Graduate Certificate in Innovation Studies

Corporate PartnershipSelf-Nomination Form


The U.S. Embassy in Beijing is seeking nominations of U.S. technology companies to partner with a Beijing-based university to support the establishment of a Graduate Certificate in Innovation Studies (GCIS). Administered jointly by a U.S. technology company and the university, the GCIS will be a one-year interdisciplinary curriculum of seminars, practical training, and group projects that supplement the normal curriculum of graduate students and recent graduates in the faculties of law, business, and engineering. The purpose of the certificate is to foster a deeper understanding of the building blocks for true innovation (technology, rule of law, intellectual property, and open markets) by encouraging dialogue among students from various disciplines. Filmed lectures and course materials will be available to a country-wide audience through an open courseware website developed by the technology company. The U.S. technology company will serve as a partner, along with the Beijing-based university, in establishing this program as a permanent institution and will provide support in the form of staff time, expertise, course content development, program speakers, and other resources. The U.S. Government will contribute a grant for the launching of this program in the first year and will act as a consultant to the project.

Submission Details

Submissions should be submitted by email to both and with the subject line “GCIS Corporate Partnership Nomination: [COMPANY NAME].” Your company may use the space provided on the nomination form or attach your responses as a separate document. Please note that nominations submitted after May 12, 2013 will not be considered.

Nominee Details

Company Name: / Beijing Office Point of Contact (POC):
Beijing Office Postal Address:
POC’s phone number:
POC’s email address:

Partnership Criteria

The U.S. Embassy will select one corporate partner among the nominations submitted by the May 12, 2013 deadline. The Embassy will select a corporate partner based on several criteria, including:

  • Expertise of Beijing-based staff in educational and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programming
  • Motivation to support the GCIS and establish a long-term partnership with a Beijing-based university
  • Ability to lead and contribute to the formation of course content through in-house expertise and funding
  • Enthusiasm about supporting and leading a permanent CSR project focusing on innovation in China
  1. Based on the description of the GCIS above, what role do you envision your company playing in the formation and long-term support of this project?









  1. Describe in detail the composition of your Beijing-based staff devoted to CSR activities. You are encouraged to submit resumes of CSR staff as supporting documents.









  1. Describe in detail CSR activities that your company has recently conducted or that are still on-going in China.











  1. Following the inaugural year of the GCIS, which includes U.S. Government support, how does your company envision developing the GCIS in subsequent years?








