Sister Mary Imler, Chair, Presence

Archbishop Blasé Cupich May 24, 2016

Dear Sister Mary and Archbishop Cupich,

I am sorry for the length of the enclosed letter to you but, because of its importance, I wanted to be as thorough as possible in my efforts to encourage you to meet with me before this matter escalates any further. For your convenience, however, I will try to briefly summarizes 5 basic issues below.

1.“Accepting” Service

Before including you and the other Sister/Supervisors in my suit, I had tried to reach out to each of you individually for help in resolving these matters in a positive win-win way. Unfortunately, Chris Sheean quickly stepped in saying in Court that he was representing “All Presence Entities.” As such, you and the other Sisters have already “accepted service” in this case through Sheean.

2. Fundamental Conflicts of Interest

Simply put, Sheean CANNOT represent both the people who KILLED Sylvia (St. Joseph Administration and Its Lawyers = SJAIL) and those who knew absolutely NOTHING about these matters until over a year later (You, the Sister/Supervisors, Archbishop Cupich and the Church). You need Independent Counsel.

3. Lack of Basic Informed Consent

In the case of Karen Ann Quinlin, the Morris County Prosecutor warned St. Claire Hospital and the Sisters that if they did not take the case to Court and Karen died, they could all be charged with HOMICIDE. While the Sisters and the Church clearly did the Right Thing for Karen, in Sylvia’s case, the Truth was deliberately withheld by SJAIL-- Not to Protect You, but to Protect Themselves.

SJAIL then Deliberately ignored Sylvia’s Multiple Advance Directives to be Full Code and watched for seven days as she slowly Drowned to Death on her own secretions when she could have easily been Saved. As one of Sylvia’s doctors explained, “It’s like putting down a dog”— only Sylvia is NOT a dog.

If you do not have IndependentCounsel and FIXTHESEPROBLEMS, YOU and the other Sisters as well as Archbishop Cupich can be charged as Co-Conspirators as well as with NEGLIGENTSUPERVISION.

4. Seeking a Win-Win Out-Of-Court Resolution to ALL Issues

By seeking a win-win out-of-court resolution of these matters, you not only protect yourselves and the Church, you help “Make something very GOOD out of something very Bad” as Sylvia would say.

5. Reducing Gang Crime and Murders 10-40% by November, The Chicago Project and Sharing GEIP

As discussed in Sections 1-3 below, working TOGETHER, we can Reduce Gang Crime and Murders in Chicago 10-40% by November and much more in future years. I am also willing to share my Global Energy Independence Program with Archbishop Cupich and Pope Francis, providing clean, renewable energy and Saving $2-3 T/yr. If this is not a win-win for Everyone, then I don’t know what is.

In Peace and Love -- Kimball Ladien, MD KLSrMaryCup24May16

Executive Summary-- A Plea for JUSTICE and REDEMPTION

1.* Reducing Gangs and Murders 10-40% by November— Ending the Silence of the Sisters--Redemption

-- Outlines accomplishing the above goal with the Help of Sr. Mary and Archbishop Cupich = Redemption

2. Safe Haven—Breaking the Cycles of Gangs, Drugs, Abuse and Joblessness ONCE AND FOR ALL


3. The Chicago Project— PEACE on Earth by 2030 – Bipartisan Contracts for America and the World

--Summarizes the four goals of the Chicago project Chicago Project as: 1) A Gang-Free, Drug-Free, Full-Employment Economy in America by 2020 (Safe Haven); 2) Building the “Cyber-City of the Future” (IF-PREVENT and Super-EPIC); 3) Building and implementing GEIP (Clean, renewable energy SAVING $2-3 TRILLION/year); and 4) PEACE on Earth by 2030 (starting with Peace Paradigm for ISIS, Iran and N. Korea)

4. A Tale of Two Churches–The Church of Christ and Love v Church of Pharisees and Praetorian Guards

-- Both “Churches” here from the Beginning— “The Smoke of Satan” must be fought-- Cardinal Grech

5. The Wrongful Death of Safe Haven— A Cautionary Tale

“We don’t want to be known as the Black Hospital.” CEO of SMH “explaining” the Killing of Safe Haven

6. Fighting Arrogance, Stupidity and Systematic Abuse of Power (ASSs)-- The Wrongful Death of Sylvia

“I vowed on 2/4/12, the day of Sylvia’s WRONGFUL DEATH, that I will spend the rest of my life, however long or short it may be, Fighting ASSs to the absolute best of my ability— so help me God.”

