SIOAugust Update

Dear Colleagues

Here is your Augustupdate

Student Information Officer survey extended
Thank you to the 36 student information officers who have completed the survey. We have had some really positive feedback and some great suggestions for improvements. However, we need to hear from the rest of you so that we have an accurate picture of the role.

We have extended the deadline until 31st August so please take 5 minutes to complete the questions.

NMC Record keeping: Guidance for nurses and midwives(attached) This guidance on record keeping was published in July 2009, for implementation from 1 August 2009. It replaces Guidelines for records and record keeping (NMC 2002) and the NMC advice sheet on record keeping (NMC 2007). This guidance will be reviewed in 2012.

Further information to support this guidance is available on the NMC website:

New Horizons: Towards a shared vision for mental health – Consultation (attached)
New Horizons is a public consultation on a new vision for mental health and wellbeing to help develop the promotion of mental health and well-being acrossthe population, improve the quality and accessibility of services, and to enableSHAs to deliver their regional visions, in a way that reflects the changednature of the NHS. The consultation will close on 15th October 2009.

NMC Student Guide
The NMC will be publishing their new student guide in September. This will be distributed via the HEIs and will also be available on their website.

Keep an eye on the NMC website for up to date details about the upcoming Student Code of Conduct:

ANS Executive Committee Elections
Nominations for the ANS Executive Committeehave now closed so if you were planning to apply we hope you managed to get your forms in! If there was a vacancy in your region keep your eyes open for ballot papers as there may be an election and thiswill beyour chance to decide who represents you!

Have you heard about our Bus?
RCN Students are piloting a travelling road show in Wales and six of the English regions, all aboard a fully converted double decker London Bus that will have a seminar room, cyber cafe and discussion area just for you! RCN members will be able to find out even more about what the RCN can offer them as students, non-members will be able to join or just have a nosyand a chat with RCN staff. We may get in touch with you to ask for your help in liaising with your universities, please do help if you can. In the meantime you can follow the bus on: Facebook (join the Royal College of Nursing Students Group), Twitter (search for RCNStudentBus) and see photos on Flickr (search for RCN Students or RCN Student Bus)!

Congress 2010!
Planning has already begun for RCN Congress 2010 -25 - 29 April-put the date in your diary now! We'rein Bournemouth this time roundand based on your feedback we're planninga half-day educational conference to allow you more time to venture into the exhibition, watch some debatesand try out some fringe events. We already have the fantastic Billy Dixon confirmed who will teach you how to shake your thang and get every job you apply for and plans are afoot for the evening-do Beach Party 'Nursing: The Real Best Job in The World'! We hope to see you all there!!

Help us keep you up to date!
If you have any news that you feel your fellow students would benefit from please email us at and we'll put it up on our website! Why not advertise an SIO meeting to your other SIOs, any local events or opportunities or maybe just appeal for some information. Anything that you think is relevant we would love to see here:

With best wishes

Student Team