Grade 11, Quarter 3, 3-5 Weeks
Sin & Redemption: Juxtaposition of Boy Soldiers
ModuleSequence / Skills / Resources / Assessment / Instructional
Strategies /
1. Understand the Historical Context of the Holocaust Through Research and Presentation Prior to Reading The Sunflower Excerpt
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to be able to:
gather information from multiple print and digital sources, following a standard format for citation. (11-12.W.8)
evaluate the credibility and accuracy of each source (11-12.SL.2)
present findings to enhance (11-12.SL.5) / Instructional Resources on Holocaust terminology:
https://www.hmh.org/la_holocaust_terms.shtml / Summative:
ABC book or Power Point presentation
Quiz on terminology / Identify key concepts using visual aids for each Holocaust term such as: maps, graphs, photos, video clips, & drawings in student-developed glossary.
Cooperative learning to develop collaborative skills
2. Analyze characters and historical setting through non-print mediums
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
evaluate information in order to address a question (11-12.RI.7)
analyze complex set of ideas and explain development (11-12.RI.3) / Instructional Documentaries:
“Night and Fog”
“We Must Never Forget: the story of the Holocaust”
“I Have Never Forgotten You” (Wiesenthal documentary on Netflix – First 31 minutes only. / Summative:
Exit ticket on reflection
Written Response
(see attachment) / Summarizing and note-taking
Reflecting on images and dialogue
3. Read Excerpt of The Sunflower and Analyze the Internal Conflict Wiesenthal Faced; Determine if the “right” Decision was Made Through Close Reading and Socratic Debate. / Students will be able to:
cite strong textual evidence for analysis; determine where the text leaves matters uncertain. (11-12.RL.1)
analyze complex set of ideas and explain development (11-12.RI.3)
analyze the impact of specific word choices (11-12.RL.4)
distinguish between what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant (11-12.RL.6)
actively participate in discussions, building on others’ ideas. Refer to evidence from texts and other research. Promote civil, democratic discussions. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; synthesize comments, claims, and evidence (11-12.SL.1) / Instructional:
Excerpt of Simon Wiesenthal’s The Sunflower. / Summative:
Give class hypothetical scenario, placing them in Simon’s shoes prior to reading. Take poll of response to: Would you forgive the Nazi? Ask again after the reading & record changes
Keep results on display
T-chart with concrete evidence from the text for both Pro and Con forgiveness (minimum of 6 reasons per side) / Socratic Seminar to spark critical analysis
Cause and effect links
Use of inductive and deductive reasoning
Teach close-reading strategies
Formulate arguments and counterarguments
4. Use the Back of ALWG, to Identify 5 – 8 Events Which Led to Sierra Leone’s Civil War / Students will be able to:
cite strong and thorough textual evidence, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. (11-12.RL.1)
analyze complex set of ideas and explain development (11-12.RI.3) / A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah / Formative:
Discussion/Notes / Identify key concepts through bulleted list
5. Analyze Character and Historical Setting Through Non-print Mediums; Independently Read Section One: Chapters 1-9.
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
Analyze themes and central ideas of the text; (11-12.RL.2)
Evaluate information in order to address a question (11-12.RI.7) / Instructional:
Venn Diagram Template:
http://www.timvandevall.com/templates/printable-venn-diagram-template/ / Formative: Discussion
Small groups charting Venn Diagram comparing
Simon and Ishmael
Capture the Chapter / Sustained Silent Reading
Compare and contrast situations and main characters
6. Write an Organized Argumentative Essay, Integrating Knowledge of Historical Events with Concrete Evidence and Analytical Commentary.
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
write informative/explanatory texts (11-12.W.2)
synthesize multiple sources on the subject (11-12.W.7)
develop and strengthen writing by planning, revising, editing, rewriting .(11-12.W.5)
draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis (11-12.W.9)
demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English
(11-12.L.2) / Instructional:
Graphic Organizers (see attached) / Summative:
Prompt: In the excerpt from Simon Wiesenthal’s memoir, The Sunflower, should Simon have forgiven Karl, the dying SS soldier? / Graphic Organizers to aid in creating a clear, well-organized, cohesive argument.
Develop systematic relationships among ideas; application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation
7. Small Groups Will Discuss Chapters 1-9 of ALWG / Students will be able to:
analyze the elements of a story (11-12.RL.3)
determine the meanings of words and phrases (11-12.RI.4)
initiate and participate in small and large group discussion.
(11-12.SL.1) / Instructional:
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah / Formative:
Share Capture the Chapter in small groups. Check for understanding. / Hands on, active participation
Make predictions
Share and discuss quotes, chapter titles, and illustrations.
8. Large Group Discussion of Section 2: Chapters 10-17
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
Analyze and evaluate effectiveness of structure (11-12.RI.5)
analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story (11-12.RL.3) / http://www.alongwaygone.com/media/alongwaygone_teachersguide.pdf / Formative:
Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Ishmael with Karl, the Nazi. / Compare and contrast situations and main characters.
Identify problems, conflicts and inconsistencies.
Draw on students’ expertise and prior knowledge.
9. Small Groups Will Discuss Final Section and Present Highlights to the Class
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
analyze the impact of the author’s craft. (11-12.RL.3)
analyze complex set of ideas (11-12.RI.3) / http://www.alongwaygone.com/media/alongwaygone_teachersguide.pdf / Formative:
Small and large group discussion / Evaluate positions, arguments, or designs; defend own position; identify problems, conflicts and inconsistencies; draw on students’ expertise and prior knowledge
10. Compare and Contrast Slave Song with Holocaust Ekphrastic Poem.
This module includes attachments. / Students will:
analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem, evaluating how each version interprets the source text (11-12.RL.7) / Instructional:
Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song”
Peter Fischl’s poem, “To the Little Polish Boy”
Time Magazine Photo: http://isurvived.org/SmallBoyCaptured.html / Summative:
Options: choose an image of boy soldiers from any country. Write an ekphrastic poem to anyone in the photo or from the voice of anyone in the photo
Write a verse or several verses of Marley song in center of chart paper and create a collage, surrounding text with symbolic images from magazine articles or drawings. / Discussion
Symbolic representation
Empathy through poetry
Culminating project to extend personal insight
ELA, Office of Curriculum Development ©2016
*These lesson modules are not an exhaustive list of resources and may be used by teachers in whatever way they choose to meet the needs of their students and meet the target standards per quarter.
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