? / / /
Are the security personnel reinvestigated yearly? / / /
Do security officers wear uniforms?
Do security officers wear plain clothes?
Are Guard Dogs utilized? / / /
Are background checks made on all new employees? / / /
Are background checks made on temporary employees and contractors? / / /
Is there an executive protection program for senior executives/managers? / / /
Are there security memoranda of understanding (MOUs) or memoranda of agreement (MOAs) in place with adjacent facilities? / / /
Are employee badges worn? / / /
Is there a procedure for collecting employee badges and terminating access upon separation from the company? / / /
Does the facility have a Mail Screening Program? / / /
Visitor Control / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
Are visitors required to sign in with security? / / /
Are visitors issued badges that identify them as visitors? If so, describe how the badges are collected after the visit. / / /
Are visitors required to be escorted in sensitive facility locations? / / /
Vehicle Access / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
Are delivery trucks routinely screened or inspected upon entry? / / /
During elevated threat levels, are passenger vehicles searched prior to being permitted to cross the facility? / / /
Are explosives detection canines available for these sweeps? Are they located on site? / / /
Are vehicles entering the facility logged? / / /
Are visitor’s vehicles given a visitor decal or placard? If so, describe how the decals or placards are collected following the visit. / / /
Is parking allowed inside the perimeter fence? / / /
Is parking allowed near Critical Assets? / / /
Communications / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
Does the facility have a command center? If yes, please describe. / / /
Does the facility have direct communications channels with local law enforcement? If yes, please describe. If no, please describe how law enforcement is contacted in the event of an emergency. / / /
Emergency Plans
Is there a Plan for . . . / Yes / No / N/A / CommentsChemical Spills or Releases / / / / Title / Creation Date
Author / Has the plan been Tested?
Was the plan disseminated? / Test Date
Hostage Situations / / / / Title / Creation Date
Author / Has the plan been Tested?
Was the plan disseminated? / Test Date
Terrorist Incidents / / / / Title / Creation Date
Author / Has the plan been Tested?
Was the plan disseminated? / Test Date
Natural Disaster / / / / Title / Creation Date
Author / Has the plan been Tested?
Was the plan disseminated? / Test Date
Break-ins / / / / Title / Creation Date
Author / Has the plan been Tested?
Was the plan disseminated? / Test Date
Cyber Attacks / / / / Title / Creation Date
Author / Has the plan been Tested?
Was the plan disseminated? / Test Date
Fire / / / / Title / Creation Date
Author / Has the plan been Tested?
Was the plan disseminated? / Test Date
Were emergency responders provided with copies of the relevant plans? / / /
Counter Surveillance
Yes / No / N/A / CommentsAre there locations outside the facility that allow viewing of sensitive operations? / / /
Are there higher elevation areas around the facility that enhance surveillance or attack scenarios (hills, buildings, parking structures, and other facilities, etc.)? / / /
Are there commercial, public, or private buildings nearby that allow long-term undetected surveillance? / / /
Are there bus stops, taxi stands/drops, or other areas used for public transportation that can be used as staging areas with a line of sight to the facility? / / /
Are there normal activities occurring outside the facility that allow for close approach to restricted areas or the facility perimeter by unauthorized personnel? / / /
Are counter-surveillance teams utilized during elevated threat levels? / / /
Are trained counter-surveillance teams available? / / /
Is there pedestrian or auto access available for surveillance? / / /
Are there known deficiencies in the security perimeter? / / /
If adjacent facilities share security boundaries with the facility, are there measures in place to prevent, limit, or monitor access to these boundaries? / / /
Are there procedures in place to identify and verify disabled vehicles, personnel, etc. in close proximity to the security perimeter or critical facility components? / / /
Are there any measures to record vehicles or personnel who approach or cross the facility? If so, are "warning" signs placed where clearly visible? / / /
Are there opportunities for contractors, vendors, or visitors to obtain unrestricted access to the facility or restricted area? / / /
Are there procedures for reporting suspicious personnel or activities? / / /
Are there established terrorist activity indicators/criteria for what constitutes a suspicious person or activity? / / /
Are there local restaurants, pubs, etc. frequented by facility workers that would provide opportunities to gather sensitive information from casual conversations? / / /
Do local newspapers or Web sites publicly advertise facility schedules, events, or other sensitive information? / / /
Are sensitive facility plans, blueprints, operating procedures, etc. available to the public via the Internet or public record? / / /
Buffer Zone Checklist
Yes / No / N/A / CommentsDoes an exclusive buffer zone already exist outside the external perimeter of the facility or critical component? / / /
Are critical components located away from the facility's perimeter? / / /
Are there public roads that allow access to critical facility components? / / /
Are there additional avenues of approach for pedestrian or auto traffic that allow access to critical facility components? / / /
Are any waterways that flow through the facility's grounds and/or within the buffer zone patrolled? / / /
Is parking allowed within established buffer zones? / / /
Do loaded trucks or railcars ever stop or park at or near the facility or facility approaches? / / /
Can vehicle parking areas within the buffer zone be viewed from security checkpoints or other occupied dwellings? / / /
Are vehicle parking areas in the buffer zone illuminated? / / /
Does the buffer zone have sufficient lighting? / / /
Are passive vehicle barriers employed to exclude vehicles from entering buffer zone areas (e.g., Jersey barriers, buried ties, concrete planters, cables, etc.)? / / /
Are there dumpster and trash receptacles within the buffer zone? / / /
Are active vehicle barriers employed to exclude vehicles from entering buffer zone areas (e.g., bollards, extendable wheel spikes)? / / /
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