Executive Principal:

Sir J A Townsley BA (Hons) NPQH


Mrs R H Taylor BA (Hons)

5 February 2015

Dear Parents / Carers,

I am pleased to be able to inform you that on Friday 13th March 2015, we have organised tickets to take all students to the Big Bang Fair at the NEC in Birmingham (Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham, West Midlands B40 1NT). The Big Bang Fair is an exciting opportunity for students to explore STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) activities, showing them the latest in digital design, food technology, travel and transport, space exploration and more. The Fair is designed to help them understand where these subjects can take them. To find out more about the Fair please visit,

All students will need to be dressed in full uniform, including their coat, and be punctual in meeting the bus at the normal time on the morning of Friday 13th. School transport will then bring students to school as usual and we will depart for Birmingham from there. As I’m sure you appreciate, we want the students to gain as much from the experience as possible and as such we will be arriving back at school later in the afternoon. You can expect that your child arrives at their usual destination an hour later than if they had been at extra-curricular sessions (between 17:00 and 18:30) to accommodate this late finish, extra-curricular sessions will not take place on the Wednesday of that week.

You may be aware that currently schools cannot charge for curriculum-related activities such as this but will appreciate that we cannot afford to finance this visit from our funding. I therefore have to ask for a contribution of £6.50 per student. This price covers the cost of transport. Inability to make a full contribution will not bar your child from taking part in this experience; please make an application to our Supporting Achievement Fund if this is the case. Full details are published on our website at

Your son / daughter may bring a telephone and / or a camera, but do so at their own risk. There will be refreshment stalls at the NEC; therefore if they wish to make purchases, students can bring a small amount of spending money. However, please note that the stalls are generally quite expensive. Students are encouraged to bring a packed lunch for the day, those receiving free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch on the morning of departure.

If you have any questions about the visit, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone or through your son / daughter’s planner. Please return the slip below, along with £6.50 for transport and the completed medical form (E1) at your earliest convenience. This is an extremely exciting opportunity and I’m very much looking forward to working with all involved.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs J Mason

Curriculum Leader for Science


Big Bang Fair (NEC Birmingham): Friday 13th March

Name of Student: / Form:
I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the Big Bang Fair and I have included £6.50 towards transport costs. I recognise that my child will be arriving home between the hours of 17:00 and 18:30 (dependent on traffic) on the Friday evening.
Parent Signature: / Date:

c/o Fountain Street, Morley, Leeds. LS27 0PD

T: 0113 2531600 F: 0113 2531483 E: W: