Simplified Minutes of the Project Appraisal Committee Meeting

Date: 25 October 2014

Start time: 0900

Finish time: 1130

Location: FFA Conference Centre, Honiara

Name of Chairperson: Eugene Pangelinan

Title: Deputy Director

Institution:FSM National Oceanic Resource Management Authority


Name of Vice Chair:Wez Norris

Title:Deputy Director-General

Institution:Forum Fisheries Agency


Did all PAC participants receive the prodoc for appraisal prior to the meeting and in a timely manner? / Yes, prodoc was e-mailed to all 14 beneficiary countries on 22 October. Earlier drafts of the prodoc were also distributed for various FFC meetings.
Countries / Cook Islands, Fiji, Federated State of Micronesia, Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu participated.
Tokelau and New Zealand participated as observers.
Apologies were received from Nauru.
Project Title / Implementation of Global and Regional Oceanic Fisheries Conventions andRelated Instruments in the Pacific Small Island Developing States
Submitted to GEF: / Approved By GEF:
Remarks on approval process / Complicated by multiple IAs.
Name and contact of Environment Focal Point at UNDP Office / UNDP to complete?
UNDAF Outcomes / UNDP to complete these?
UNDP Strategic Plan Environment and sustainable development Primary Outcome
UNDP Strategic Plan Secondary Outcome
Expected CP Outcomes
Expected CPAP Outcomes
Program Period / 2015 – 2018
Atlas Award ID / UNDP?
Project ID / UNDP?
Project Start Date / January 2015
Project expected end date / December 2018
Proposed Management Arranagements / UNDP?
Total Resources Required (total funds) / $10,000,000
Total allocated resources (UNDP managed funds)
GEF / $5,000,000
Other (partner managed resources)
GEF-FAO / $5,000,000
Executing Entity/Implementing Partner / Forum Fisheries Agency
Implementing Entity/Responsible Partners / Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Parties to the Nauru Agreement Office
World Wide Fund for Nature
Pacific Islands Tuna Industry Association
Decisions of the PAC / YES / General endorsement of the project strategy:
  • Objectives, outputs, activities
  • Logframe indicators
  • Management Arrangements

YES / Specific endorsement of project budget
YES / Specific endorsement of project staff complement
YES / Endorsement of TOR for projects staff
YES / Endorsement of the proposed strategy for stakeholder engagement
Remarks / PAC noted the complexity of governance, reporting and monitoring that will flow from multiple GEF Implementing Agencies.
Will the project engage with other entities? / YES
Entity / Reason
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (IGO) / Direct implementation of project activities (especially those related to climate change and science)
Parties to the Nauru Agreement Office (IGO) / Direct implementation of project activities (sub-regional EAFM)
World Wide Fund for Nature (NGO) / Stakeholder engagement activities (CSOs)
Pacific Islands Tuna Industry Association (NGO) / Stakeholder engagement (private sector)
Melanesian Spearhead Group and Te Vaka Moana (IGOs) / No specific arrangements with these organisations, but specific opportunities in the prodoc for the members they specifically represent.
Is the pre-selection of these partners in line with UNDP procedures and has this been fully endorsed by the PAC? / YES: SPC, WWF and PITIA were partners in the predecessor project. PNAO directly represents the sub-regional interests of more than half the beneficiary countries to the project. Development of roles for each has been undertaken with UNDP and FAO as the implementing agencies and has been approved by beneficiary countries throughout the process. Integrated delivery through these agencies will contribute strongly to the delivery of project outcomes.

General and Specific Recommendations of the PAC

  • There was general agreement amongst beneficiary countries that the PAC process was not required given the level of exposure already provided to them through multiple FFC meetings, a formal workshop in 2013 and the in country process for developing co-financing and formal letters of endorsement.
  • Participants were more interested in exploring the actual use of funds for specific activities within the prodoc budget. While it was clearly noted that considering and approving a budget for the first year of the project is the role of the first Regional Steering Committee, the PAC briefly examined a preliminary draft work plan and budget to give itself an appreciation of the specific activities and services that could be delivered through the project.
  • Specific questions were raised about the allowable use of funding, such as whether it can be used for capital purchases or infrastructure in country and whether it can provide seed funding for staff engagement at the national level. FFA provided brief responses to these questions, but again, this will be for further exploration by the RSC.
  • The PAC also discussed the relationship between this project and other funding administered by FFA. It was noted that in general, this is not funding for “development support” but more oriented towards the science, policy, legislative and compliance frameworks that beneficiary countries will require in order to implement measures to meet their obligations under international commitments, particularly WCPFC.
  • The PAC noted that, as per previous projects, some modifications to the prodoc would be required, particularly in terms of the budget allocation between outputs, but no specific immediate changes were identified.

Specific Recommendations:

  • Beneficiary countries reiterated their support for the project.
  • Beneficiary countries noted the ongoing delays in commencement of the project and direct FFA, UNDP and FAO to work together to reach final agreement.
  • Beneficiary countries recommended that the first RSC be held in December 2014 in Apia, Samoa, preferably to coincide with the interviews for the WCPFC Executive Director to capitalise on available staff members.

Participants to the PAC
Name / Institution / Title / e-mail
Andrew Jones / Cook Island Ministry of Marine Resources / Director /
Eugene Pangelinan / FSM National Oceanic Resources Management Authority / Deputy Director
Bradley Phillip Jr / Chief, Research Division /
Anare Raiwalui / Fiji Fisheries Department /
Jone Amoe /
Mbwenea Teioki / Kiribati Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources /
Thomas Ruaia /
Berry Muller / Marshal Islands Marine Resources Authority / Chief, Oceanic /
Kaloaine Vaipuna / NZ Ministry for Primary Industries / Policy Analyst /
James Tafatu / Niue Fisheries / Director /
Kathy Sissor / Palau Fisheries / Deputy Director /
Brian Kumasi / PNG National Fisheries Authority / Fisheries Management Officer /
Leban Gisawa / Executive Manager /
Ueta Fa’asili Jr / Samoa Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries / Director, Offshore
Sylvester Diake / Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources / Under Secretary /
Feleti Tulafono / Tokelau Fisheries / Manager
Stan Crothers / Advisor /
Nunia Mone / Tonga Fisheries / CEO
Samasoni Finikaso / Tuvalu Fisheries Department / Director /
Garry Preston / Advisor /
Jason Raubani / Vanuatu Fisheries / Deputy-Director /
Graham Pilling / SPC / FFA/PNA Liaison /
Tima Tupou / PITIA / Secretary /
Sangaa Clark / PNAO / Policy Advisor /
Les Clark / FFA / GEF Design Consultant /
Tim Adams / Director, Fisheries Management /
Wez Norris / Deputy Director-General /