7. Reaching out to Cardinal George— the Sins and Shame of the Church

--Within minutes Cardinal George did the Right Thing only to be Blocked By The Lawyers for over 4 years

8. Classic Techniques of ASSs— Delay, Obstruct and Attack the Whistleblowers—Hiding v FIXING ABUSE

“Intimidation wasn’t ‘part’ of the Church’s strategy. Intimidation WAS the Church’s strategy.” --Whistleblower and survivor’s description of multi-year long battle fighting Abuse in the Church.

9. The Kos Case—The $119.6M “Mistake”— A Cautionary Tale-- WWPFD?-- ASK HIM!!!

There is no Statute of Limitations on Manslaughter, let alone MURDERONE.”

10.* The Sisters and the Church v SJAIL — Conflict of Interest and Lack of Informed Consent--SOL

There is no Statute of Limitations on Manslaughter, let alone MURDERONE.”

11.* Serving the Sisters— One Way or the Other-- Matters of Life And Death And REDEMPTION

The time of reckoning and, hopefully, REDEMPTION is at hand.


“Do onto others as you would have done onto Yourself.” — Jesus of Nazareth, circa 30 A.D. *Please of Read these Sections First.

Sister Mary Imler, Chair, Presence

Archbishop Blasé Cupich

May 24, 2016

Dear Sister Mary and Archbishop Cupich,

1. Reducing Gangs and Murders 10-40% by November— Ending the Silence of the Sisters--Redemption

“Literally every day that we do NOT meet, at least one more person lies DEAD on the streets of Chicago. Just as with the Wrongful Death of Sylvia, if we do not meet soon to find a win-win resolution to ALL of these problems, you will have this bloodon your hands, too. It is time to Do the Right Thing and FIX THE SYSTEMwhile there is Still Time to Make A Difference. It is Time for Redemption.”

From 1/1/16 to today, there have been over 200 murders in Chicago with thousands more injured and abused. ALL of these tragedies could have been PREVENTED if only we were working TOGETHER.As described in my “Poor Man’s Wikipedia” to Bruce Rauner, written to him on Rosh Hashanah 2012 when few people even knew who he was, I described my now nearly 50 year Journey to bring PEACE to the World and help End Violence at ALL levels of Society. In this, you, Archbishop Cupich and I share a common goal. But there is a fundamental difference between Intentions and RESULTS.

Simply put, it is time for us to Work Together. By simply Living your Values and ending the Silence of the Sisters, wecanEND Gang Crime and Murders inChicago 10-40% by November. But this will NOT happen without the help of you both. It is time to Practice what you Preachforthe GOOD of ALL.

Literally every day that we do NOT meet, at least one more person lies DEAD on the streets of Chicago. Just as with the Wrongful Death of Sylvia, if we do not meet soon to find a win-win resolution to ALL of these problems, you will have this blood on your hands, too. It is time to Do the Right Thing and FIX THE SYSTEMwhile there is Still Time to Make A Difference. It is Time for Redemption.

Below I will briefly summarize my Safe Haven program and Chicago Project aimed at reducing Violence both in America and around the World with the goal of PEACE on Earth by 2030. Much as with landing a man on the moon was a noble goal for a previous generation, PEACE on Earth is not only DOABLE, it is ESSENTIAL if we are to truly Build a Better World for ALL of God’s children.

