Regional Arthritis Center Success Stories – March 10, 2011Kansas City RAC

Partner Organization and/or Individual Name / County Represented / Success Story
Arthritis Foundation / Jackson / Partnering with the RAC, began AFEP in-house last year at the KC area AF. AFEP had never been held at their offices prior to this.
Arthritis Foundation / Bates, Carroll, Cass, Clay, Henry, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, and Platte. / The AF and the KC RAC partnered during Pain Awareness Month last year to hold community forums in 9 of the 10 counties we serve. The AF provided literature and Orvie Prewitt made the presentations. New programming resulted in some communities.
Arthritis Foundation / Jackson and Platte / Partnering with the RAC, Orvie Prewitt is making site visits to AFEP locations, providing literature from AF, reviewing reporting/roster requirements, etc. New individuals have been identified to train as AFEP Leaders, rosters are starting to come in, and some are interested in WWE training/implementation.
Arthritis Foundation / Jackson / Veteran attending AFEP made great strides, along with VA’s help, to improve his quality of life so that he can remain in his home. He had planned to go to the VA Home in Warrensburg in the Fall 2011, but no longer will since he is functioning better on his own. He also promotes AFEP to all he comes in contact with and is working on promoting to the VA to do in-house for veterans and their staff. He will provide Orvie contact info. to follow-up. Staff at the VA noticed changes in him and he shared what he was doing with the AFEP.
Arthritis Foundation / Jackson and Platte / With reduction in staff at AF, personnel are not available to make presentations on arthritis. When requests come in, the AF asks Orvie to make the presentations for them and provides literature for same.
Care Connections (AAA) / Carroll, Johnson, and Lafayette. / Vickie Whitsitt partnered with Orvie Prewitt during Pain Awareness Month to make presentations at community forums to promote programs/services. Greater understanding and new classes being offered were a result.
Care Connections (AAA) / Henry / A woman came into the CDSMP very depressed. By the end of the session, she greatly improved using the tools from the class. She became so enthusiastic about CDSMP and decided to take the Leader Training and is currently taking as of 3-24-11.
Care Connections (AAA) / Lafayette / After taking the CDSMP, a woman was able to get off some of her medication.
Care Connections (AAA) / Lafayette / A woman had not been driving and her husband always drove wherever they went. After taking the CDSMP, she used the Action Plan as well as Problem Solving to be able to drive.
Care Connections (AAA) / Henry / Recently held CDSMP in Clinton, MO, which is the 1st CDSMP they’ve held in Henry County.
Clay County Health Department / Clay / Lady, in her mid 40’s, attended CDSMP who had multiple chronic conditions and after taking the class was able to get off her pain medication.
Clay County Health Department / Clay / Man with lupus wanted to attend a CDSMP, but none were scheduled. He took matters in his own hands, got promotional items from Clay County Health Department to take to his physician and hospital. He managed to get a class scheduled to attend.
Clay County Health Department / Clay / Man who attended CDSMP was so inspired/touched that he will be taking the Leader Training.
Clay County Health Department / Clay / Arranged for Orvie to speak to the Falls Coalition Group which opened up new contacts for future referrals/collaborations.
Clay County Health Department / Clay / Meeting with Tina Uridge, Maria Boudreaux, and Orvie yielded additional ideas for outreach for programs/services
UME / Jackson / Partnering with the KC RAC (Glenda and John Kinder) we were able to do thru UMKC worksite wellness programs (CDSMP) at both of their campuses (Volker and Hospital Hill).
MARC (AAA) / Cass, Jackson, and Platte / Partnering with the KC RAC, CDSMP is expanding to underserved communities.
MARC (AAA) / Jackson / First Spanish CDSMP was recently held in Jackson County. Participants in the Spanish CDSMP are asking when other sessions will be offered, want to advise others, and some want to be trained as Leaders.