SIP Report for Hertfordshire Standards and School Effectiveness
School / Date
SIP / School staff / e.g HT, Data Manager, CoG
Notional time allocation / 3 hours preparation, 3 hours in school, 1 hour write-up
Returns required this term /
  1. SIP to return this form to school for agreement then send agreed copy within 10 days of visit to Jackie Trenear (). Jackie then distributes to DSEA, school and CoG
  2. Target-setting datato be returned by the school to Anne Kilvert by 10th December
  3. Headteacher performance management paperwork : to headteacher and members of governors’ panel within 5 working days of the visit and no later than 17th December 2010. No performance management paperwork to be returned to the LA

See SIP handbook page 13for agenda and meeting arrangements
Part One - Headteacher’s performance management
Please see also the headteacher performance management paper work (appendix on disk)
SIP’s declaration
I confirm that the headteacher’s performance management has been carried out (or arrangements are in hand for this to be completed) in accordance with the LA guidance.All paperwork is,or will be, completed by the statutory deadline of the end of the term. / YES/NO
If NO please give reason and estimated date of completion
Part Two – The school’s self-evaluation of standards attained in 2010
2.1 Brief summary of discussion on SEF - sections A2.1 – A2.4
For each section please outline briefly (using bullet points) the strengths in attainment and learning/progress and any areas for development
Progress of vulnerable groups – which are the vulnerable groups in the school? What is the gap between the outcomes of vulnerable groups/students compared to other students, in particular the FSM cohort? How successful are you in narrowing the gaps?
Quality of the school’s self-evaluation of standards – does the SEF reflect pupils’ achievement?
2.2 Provisionalagreement of school self-evaluation summary grades
No / SEF
Grade / SIP’s view
A2.1 / Pupils’ attainment
A2.2 / The quality of pupils’ learning and their progress
A2.3 / The quality of learning of pupils with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, and their progress
The quality of learning and progress of the school’s other vulnerable groups
A2.4 / Pupils' achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning

Part Three – The school’s target-setting and tracking

3.1 Tracking of progress towards 2011 targets and quality of tracking
Statutory targets for KS2 – current Y6 / Target set / Latest tracking / Comment(only required if tracking is significantly different to target)
Level 4+ in both English and maths
2 levels of progress in English
2 levels of progress in maths
Statutory target for Y5-8 for 2011 / Target set / Latest tracking / Comment(only required if tracking is significantly different to target set)
% Absence
Persistent Absence
Non-statutory target for Y5-8 for 2011 / Target set / Latest tracking / Comment(only required if tracking is significantly different to target set)
% Persistent absence
Non-statutory targets for KS3 – current Y8 / Target set / Latest tracking / Comment(only required if tracking is significantly different to target)
Level 5+ in both English and maths
2 levels of progress in English
2 levels of progress in maths
KS2 & 3 – vulnerable groups
Non-statutory targets set for vulnerable groups - current Y6 and 8
  • FSM, SEND, BME CiC cohort
  • Which other groups?
/ Comment(only required if tracking is significantly different to target set)
Other non-statutory targets
Other targets set by the school, e.g Level 6+ etc / Comment(only required if tracking is significantly different to target set)

The school’s target-setting and tracking practice

  • How far did the school meet its targets in 2010, including absence targets?
  • How effective are the school’s tracking arrangements, including for vulnerable groups?
  • What interventions have been carried out as a result of the tracking?
  • What impact have they had?

3.2 Agreement of targets for 2012 and trajectory for 2013
Please complete the target-setting process.

Part four – Identify school priorities to be supported

by SIP activityin the Spring (all schools) and Summer

Term (Full programme only)

4.1 / Discuss the school’s development priorities for the year (linked to priorities for development identified in the SEF, the school’s development plan and possibly CYPP priorities) and identify priorities that could be supported by SIP activity (maximum of 3)

Part five - Agreement of focus of spring term visit

5.1 Agreed activity for Spring term visit
Foci of spring term visit /
  1. School self-evaluation summary profile

  1. Brief detail of half-day activity linked to priorities identified in part 4

Date of Spring term visit

Partsix – support

6.1 Impact of National Strategies funded programmes
Making Good Progress : What was the impact of the 2009-10 tuition on pupil progress and attitudes to learning? How have the pupils been chosen for tuition in 2010-11? Are vulnerable groups represented? Does the school have robust plans to ensure full delivery in 2010-11?
Grant 1.8 : improving delivery of core subjects : use of funding and impact (all schools £2,700)
Grant 1.8 : improving assessment for learning: use of funding and impact (all schools £1,000)
Additional support and Intervention: use of support and impact (some schools only)
MFL strategic learning network : impact (some schools only)
Gaining Ground : use of support and impact (some schools only)
6.2 Review impact of CSF support (if appropriate)

What worked well or notso well?

Support received / Impact
6.3 Brokering of support for the forthcoming term/year
What CSF support does the school need for the forthcoming term or year?
Support Required – with approximate timescales / Intended Impact
What other support is the SIP brokering for the school this term this term/year?
Support Required / Intended Impact


Autumn Term SIP Form 2010/11

All middle schools

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