My enclosed Bipartisan Contract for Illinois outlines five specific “tools” necessary to accomplish the goals of the Chicago Project. My Global Energy Independence Program (GEIP) offers clean, renewable energy that can SAVE $2-3 T/yr which can go a very long way towards accomplishing my stated goals. I am still willing to consider gifting GEIP to Pope Francis and others if only it is used Wisely for ALL.

Finally, I outline details of the WRONGFUL DEATH of Sylvia within the context of the, perhaps, eternal battle between the Church of Christ and the Church of the Pharisees and Praetorian Guards who, sadly, have been with us from the beginning. But until we ALLFight Arrogance, Stupidity and Systematic Abuse of Power (ASSs) wherever we find them, we cannot truly overcome the problems that confront us.

By simply meeting with me, with or without Archbishop Cupich as you please, we can find truly win-win out-of-court resolutionsthat will not only SETTLE this case once and for all, but truly help to reduce Gang Crime and Murders in Chicago 10-40% by November in the process. By working TOGETHER, we can raise these outcomes to 80% and 95% in 2017 and 2018, respectively.

By making Chicago a Model for the Country and the World on how to transition from “Politics as Usual” to genuine GOOD GOVERNMENT, we will be “making something very GOOD out of something very Bad” as Sylvia would describe it. Eventually, this Journey will become a book, FightingASSs, in which we each “chose a side” and write our own chapter.Let this be a “story” truly worthy of us all.

2. Safe Haven—Breaking the Cycles of Gangs, Drugs, Abuse and Joblessness ONCE AND FOR ALL


Much as with the original CCC and WPA, two of FDR’s most popular programs, a Community Service Corps (CSC) would provide people JOBS in the public and private sectors.

If the only thing we did over the next several months was to have CSC participants working as day care assistants, teacher’s aides, hall monitors, afterschool tutors and coaches and resident patrols, we could ensure that children were in literal Safe Havens, doing their homework and staying away from gangs, drugs and other negative activities.

“Sentencing” school-aged offenders to such programs along with similar programs for all students could help us rapidly reduce Gang Crime and Murder rates at least 10-20% just on their own. These programs would also include ongoing support groups for at-risk youth and their families.

By providing CSC jobs in the public and private sectors for adults on Probation and Parole, requiring participation in NA/AA programs where appropriate and having individuals carry smart phones with them 24/7, we would know where these individuals were and that they were staying sober and involved in productive activities. Such simple interventions again could reduce Gang Crime and Murder rates another 10-20% over the next several months while SAVING LIVES and tax dollars in the process.

As noted above, the Motto of Safe Haven is that “A PENNY OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A DOLLAR OF CURE.” If we reduced gang crime, drugs, dropouts, abuse and joblessness even 10%, we will be SAVING not only LIVES, but over $500M annually. And this is just the beginning.

By reinvesting even some of this money into further expanding prevention-oriented, community-based outreach programs such as you have described, we can have a multiplier effect, getting even greater SAVINGS, both human and financial, in future years.

By all of us working TOGETHER and coordinating efforts, the goal of Safe Haven is a "Gang-Free, Drug-Free, Full-Employment Economy in America by 2020." Not only is such a goal absolutely Doable, it is long overdue. When I first introduced these proposals in 1992, we had broad Bipartisan support ranging from Gov. Jim Edgar through Senator Carol Moseley Braun. But, as you shall see below, “Politics as Usual” and even overt racism can kill even the best of programs. For us to succeed, there is still much to overcome.

3. The Chicago Project— PEACE on Earth by 2030

“Just as landing a man on the moon was a noble goal for a previous generation, PEACE on Earth by 2030 and win-win LOVE can be the counter-narrative to Hate--bringing people TOGETHER around the World.”

