Class Syllabus
Instructor: / Mr. Marsoubian
Room: / 45
Email: /
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year at Robert Frost Middle School. I am looking forward to working with you this year. I will do my best to provide a challenging and educational climate your child deserves.
The focus of the Learning Center Elective class is to enhance each student’s knowledge and performance in area of Mathematics. Enhancing these skills will promote increases in student’s readiness to have meaningful engagement in the content area curriculum for math. The keys to showing development in this course will be consistent effort/motivation, participation, and communication. Student self-confidence will be promoted as they gain a new range of skills to access the general education curriculum. This Learning Center Elective class is not homework club or study skills class where students complete their math assignments.
Developing Mathematics Skills in the Content Areas
The major emphasis of this course is to promote a balanced mathematics program that provides students with opportunities to develop skills in mathematics computation, application, problem solving, and conceptual understanding that will help prepare them to have greater success in their mathematics courses in middle school. The course will provide sequential and structured opportunities for students who are having or may be experiencing difficulties in mathematics. Students will learn systematic strategies in computation, application, and problem solving that will enable them to solve a variety of mathematic problems in both written and numeric forms. The framework provides an opportunity for students to use skills for developing a deeper conceptual understanding of the Common Core Mathematics Standards and Mathematical Practices for middle grades. This elective course is designed to assist and support students in acquiring the prerequisite skills needed to achieve the grade level standards. Several domains of the Common Core State Standards will be addressed in this course: Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, and Expressions and Equations to name just a few.
The following text(s), materials, or resources will be used in Developing Mathematics Skills in the Content Areas:-District-adopted standards-based textbooks for mathematics and/or additional supplementary materials.
-LAUSD Middle School curriculum materials, posted to the Division of Instruction website.
-A variety of manipulatives, electronic and technology-based tools and devices, and mathematics tools to support student understanding.
LETTER GRADES:Letter grades will be determined using a standard point system. The accumulated points are converted to percentages which determine each student’s grade.
The following scale is used: 100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59% or below=F. Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Work Habits grade will be determined based on Effort, Responsibility, Attendance, and Evaluation. Exceptional demonstration in these areas=E, Satisfactory demonstration=S, Unsatisfactory demonstration=U. Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Cooperation grade will be determined based on Courtesy, Conduct, Improvement, and Class Relations. Exceptional demonstration in these areas=E, Satisfactory demonstration=S, Unsatisfactory demonstration=U. Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Students with excused absences (verifiable through attendance reporting systems) will be given the opportunity to complete the missed coursework, or tests. Due date(s) will be extended 1 day for every verified day of excused absence, unless teacher specifies otherwise.
Students are to be in their seat, ready to work (with materials out), when the bell rings.
Food, drink, candy, gum, grooming and applying make-up are not allowed in class. Students share the responsibility for maintaining a clean and safe classroom learning environment.
Furthermore, all students are expected to know and abide by the following additional classroom rules in order to provide a pleasant environment conducive to learning.
1. Students will be courteous towards all adults and all other students.
2. Students will remain in their assigned seats unless told otherwise by the teacher.
3. Students will raise their hand and wait to be called on for questions or requests.
4. Students must respect all property, regardless of whom the property belongs to.
If students do not follow any of these rules, they may receive one or more of the following consequences: verbal warning, teacher-student conference, a call or letter home to their parent(s)/guardian(s), being sent to the counselor, etc. They will also be in danger of receiving a “U” on their report card.
We have read and understand the above classroom syllabus. Any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail me at or send a written message with your child in their agenda planner. Thank you for your support.
Mr. Marsoubian
Resource Specialist Teacher
Classroom Syllabus Contract
*Please neatly print all Information. Thank you.
Student Name: ______
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name: ______
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature: ______
Contact Phone: ______
Email Address: ______