Meeting Minutes – September 16, 2015
Lisa Leavitt, Commission Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at First 5 Marin at 5:40 p.m.
Commissioners Present
Sister Joan Hanna– chair(After meeting was called to order)
Lisa Leavitt MD – vice chair
David Bonfilio
Bryan Clement
Heather Ravani
Supervisor Katie Rice
Juan Rodriguez
Kristen Seatavakin
Commissioner/s Excused
Amy Eisenmann
Staff Present
Marjorie Delgadillo
Michelle Fadelli
Amy Reisch
Members of the Public
Jara Dean-Coffey, jdcPartnerships
Lisa Leavitt asked if there were changes, additions or corrections to the commission minutes for the last meeting on June 17. David Bonfilio noted that he had been absent.
Motion/Second: Ravani/Clement
The minutes of June 17, 2015 were unanimously approved, with the correction.
- Bryan Clement – reported contacting State Senator Mike McGuire’s office and speaking with his staff member, Carole Simon Mills, on behalf of First 5 Marin. He also contacted SchoolsRule and expressed our interest in connecting.
- David Bonfilio – reported attending a North Bay Leadership Council event; he shared collateral materials from the “I Read” campaign in Sonoma County.
- Lisa Leavitt and Heather Ravani – reported representing First 5 Marin at the Marin Strong Start meeting on September 2nd. (Michelle Fadelli also attended this meeting.) Lisa noted that an overview of the expenditure plan was presented; Heather added that it was a good refresher for everyone to see a layout of the plan as we prepare to move forward.
- Lisa welcomed our new commissioner, Kristen Seatavakin, from the Public Health Division of Marin County Health & Human Services.
Amy Reisch presented the executive director’s report, and noted the legislative report from the First 5 Association which included information on all the tobacco legislation from the special session (which was not approved by the time the Legislature recessed for the Fall).
- Funded Partner Report – Jara Dean-Coffey presented a draft of the “FY2014-15 Partnerships for Change: Funded Partner Reporting Summary” . Some of the notable data include:
- 3300 clients were served
- 73% were Latino
- 46% of clients served were in the Canal neighborhood of San Rafael; the remainder of services were spread throughout central, north, south and West Marin.
- 42% of clients were parents or caregivers
- 72% of “Healthy Kids” families were contacted regarding the transition to Medi-Cal (Kaiser or Marin Community Clinics).
- 100% of children receive Early Childhood Mental Health Services were successfully retained in their child care settings.
- Revised FY 15-16 Budget and Long Range Plan – Executive Director Amy Reisch presented revised documents for First 5 Marin’s budget for Fiscal Year 20015-16. She noted that, in addition to the changes in the memo sent with commission packets, there was one other change: because the $60,000 in interest from investments is no longer included in our operating budget, the $12,968 in investment fees originally included should also be removed. The total revised budgetfor 2015-16, with all of the changes, is now $1,964,626.
David Bonfilio made a motion to approve the revised budget for FY 2015-16.
Motion/Second: Bonfilio/Rodriguez
The revised budget was unanimously approved.
- Funding Proposals in Support of First 5 Marin Priorities – Executive Director Amy Reisch presented two funding proposals in support of First 5 Marin priorities for young children 0-3:
- West Marin Mobile Dental Clinic – Coastal Health Alliance has requested $50,000 from First 5 Marin to help purchase a dental van to provide mobile oral health services in West Marin, which currently has no dental office. Other funders include the Marin Community Foundation, private donors, other foundations, and Marin County Board of Supervisors.
- Support for Quality Improvement Work with Family Child Care Providers – This request is for $75,000 for quality improvement work with family child care providers—trainings, site assessments, health education and child development education etc. The funding will go to the Marin Child Care Council (MC3), which has direct contact with the family providers; MC3 is a member of the consortium carrying out quality improvement efforts for the, Marin Community Foundation grant, the State QRIS grant (from the CA Dept. of Education) and the First 5 California IMPACT grant. (Thesesthree grants are currentlybeing administered by Early Education Project at the Marin County Office of Education.) Our $75,000 contribution will be part of a 4:1 local match required by First 5 California for the IMPACT grant; other funding comes from the Marin Community Foundation, the State of California, and in-kind support from MCOE.
Amy noted that most children in Marin ages 0 to 3 receive child care in a family care situation. This funding would also leverage the more recent Foundation grant to MC3 to move children 0-3 off the waiting list for subsidized child care.
A formal contract with full scope of work and performance measures will be required. This will include a requirement that the data collected by MC3 on its trainings and assessments be entered into the same data base (which First 5 Marin funds) that is being used by all of the consortium partners.
Juan asked if MC3 could come to present to the Commission on the services theyprovide. Staff will arrange a presentation.
- David Bonfilio made a motion to approve funding of $50,000 to Coastal Health Alliance toward the purchase of a mobile dental clinic for West Marin.
Motion/Second: Bonfilio/Rice
The motion was unanimously approved.
- Heather Ravani made a motion to approve funding of $75,000 to Marin Child Care Council for quality improvement work with family child care providers.
Motion/Second: Ravani/Leavitt
The motion was unanimously approved.
- Legislative Update - Michelle Fadelli provided an update to the commission’s legislative list, reporting on the following bills which have been passed by the Legislature and sent to the Governor:
- AB 35 (Chiu and Atkins) – Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
- AB 47 (McCarty) – Preschool for All
- AB 53 (Garcia) – Rear-Facing Car Seats
- AB 74 (Calderon) – Inspection of Child Care/Adult Care Facilities
- AB 271 (Obernolte) – Electronic Child Care Payment Program
- AB 371 (Mullin) – CalWORKs Family Unity Act
- AB 376 (Lopez) – CalWORKs Eligibility for Immunizations
- AB 762 (Mullin) – Integrated Child Care Licensing
- AB 768 (Thurmond) – Tobacco-Free Baseball
- AB 833 (Bonta) - Early Childhood Education Pilot Program (Alameda County)
- AB 982 (Eggman) – Child Care Priority for Homeless Children
- AB 1207 (Lopez) – Mandated Abuse Reporter Training
- AB 1391 (Gomez) – Physical Education Requirements
- SB 4 (Lara) – Healthcare Coverage for Undocumented Children
- SB 406 (Jackson) – Family Medical Leave
- SB 548 (DeLeon) – Training for Child Care Employees
- SB 792 (Mendoza) – Immunization Requirements for Day Care Employees.
- Heather asked that the commission ought to consider an additional contribution toward outreach and education for the Marin Strong Start initiative. There was general agreement and a scope of work for such an investment, specific to the education campaign, will be presented, along with the request, at the October meeting.
- ADJOURNMENT – Commissioner Hanna adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
5:30 p.m.
First 5 Marin conference room
1050 Northgate, Suite 130, San Rafael, CA