As I have discussed many times before and as are briefly outlined in my Bipartisan Contract for Illinois included below, the goals of my Chicago Project can be summarized as follows:

1. A Gang-Free, Drug-Free, Full-Employment Economy in America by 2020 (Safe Haven);

2. Building the “Cyber-City of the Future” (IF-PREVENT and Super-EPIC);

3. Building and implementing GEIP (Clean, renewable energy SAVING $2-3 TRILLION/year); and

4. PEACE on Earth by 2030 (starting with Peace Paradigm for ISIS, Iran and North Korea in 2017).

Much as Penicillin works in Chicago, it can be equally beneficial in Buenos Aires, Beijing or Timbuktu.

Simply put, just as with GOOD SCIENCE and GOOD PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, we can and MUST move beyond “politics as usual” to truly GOOD GOVERNMENT not just in the United States, but around the World if we are to FIX THE SYSTEM and fight Arrogance, Stupidity and Systematic Abuse of Power (ASSs) at all levels of society from crime and corruption through Terrorism and even War itself.

Just as landing a man on the moon was a noble goal for a previous generation, PEACE on Earth by 2030 and win-win LOVE can be the counter-narrative to lose-lose Hate--bringing people TOGETHER around the World for ALL of the Right Reasons for the GOOD of ALL.

As I have said many times before, I will gladly share the simple equation underlying my Global Energy Independence Program (GEIP) with Rauner, Trump, Hillary, Bernie, Obama and/or Pope Francis if they will all endorse the basic principles incorporated in my Bipartisan Contract and maintain confidentiality for the time being until agreements on implementing these programs have been reached.

As noted previously, while Parties can potentially win Landslides by adopting these principles, in the end, as with all GOOD GOVERNMENT, the Chicago Project can and MUST be a BIPARTISAN effort, not just in America but, ultimately, around the World if it is to be truly successful in accomplishing the goal of PEACE on Earth by 2030.

4. A Tale of Two Churches – The Church of Christ v The Church of Pharisees and Praetorian Guards

Before continuing the story of Safe Haven and its Wrongful Death below, it is useful to place the story within the context of the Tale of Two Churches.

When Christ first preached the Beatitudes and the Golden Rule to “Do onto others as you would have done onto you,” Israel was once again a land occupied, if not by the Egyptians or Babylonians, then this time by the Romans.

“Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and give onto God that which is God’s” was Jesus’ famous resolution concerning the distinction between Church and the State. Clearly, Jesus’ ”distinction” was not adequate to keep him from being crucified anyway as a “threat to the State.” Whether Jesus was more an immediate threat to Rome or the Pharisees of Israel may remain an open question but, either way, Jesus quite literally died for the sins of others. And so it was.

While Jesus may or may not have “died,” his Words certainly lived on as they do to this very day.

For over three centuries, Christians were literally persecuted and crucified until, finally, in 313 AD with the Edict of Milan a new era began. But while Constantine supported Donatus, with the Counsel of Nicaea, the persecution of the Gnostics resumed.

As has been true throughout history, the more that Christianity became a “State Religion,” the more its role became to glorify and maintain the State instead of worshiping God.

The Church of the Pharisees and Praetorian Guards represents those who have always sought power for power’s sake. They are the very people who KILLED Christ in the first place and would do so again without a moment’s hesitation. Christ threatened their “power” then. Christ threatens their power NOW. The more we SEEKTHELIGHT and in the Win-Win Way, the more we STRENGTHEN the ChurchofChristandLove. This is a choice we make by our ACTIONS each and every day. This is the choice that you both must make when it comes to resolving these issues or seeing them escalate.

As described below, however, the Silence of the Sisters up to now has been Damning— literally.

5. The Wrongful Death of Safe Haven— The Shameful Silence of the Sisters-- A Cautionary Tale

“We don’t want to be known as the Black Hospital.” CEO of SMH “explaining” the Killing of Safe Haven

After a small Safe Haven demonstration at Lathrop Homes in Chicago, I became Medical Director of the Department of Psychiatry at St. Mary’s Hospital in Kankakee based upon their written promise to help me implement these programs throughout Kankakee County as a first step towards expanding Safe Haven first Statewide and then, across the Country. (See Safe Haven book.)