Ulcombe Weekly news

19/06/17 – 23/06/17


19/06/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
12:40 – 15:00 / Gardening Club (Y5 & 6 boys only)
Swimming – Little Owls please remember swimming kit and money
Tues 20/06/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
15:15 – 16:15 / Cross Stitch Club (Y3 – Y6)
Cross Stitch Club (Y3 – Y6)
Wed 21/06/17 / 12:15 – 12:40 / Residential Trip
Karaoke Club (YR – Y2)
22/06/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
12:15 – 12:40 / Residential Trip
Cross Stitch Club (Y3 – Y6)
Board Games Club (Y3 – Y6)
23/06/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
14:50 – 15:10 / Residential Trip
Gardening Club (Y5 & 6 boys only)
Celebration Assembly

Parent Consultation Evening

This year there will be only one Parent Consultation Evening, on Tuesday 11 July from 3:30pm to 5:30 pm. The sign-up sheets will be in the entrance hall from Monday 3 July. As Miss Nel is moving over to Leeds & Broomfield School from 3 July, she will be holding her sessions on Wednesday 28 June. If that is not suitable, please contact her after school and she will try to arrange another time to chat.


There will be no Gardening Club after school on Wednesday and no Ball Sports Club on Thursday this week.

Hot weather!

Now the warmer weather is here, please make sure your child has a hat and a water bottle in school every day and has sun cream applied before they come in; also give any hayfever medication. We are not permitted to apply sun cream and can only give medication if the appropriate form is signed beforehand.

PE Kit

Please also make sure their PE kit is in school EVERY day as they will be starting to practise for Sports Day whenever there is spare time.

Ice Lollies!

Thanks to the sale of ice lollies we have raised enough money to buy our new outdoor display board. We will be continuing to sell ice lollies for 50p on Fridays; our new fundraising target is to raise money for new outdoor play equipment.

Messy Church

This has had to be cancelled due to clashes with other local event =s and will recommence in the Autumn Term with a full programme of events for the whole family.

Great Big Get Together

We have been advised that this will take place on Saturday 17 June at The Harrow between 2pm and 4pm. There will be tea, coffee, cake and sandwiches etc provided at no cost and the bar will be open to those who wish to use it.

Online School Uniform Ordering

Go online to http://www.mapac.com/education/parents/uniform/ulcombeprimaryschoolme171du. Follow the instructions and your uniform will be delivered direct to your address. If you order over £40.00 before the end of July, we have an ‘Early Bird’ voucher code EB17 which you can enter at checkout to get a £5.00 discount.


As you are aware, good attendance is crucial to your child making progress in school. There have been several court cases in the press recently relating to attendance and, in particular, the issuing of penalty notices. KCC have revised their policy following these cases.

Our policy remains the same in that every session of absence needs to be accounted for. You must contact school. School will decide whether the absence is authorised. We expect pupils to attend school every day when the school is open and where there are 10 or more sessions or 5 or more days unauthorised absences in a 50 day period a penalty notice will be requested.

Please come in and chat to Mrs Hargrave or Toni, our FLO, if you need support in ensuring your child attends every day.

FUS News
Our fundraising enables us to provide new equipment for the school, such as the adventure trail, benefiting all the children.
Summer Fayre – Friday 7 July
The Summer Fayre will be held immediately after Sports Day. There will be a BBQ and many stalls so please come along and help FUS support the school. More details to follow.
If you have any donations for raffle prizes, please bring them to the School Office or give them to a member of FUS on the playground before or after school.

Celebration Certificates

Star of the Week / Writer of the Week / Mathematician of the Week
Reggie Russell
Margaret Murphy / Scarlett Stevens
Margret Murphy / Lily Lee
Oliver Matthews

As Little Owls and Owlets classes have been out for their trip to the Rare Breeds Centre, any certificates due to their children will be presented in next weeks’ Celebration Assembly.

Christian Value Cross

Our Christian Values are forgiveness, thankfulness, trust, friendship, endurance and compassion. Each week children have the chance to earn the ‘Christian Value Cross’ for their class. This week it has been awarded to: Frances Calladine, Oliver Matthews, Laura Doran

Our Reading Tree

Leaves for 10 reads: Isobel Duncan-Webster, Analise Reader, Tom Stevens

Barn Owl for 150 reads: Bailey Simmons

Red Squirrel for 250 reads: Ameera Kaiyum

Times Table Stars

Bronze + star awarded to: Edward Brazil


Emerald 73, Sapphire 52, Topaz 75

Attendance Ted and Punctuality Pup

Last week before half-term our Attendance Ted winners were Barn Owls with 93.7% attendance. Owlets came second with 86.4%. Little Owls had 74.1% attendance and Tawny Owls had 64.5%. Whole school attendance was only 79.0%, which is still way below the national requirement of 97%. Punctuality Pup was awarded to Tawny Owls and Little Owls with 100% punctuality.

Dates for your diary

21 – 23 June / Residential Trip
Tuesday 27 June / 2:00pm / New Entrants transition session
Friday 30 June / All day / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Tuesday 4 July / 1:00pm / New Entrants transition session & parents’ meeting
Friday 7 July / 2:00pm / Sports Day
Friday 7 July / 3:15pm / FUS Summer Fayre
Tuesday 11 July / 3:30pm / Parent Consultation Evening
Thursday 13 July / 1:30pm / New Entrants transition session
Thursday 20 July / 1:30pm / School Prom
Friday 21 July / 3:15pm / End of Term 6
Monday 4 September / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Tuesday 5 September / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Wednesday 6 September / 8:55am / Start of Term 1
Friday 20 October / 3:15pm / End of Term 1
Monday 30 October / 8:55am / Start of Term 2
Tuesday 19 December / 3:15pm / End of Term 2
Wednesday 20 December / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Thursday 4 January / 8:55am / Start of Term 3
Friday 9 February / 3:15pm / End of Term 3
Monday 19 February / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Tuesday 20 February / 8:55am / Start of Term 4
Thursday 29 March / 3:15pm / End of Term 4
Monday 16 April / 8:55am / Start of Term 5
Friday 25 May / 3:15pm / End of Term 5
Monday 4 June / 8:55am / Start of Term 6
Friday 29 June / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Tuesday 24 July / 3:15pm / End of Term 6