Massalha AP World History One-Pager
A one-pager is a handwritten, double-page response (back and front of a standard piece of paper) on your reading of a specific text/chapter. It is a means of making your own patterns and creating your own unique understanding of history and the textbook. It is a way to be creative and experimental. You should respond imaginatively and honestly. It is meant to be brief while recalling a larger volume of information. You should focus on the content and ideas that best sum up the main ideas and most important concepts of the content.
A one-pager is a valuable way to own what you are reading and learning. It is also a means of study and preparation for exams and quizzes. These assignments will be worth 30 points each and will make up 25% of your overall grade.
- Create the one-pager after reading the chapter in such a way that the audience will understand the content of your thinking and what you have learned from the reading. (I suggest that you take some notes on content you might want to put in the one-pager as you read. You will then choose at the end of the reading what to place in the one-pager and what to leave out.)
- Use colored pens, pencils, crayons, or markers. The more visually appealing, the more you will remember and your peers can learn from your patterns when sharing. (Be careful not to use too much color – your writing must still be legible and easy to read.)
- The one-pager must be handwritten, legible, and reflect considerable effort, so take your time and don’t wait until the last minute to begin the assignment.
- Be sure to box or outline each section of the one-pager described below.
Required Components (7):
- Summary of the main ideas of the chapter. History is really the development and change of ideas over time. Identifying the main ideas of each era helps us understand the decisions of people and nations who came before us. You should be clear and concise in your discussion. Include examples and relevant personalities.
- Apply two visual images from your text, computer, or that have been well drawn to act as a central focus for you page – label and describe. NO PORTRAITS are allowed.
- Identify and state the historical significance of four individuals or institutions/organizationsdiscussed in the chapter.
- Choose one colored section (Thinking Historically, Document, or Visualizing the Past) out of the chapter and provide a brief summary. Make sure to title the section accordingly.
- List the Social, Political, Interactions of humans and the environment, Cultural, and Economic (SPICE) topics/concepts present during the era/time period of the chapter. *Afterwards, circle at least three items/ideas from three different categories and explain how they are interrelated.
- Identify a chronological trend of causation. You MUST list 4-7 interrelated, dated events presented in chronological order (for example in a time-line or list). At the conclusion, briefly explain how each event led to the next (causation).
- Finally, write a brief “Historian’s Reflection”. Before the assignment is due, you will be give an AP style essay prompt and will, in AP format, write a reflective opening paragraph to an essay including an argumentative thesis statement.
One-Pager Scoring Rubric
30-27 pts - A / 26-24 pts - B / 23-21 pts - C / 20-0 pts - FailingOne-pager is written in clear and neat handwriting.
It reflects considerable effort.
It is reflective and demonstrates substantial historical understanding.
Contains all aspects of all required components.
Is visually pleasing and neat. / One-pager is written in clear and easily read handwriting.
It reflects good effort.
It is mostly reflective and demonstrates basic historical understanding.
Contains most aspects of all required components.
Is somewhat visually pleasing and neat. / One-pager is written in mostly legible handwriting.
It reflects some effort.
It is partially reflective and demonstrates some accurate historical understanding.
Contains most of the required components.
Is somewhat neat. / Falls beneath a C standard.
Points will be based on number of missing components, legibility, effort, and demonstration of historical understanding.
Recommend redo.