Singapore, 21 July 2005 | For Immediate Release

IDA Makes Licensing & Equipment Registration Simpler, Cheaper & Faster

Streamlined Requirements, Processes & Services Offer Convenience & Savings

1.To further In its continuing efforts to boost business conduciveness and to lower barriers to in Singapore’s infocomm market, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has today introduced a package of enhancements to its licensing and equipment registration frameworks. The move will see significantly simplify more streamlined licensing and equipment registration requirements and processes which will offer infocomm licensees more clarity, convenience and cost and time savings.

Effective today, equipment suppliers for devices such as telephones, faxes and dial-up modems will no longer need to register their equipment with IDA or affix the compliance labels on the equipment. Six licence categories which do not require the use of radio frequencies have also been converted to lifetime licences, removing the need for licence renewals. IDA has also launched an online portal which makes it more convenient for suppliers and providers to register their telecommunication equipment and apply and pay for licences.

2.3. Mr Leong Keng Thai, IDA's Director-General (Telecoms), said, “IDA’s enhancement package seeks to remove or reduce unnecessary procedures or processes in a fast-changing infocomm landscape. The cost savings achieved can then be passed on to users in the form of cheaper, better and wider range of infocomm product offerings.” “IDA constantly reviews our processes and requirements to ensure that both efficiency and efficacy are achieved. We hope our infocomm licensees will benefit from the convenience and savings provided to them and pass on these savings to their customers in the form of better and wider infocomm service offerings. These enhancements bear testimony to IDA’s commitment in boosting Singapore’s competitive edge in the infocomm sector.”

Streamlined Equipment Registration Framework

4.Equipment suppliers were previously required to get their telecommunication and radio-communication equipment approved by IDA. Approval indicates that the equipment conforms to IDA’s standards pertaining to network compatibility, users’ safety and non-interference with radio-communications. Once an the equipment is approved and registered with IDA, suppliers may affix the “Complies with IDA sStandards” label” on their equipment.

Consolidation of Simplification of Equipment Approval Schemes

To streamline its processes, IDA will no longer require simple single-line equipment such as telephones, faxes and dial-up modems to be registered with IDA before being sold for local use. This is primarily because, with the pervasiveness of such equipment in the market, the global standards for such technologies are quite established and stable. As a result of this move, such equipment need not be affixed with IDA’s compliance labels. However, as an option, suppliers who wish to continue affixing the IDA compliance labels can register their single-line equipment with IDA.

Suppliers are still required to register with IDA, more complex multi-line telecommunication devices and high-powered radio communication devices such as PABX1 and WBA2 equipment respectively. They will also need to affix IDA’s compliance labels as proof that the equipment conforms to IDA’s standards. With the streamlining of IDA’s equipment approval process, IDA will reduce its approval charges accordingly. Suppliers stand to save between S$250 to S$800 and up to 7 days in processing time per equipment model.

Suppliers of IDA-registered equipment are now given the added flexibility of affixing the labels either on the equipment itself, its packaging or in the accompanying manual. For more details of IDA’s enhanced equipment approval schemes, please refer to Annex A.

As part of its streamlining efforts, IDA will now consolidate various approval schemes under a single Equipment Registration (EQR) framework. Under the EQR, suppliers can choose to register their equipment either under the General Equipment Registration (GER)scheme or the Simplified Equipment Registration (SER) scheme. The GER will cover all multi-line telecommunication and high-powered radio-communication equipment such as PABX1 equipment, WBA2 equipment and high-powered walkie-talkies. These equipment may or may not have been certified by a recognised local or overseas body under the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) 3. The SER covers low-power radio devices such as remote controls and WLAN4 equipment and modems.

3.One other approval schemes will also be discontinued owing to global advancements in technology and standardisation. Suppliers no longer need to register devices such as telephones, fax machines and dial-up modems with IDA. With all these changes, suppliers stand to save between S$250 to S$800 per equipment. A summary of these changes are captured in Annex A of this media release.

Revised Telecommunication Equipment Labelling Scheme

Suppliers of IDA-registered telecommunications equipment such as telephones, cordless and mobile phones, faxes etc. are now given the flexibility of affixing the labels either on the equipment itself or on the accompanying manual or packaging. Since registration of analogue telephones are optional, suppliers can choose not to affix labels on the equipment. However, consumers should continue to look out for such labels if they need to be assured of the compatibility of any telecommunications equipment for local use. IDA will continue to monitor the market to ensure that only IDA-approved equipment are sold for local use.

Simplified Licensing Processes & Requirements

Lifetime Licensing for Six Licence Categories

IDA will implement lifetime licensing for six licence categories which do not require the use of radio frequencies. These categories include Services-Based Operator (Class) Licence, Dealers (Class) Licence and Telecommunication Wiring Installer Licence. Previously, these six categories needed to be renewed every three or five years at a cost of between S$30 – S$200. This change will remove the need for licence-renewal by requiring applicants to register and/or pay a fee only once for the licence. This offers licence-holders convenience and cost-savings in the long term. For a summary of changes and the full list of licence categories affected, please refer to Annex B of this media release.

