Key Stage 2, 3 and 4

Planning a trip to a theme park


The activities here are designed to help pupils consider the costs of a fun day out with family or friends and to

devise a plan so as to stick within a reasonable budget.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this lesson pupils will have the ability to:

• identify the full range of costs associated with a day trip to a theme park

• consider best value for money

• prioritise spending choices

• devise a savings plan to afford an outing

Materials needed

• Mind map, such as sample attached.

• Set of spending cards with prices.

• Budget planner.

Extra advice

Website research will make the activities more interesting and relevant. However, sufficient materials are supplied

for self-contained exercise.


1 Start with the mind map activity to explore the full range of costs associated with a day trip to a theme park.

2 Use cards to plan a Day Trip for a Family or Group of 4 people. Provide ‘Economy Package’,

‘Budget Package - £120 for whole day’ and ‘Luxury Package’.

•‘Economy Package’ includes the bare necessities for a fun day out and might include ideas such as packed

lunch from home.

• ‘Budget Packet’ means that all costs must not exceed a specific limit, e.g., £120.

• ‘Luxury Package’ packs maximum fun for the day (without costing an exorbitant amount!)

3 Pupils to consider a savings plan so that they can afford a trip to a theme park during the summer holidays:

Suppose you get £3 (or £5) per week in pocket money. As a result, your parents want you to pay your own way

for the day to the theme park. Use budgeting planning sheet to make a savings plan in preparation for the day

out. Suppose you have siz weeks to prepare.


Consider the pros and cons of a one-time ‘Luxury Package’ VS. an ‘Economy Package’.


If access to Internet is possible, pupils could visit the website of a local or favourite theme park and use up-to-date

price information to plan an actual day out with friends during the summer holidays (e.g., trip to AltonTowers:

or to DraytonManorPark: )

The budgeting activities here might be combined with an enterprise activity where pupils work on designing a new

theme park ride.

There is also scope for a link to a maths activity on probability of winning any money on game machines in

the arcade.

Resource sheet 1:

Key Stage 2, 3 and 4

Key Stage 2, 3 and 4

Resource sheet 2: Mind Map – Possible Answers

4 5 6

Key Stage 2, 3 and 4

Resource sheet 3: Trip Budget Planner

Departure Date:

Cost of Trip:

Try drawing up a budget plan to show how you manage your finances to afford your trip.

Week/Month 1 2 3





Total I can spend

Spending each week









Total spending

Money left to save

towards the trip

Key Stage 2, 3 and 4

Resource sheet 4: Page 1

Key Stage 2, 3 and 4

Resource sheet 4: Page 2

Key Stage 2, 3 and 4

Resource sheet 4: