SIOP Lesson Plan Components
Topic:Main idea and details / Class:
4th/5th Grade Reading / Population Description:
SEI Classroom / Time Frame:
1 class period
AZ State Content Standards:Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 1: Expository Text
PO 1: Identify the main idea and supporting details in expository text. / AZ ELL Proficiency Standards:
ELL III Intermediate: Reading
Comprehending Text
3. Identify the main ideas, key words, and important details in short expository text on a familiar topic.
ELL III Intermediate: Writing
Writing Applications
3. Write an expository paragraph or a simple report based on research, with a topic sentence.
Content Objectives:
All students will identify the main idea and details in the story A Dream Comes True / Language Objectives:
All students will write a summary paragraph. All students will read the story A Dream Comes True and identify the main idea and details.
Key Vocabulary:
imaginary, astronaut, satellite, citizen / Learning Strategies:
Guess Before You Read
Picture file
Partner read
Graphic Organizer / Materials:
SMART Board lesson “Main Idea and Details”
Guess Before You Read
Main Idea graphic organizer
A Dream Comes True by Claire Daniel / Higher Order Questions:
What is the main idea of the story?
What facts or ideas show that Franklin was determined?
Building Background: Links to Experience & Learning:- Have students complete the Guess Before You Read activity.
- Have students share and discuss their answers with a partner.
SMART Board Page 2
- Ask for volunteers to match the picture with the word.
- Discuss the words and definitions with the class.
Presentation: Lesson Delivery:
- Preview the book A Dream Comes True
- Read the story either as a class or in groups and discuss Franklin Chang-Díaz
- Have students read the story a second time in partners
- After students read they should complete the Main Idea graphic organizer with details from the story.
- As a class, review the main idea and details from the story
- Discuss how the details from the story were used to make a time line about Franklin’s life.
- Using their graphic organizer, have students write a summary paragraph of Franklin’s life.
Review and Assessment
SMART Board Page 5- Have students think about what they want to become when they are an adult.
- Have students complete a Main Idea graphic organizer for themselves including achievements they want to make.
- Using their graphic organizer, have students create a timeline for their life.