IDA will implement lifetime licensing for six licence categories which do not require the use of radio frequencies. These categories include Services-Based Operator (Class) Licence and Telecommunication Wiring Installer Licence. Previously, these six categories needed to be renewed every three or five years at a cost of between S$50 – S$200. The new requirement will remove the need for licence-renewal by requiring applicants to register and/or pay a fee only once for the licence. This offers licence-holders convenience and cost-savings in the long term. For a summary of changes and the licence categories affected, please refer to Annex B of this media release.

Revised Requirement for Provision of Prepaid Telecom Services

9.IDA will also modify its licensing requirement for Service-Based Operators (SBO) who provide prepaid telecommunication services. Previously, IDA required a Service-Based Operator SBOs to submit aa S$100,000 Banker’s Guarantee to IDA if the company intends to collect financial deposits from or sell prepaid cards to customers. The Banker’s Guarantee requirement will now be replaced by a minimum paid-up capital requirement of the same amount at the point of licence application. This change reflects the maturity of Singapore’s infocomm market since it was liberalised five years ago. This amount has been deemed sufficient by IDA to ensure that only serious players enter the market, without being onerous on them.

10.To help consumers make more informed decisions, protect consumers’ interest, under the Telecommunications Competition Code, licensees are obligated to refund consumers proportionately if a service is discontinued. IDA will also be listing on its website, information such as the address, hotline enquiry number and length of operation of when the SBO prepaid service providers commenced operations on IDA’s website. Consumers can find out more about the service providers online before purchasing prepaid services. to help consumers make informed decisions before purchasing from a prepaid service provider. In addition, consumers can approach avenues like the Consumers Association of Singapore CASE or the Small Claims Tribunal if they believe that an unfair trading practice has occurred.

Launch of Online Licensing Portal

Finally, IDA is also launching its Telecom Licensing System (TLS) Portal today. The TLS is an online portal which allows suppliers and providers to register their telecommunication equipment and apply and pay for licences via the Internet conveniently. Registered users can also self-update their particulars anytime of the day using either their SingPass3 password or an IDA-issued ID4 and password. The TLS can be accessed at

For more information on IDA’s various equipment registration and licensing enhancements, please refer to the IDA website ( under the Policy & Regulation webpages.

Finally, IDA is also launching today its Telecom Licensing System (TLS). The TLS is an online portal which allows users to apply and pay for licences and equipment registration of telecommunication equipment via the Internet conveniently. Registered users can also self-update their particulars anytime of the day using either their SingPass3 password or an IDA-issued ID4 and password. The TLS can be accessed at

For more information on IDA’s various equipment registration and licensing enhancements, please refer to the IDA website ( under the Policy & Regulation webpages.



Notes to Editors:

1 PABX:: Private Automatic Branch Exchange.

2 WBA: Wireless Broadband Access HighWBA: Wireless Broadband Access devices e.g. equipment based on the WiMAX, IP Wireless, SOMA Network etc standards.

3 The MRA is a commitment by two countres to recognise each other’s equipment conformity testing processes by removing duplicative testing procedures and reducing the cost and time required to bring telecommunications equipment into both markets.

4 WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network e.g. equipment based on the IEEE 802.11 standards.

5 3 SingPass is a common password used to transact with different government online services. Users can register for one on the eCitizen website at

6 4 IDA will issue a TLS ID for users who are not eligible for SingPass such as non-Singaporeans, Permanent Residents or Employment Pass holders or Dependant Pass holders. Users can request for such User ID and password via the TLS.

About Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is committed to growing Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub. IDA uses an integrated approach to developing infocomm in Singapore. This involves nurturing a competitive telecoms market as well as a conducive business environment with programmes and schemes for both local and international companies.

For media clarifications, please contact:

