Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT)
Application Form for Student Exchange Program
Academic Year 2018
Tick one: 1stSemester (August – December) 2ndSemester (January –May)1st and 2nd Semester
Please type or write with a good handwriting in Englishand read all remarks carefully.
Name:Mr. / Ms.
- Personal Information
Gender: Male Female
Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): Age: years
Religion: Place of birth:
Nationality: Citizenship:
Passport no. : Issued by:
Date of issue (dd/mm/yy): Date of expiration (dd/mm/yy):
Native language:
Blood Type
E-mail address:
Permanent Address:
Address: City: Country: Postal code:
Telephone: Mobile:
Mailing Address (if different from above):
Address: City: Country: Postal code:
Telephone: Mobile:
- Current Study Enrollment (Please attach a copy of your transcript or official academic record)
University/ Institute:
City: Country:
Major in:
Starting date of academic program: Expected graduation date :
Currently study in: Bachelor’s in the 1st2nd3rd4thother year
Master’s in the 1st2ndother year
Remark: Study year and level of exchange student must be clarified. Since most courses are in undergraduate programs, students in Master level may not be able to enroll in some courses.
Last GPA (cumulative):
3.Field of interest
Building Facilities EngineeringComputer Engineering
Civil EngineeringEngineering Management
CommunicationsEnvironmental Technology
Electrical Power EngineeringInformation Technology
Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Chemical EngineeringManagement Technology
4. List of course(s) you wish to take
No. / Course Code / Course title1
Remark: Making a selection abovedoes not guarantee enrollment.All students will receive list of courses and course schedule in 2 weeks before semester starts. Students have to select courses and manage course schedule again prior to arrival. Your application will be considered by the faculty members of the department concerned (highest selected major). You will be assigned the academic advisor and study program at SIIT according to your highest selected courses in the application form.
5. Do you need to transfer credits to your home university when you finish your exchange semester at SIIT?
Yes/ (Please specify number of credits)No
6. I certify that all of the given statements above are true.
Applicant’s signature: Date:
List of required documents
- Application form
- Letter of application (Motivation letter)
- Regulations for exchange students with a signature of an applicant
- Resume
- Transcript (If you are a Master student, please also submit the transcript of your Bachelor’s degree.)
- English Proficiency test score (TOEFL or IELTS, or an equivalent, or letter confirming applicant’s English proficiency)
- Recommendation letter from an academic advisor
- Two photos, taken within 6 months, 1’ x 1.5’, need to be submitted. One must be pasted on the application form. The other photo should be submitted with the original application form.
- A copy of passport
Updated March 2018