Volunteer Role Title:Financial Counsellorsupport role

Volunteer Name:<insert volunteer name>

Reporting to:<insert supervisor’s title>

Site/Department:insert site name and location.

Division:insert Division.

The Salvation Army Australia Mission and Values Statement

The Salvation Army is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus. We share the love of Jesus by:

Mission / Values
  • Caring for People
  • Creating faith pathways
  • Building healthy communities
  • Working for Justice
  • Integrity
  • Compassion
  • Respect
  • Diversity
  • Collaboration

All volunteers in The Salvation Army are expected to act in accordance with the Australian Territory’s mission and values and comply with The Salvation Army’s Code of Conduct, policies and procedures. These will be provided to you on commencement of your role.

Purpose of the Role

A core value of the Salvation Army is to support the basic needs of individuals and communities. The Financial Counsellor Support Role provides support for clients in resolving financial crisis issues.

Mandatory considerations for provision of Financial Counselling services

Provision of Financial Counselling services are regulated by the Australia Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). The Salvation Army is able to provide these Services under an ASIC Licensing Exemptionclause which specifies that any Financial Counselling Services delivered by The Salvation Army must be provided “free” by people who have the required level of qualification (Diploma in Community Support Services (Financial Counselling). In addition, they must be members of the State Financial Counselling Association (including adherence to professional supervision requirements and mandatory Professional Development activity).

It is highlighted that under ASIC regulations, qualified Financial Counsellors are the only people who can provide “credit” related financial information/supports to clients of The Salvation Army.

Financial counselling services include initial financial assessment, information provision related to credit and debt issues impacting on the client, advocacy, and options to address identified issues.

Financial counsellors are also able to provide advice and/or referrals for a wide range of topics, such as industry hardship policies, government concession frameworks, risk of legal action, loss of essential services, and housing repossession/eviction.

These services are provided under direction from the supervisor. This role also undertakes administrative activities related to counselling activities including updating client records on SAMIS.

Safety and well-being of self and others is vital and there is a requirement to identify and report hazards and incidents.

Personal Qualities/AttributesRequired for Role

  • Is reliable, trustworthy, credible and truthful and displays integrity in all dealings
  • Remains calm and focused on the task at hand when faced with crises and difficult situations and maintains appropriate self-care
  • Respects differences and is non-judgemental of clients, staff or other volunteers
  • Actively supports agreed policies and decisions and encourages and cooperates with others to achieve common TSA goals
  • Shows empathy for all clients and ensures that the needs of the client remains the key focus in the counselling work

Generic Role Competencies

  • Listens attentively, is courteous and adapts style to staff and clients
  • Undertakes financial counselling activities in a safe manner and ensures the safety and well-being of self and clients and adheres to the Work Health and Safety policies and procedures
  • Maintains confidentiality of information at all times and provides service appropriate to the needs of the client
  • Engages with and raises the team spirit and actively participates and contributes ideas to enable the success of the team
  • Is open to feedback on personal effectiveness and works to address personal skill and knowledge gaps
  • Respects differences in culture, styles and views of others and minimises and resolves tensions during the provision of counselling services

Note: The volunteer must have the required qualifications and experience to offer support and information related to “credit based” issues experienced by clients being supported (see Mandatory considerations section above and Qualifications section below).

Role Required Tasks

Key tasks of the Role / Key Activities / Expected Outputs and measures
Undertake administrative functions /
  • Undertake general office duties including case notes, data entry (SAMIS), filing, photocopying of documents
  • Prompt and timely retrieval of documents as required
  • Office is well presentable and documents are filed
  • Confidentiality of information is maintained

Provide one on one financial counselling support /
  • Provide one-on-one financial counselling to clients.
  • Provide support in resolving identified financial crisis issues.
  • Review and provide information and support to assist client resolvecrisis financial issues.
  • Ensure clients are aware of all available financial assistance options including potential available concessions that may be applicable to their personal situation.
  • Referral to appropriate support services as required (e.g. Community Legal Services,Bank Hardship Services, escalation of issues to the Ombudsmanetc.)
  • Provide advocacy and support for clients in relation to contact with Utilities Hardship Program including setting up payment plans.
  • Ensure that information provided to clients is up-to-date and reflects current Financial Counselling legislation requirements and that currency of information is assured through attendance at mandatory PD sessions.
  • Appropriate and timely provision of financial counselling services
  • Confidentiality of interactions during counselling maintained
  • Professional provision of services
  • Client evaluations of services provided indicate Clients feels better informed about financial assistance and concessions available.
  • Appropriate Referral actions recorded in Case Notes.
  • Strong advocacy support offered to clients in relation to Utilities Accounts – seeking solutions based sustainable outcomes
  • Evidence that Financial Counsellor has met ASIC/State Association PD requirements.

Provide quality customer service /
  • Answer phone calls politely
  • Refer people to appropriate complementary Salvation Army services. Follow up with Manager if unsure
  • Exhibiting professional image of the working environment
  • Accurate information provided to clients

Maintain a safe and healthy environment /
  • Monitor and rectify any health and safety concerns within the work environment
  • Escalate issues that cannot be attended to the Manager.
  • Report any potential health and safety concerns to Manager
  • Complete hazard/ incident and accident form

Qualifications and experience requirements for the Role

  • For financial counselling services without supervision:
  • Must have a Diploma in Financial Counselling as a minimum
  • Must have counselling experience in a community welfare environment
  • Must undertake 10 points Professional Development per year
  • Must have 10hrs supervision (Full time) or 6 hours supervision (Part time) per year
  • Must be compliant with the ASIC Licensing Exemption requirements and State Based Financial Counselling Association (i.e. in Victoria the Financial and Consumer Rights Council – FCRC) requirements
  • Experience in administration, use of Microsoft Word and Excel and customer service desirable

Mandatory requirements of the Role

  • Fully complete The Salvation Army's volunteer registration process
  • Criminal History (Police Check) Check required*
  • Working with Children Check required῀
  • Complete TSA induction modules and any other training as required

Print Name: / Date:
Volunteer’s Signature:
Print Name: / Date:
Supervisor/ Manager’s Signature:


The Salvation Army Australia Territory –July 2017 V4