Ms Noraizah Zainal Abidin

Manager, Corporate & Marketing Communication

Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

Tel: +65 6211-0273

Fax: +65 6211-2227




Existing Framework / Proposed Change
GAP / Suppliers self-declare and keep the Suppliers’ Declaration of Conformity. / Single-line analogue equipment / To be discontinued.
TAP / Suppliers submit Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity, test reports and technical documents for IDA evaluation. / Any type of equipment
Fee: $350, $700, $900 or $1200 / To be re-designated as GER with declaration evaluated by IDA.
Fees to be restructured to $350 or $500.
EQR / MER (MRA) / Equipment is certified by a body recognised by IDA and registered with IDA.
No further technical check is done by IDA. / Any type of equipment
Fee: $100 / To be maintained and renamed as GER with declaration certified by an IDA recognised body.
Fee: $100
SER / Suppliers submit Suppliers’ Declaration of Conformity and register with IDA.
Minimum technical check is done by IDA. / Low power radio devices
Fee: $100 / SER to be maintained and extended to cover ADSL and cable modems, DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication) cordless phones and GSM mobile phones.
Fee: $100
  • IDA will consolidate various approval schemes under a single Equipment Registration (EQR) framework. Under the EQR, suppliers can choose to register their equipment either under the General Equipment Registration (GER) scheme or the Simplified Equipment Registration (SER) scheme. The GER will cover all multi-line telecommunication and high-powered radio-communication equipment such as PABX equipment, Wireless Broadband Access (WBA) equipment and high-powered walkie-talkies. These equipment may or may not have been certified by a recognised local or overseas body under the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). The SER covers low-power radio devices such as remote controls and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) equipment and modems.
  • General Approval Scheme (GAP) applies to single-line analogue equipment (e.g. telephone, voice band modem and fax machine). Under this scheme, suppliers keep the suppliers’ declaration of conformity (SDoC) and sell the equipment without the need to apply to IDA for approval.
  • Type Approval Scheme (TAP) applies to any telecommunications and radio-communication equipment which has not obtained certification from a body recognised by IDA. Under TAP, suppliers submit the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity, test reports[1] and technical documentation to IDA for evaluation. TAP typically covers asynchronous digital subscriber line (ADSL) and cable modems; multi-line system with switching functions (e.g. PABX equipment); and radio-communication equipment capable of causing interference to public networks.

The Equipment Registration Framework (EQR) applies to any telecommunications and radio-communication equipment that has been certified by a recognised local or overseas body for conformity with IDA standards under the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA)[2]. Suppliers only need to register the certified equipment with IDA under the MRA Equipment Registration (MER) before sale. Presently, IDA implements a simpler registration scheme to cover low power radio devices, and allows suppliers to self-declare for conformity and register with IDA under the Simplified Equipment Registration (SER).

Existing Framework / Proposed Change
GAP / Suppliers self-declare and keep the Suppliers’ Declaration of Conformity. / Single-line analogue equipment / To be discontinued.
TAP / Suppliers submit Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity, test reports and technical documents for IDA evaluation. / Any type of equipment
Fee: $350, $700, $900 or $1200 / To be re-designated as GER with declaration evaluated by IDA.
Fees to be restructured to $350 or $500.
EQR / MER (MRA) / Equipment is certified by a body recognised by IDA and registered with IDA.
No further technical check is done by IDA. / Any type of equipment
Fee: $100 / To be maintained and renamed as GER with declaration certified by an IDA recognised body.
Fee: $100
SER / Suppliers submit Suppliers’ Declaration of Conformity and register with IDA.
Minimum technical check is done by IDA. / Low power radio devices
Fee: $100 / SER to be maintained and extended to cover ADSL and cable modems, DECT cordless phones and GSM mobile phones.
Fee: $100



Licence Category / Processes Today / Proposed Changes
Dealer (Class) Licence / -Registration
-Renew every 5 yrs
-$50 for 5 yrs / -Registration
-No Renewal
-One-time $50
Services-Based Operator (Class) Licence:
(i)Resale of Public Switched Telecom Services
(ii)Public Chain Payphone Services
(iii) Store & Retrieve Value-Added Network Services where no leased circuits are used
(iv)Store & Retrieve Value-Added Network Services where leased circuits are used
(v)Audiotex Services
(vi)Call-back and Call Re-origination Services
(vii) Internet Based Voice & Data Services
(viii) International Calling Card Services / For (i) to (iii):
Renew every 3 yrs
No fees
For (iv) to (viii):
Renew every 3 yrs
$200 for 3 yrs / For (i) to (iii):
-No Renewal
-No fees
For (iv) to (viii):
-No renewal
-One-time $200
Class Licence for Postal Services (Express Letter Services) / Registration
Renew every 3 yrs
-$200 for 3 yrs / -Registration
-No renewal
-One-time $200
Telecommunication Wiring Contractor Licence / Individual Licence
Renew every 3 yrs
-$100 for 3 yrs / -Class licence
-No renewal
-One-time $100
Telecommunication Wiring Installer Licence / Individual Licence
Renew every 3 yrs
-$30 for 3 yrs / -Individual Licence
-No renewal
-One-time $30
Telecommunication Cable Detection Worker Licence / Individual Licence
Renew every 3 yrs
-$30 for 3 yrs / -Individual Licence
-No renewal
-One-time $30


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[1] IDA also accepts test reports from labs accredited and endorsed by MRA partners or EU national bodies under the TAP scheme.

[2] The MRA is a commitment by two countries to recognise each other’s equipment conformity testing processes by removing duplicative testing procedures and reducing the cost and time required to bring telecommunications equipment into both markets.