Chairman: Dan Attry MRPharmS, Clin. Dip., MIoD Secretary: Wyn Wattley
4, Cherry Orchard Crescent
West Midlands, B63 3RU.
Tel & Fax: 0121-602-3944
E-mail: .
20 January 2013
Minutes of the LPC Committee Meeting on 10th December 2012.
Present :- Dan Attry, Diane Walker; Matthew Cox; Sarah Baig; Alison Castle; Amjid Iqbal;; Vijay Lad; Mohammed Mahroof; Julie Sheldon and Stephen Noble.
In attendance:- Wyn Wattley, Judith Hesslewood, Michelle Dyoss. Guests – John Patterson and Verity Ball (McNeill Products Ltd,)
1. Welcome – Dan Attry welcomed the members and our guests before opening the meeting.
2. Apologies –Were received from Dinesh Patel and Subir Misra (new CCA Lloyds).
3. Declarations of interest – There were declarations of interest for this meeting by DA, MC, AC & SN in the pharmacy applications.
4. McNeill Presentation – John Paterson and Verity Ball outlined for members the available options from their company that might help support smoking cessation services in our area and were available to contractors. They also indicated the work they do with fourth year university students via the training club, an online resource, which is also available to contractors. They can also supply samples, support materials, iPhone app and provide speakers for meetings.
5. CPDO Report – MD gave the report with the following highlights
a. Alcohol – MD outlined that this together with the other two services now had up to date lists that would not alter until post April 2013. In order to produce better numbers the decision had been taken to pay £1 per transaction for all the interventions scoring <8 until March 2013. This was to ensure we capture all the data available on this service.
b. HLP- MD told the members she has submitted Dudley HLP report to the pathfinder team but was still waiting for the national report to be published. In the meantime she was working on an executive summary that she could send to the contractors, Val Little and others. Arcade Pharmacy had launched successfully on 2nd Dec and she was now looking to identify two champions HLCs who could filter new ideas for support and make the training more targeted. This was unpaid and would require 2 hrs per week time commitment. She also made the committee aware she was leading on HLC in the council who had decide they needed some expertise for frontline staff. About 200 had been identified to undertake “every contact counts” training with a further 60 doing the HLC training. These people would only ever be signposting to service providers. MD had also produced an additional map showing HLPs in relation to Dudley which had evidenced some gaps which we could focus on to resolve over the coming months to improve distribution.
c. Chlamydia Screening – MD reported good figures for October from the small numbers of tests with pharmacy having the highest positivity rates (7-13%). AC reported her first contact with Brook had been excellent with materials arriving promptly and offers of support. Training is organised for after Xmas. WW suggested that if MD could get Nov figures we could put this in the newsletter and promote the training too to boost numbers.
d. Think Pharmacy- the new set of roadshows had gone very well with 60+ kits being issued and MD was sure they would get some positives based on what she heard.
6. PCT issues –
a. Managed Repeats- JH gave members an update on the managed repeat documents that had been amended following meetings with various contributors. These would be taken to PSC after Christmas for final sign off once the CQC rules for GP practices had been checked. WW raised a query about whether the EPS R2 and batch prescribing had been brought to GPs attention as this could minimised the issues in this area going forward. JH told members that Worcester St had a project running with their PBPs to see if stratification of their repeat business could facilitate a reduction in workload and better outcomes. The results could be interesting. Judith thought we would be unlikely to get an early adopter of EPS2.
b. MDS – JH had updated the documents relating to this to reflect the recent changes to the Equality Act i.e. no longer required to complete a full assessment. Contractors only have to make a judgement to adjust for a patient’s need.
c. Other issues- JH raised a query about Methadone payments on scripts issued by Rose Cottage (Bushy Fields) as a contractor had asked the question and no one knew the answer. AC & VL both said that this would be as for any script from Atlantic Hse. under the SLA and that all the documentation would be provided in there including where to send the invoice claim. Members were made aware that CRI were starting to prepare for re-tendering as a provider and it suddenly came to light that the agreed SLA documents from our March discussions with CG had not been issued.**ACTION – WW to contact CG and raise the issue as a point of urgency. VL asked if members could forward these issues to him so he can raise them at the SMSG meetings. JH mentioned that she had circulated the tMUR materials for Diabetes to members and she was taking this to the Diabetes LIT and would highlight that CPs could have been engaged to issue and support ‘Insulin Passports’. SB suggested she could link this with the audit she is undertaking currently.
d. CDs – JH and PMcG will be available to visit contractors between Jan and March to undertake any destructions of OoD stock that are necessary before the AO responsibility transfers to Steve Cartwright as Medical Director @ the LAT in April 2013.
7. Committee reports
a. Enhanced Services –The last meeting had been August and the next meeting is in the diary for 17th January 2013.
b. Primary Care Development – The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13th Dec.
c. AMMC- The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 11th Dec
d. SMSG –VL confirmed that the next meeting would be 9th Jan 2013. Please e-mail any issues to Vijay before then.
8. Buddying – WW asked for an update. Members confirmed they had made some contact and a number indicated difficulties making contact. DA confirmed that this was expected and they should persevere to make contact. WW asked members to send him the details of the contacts they had managed to update if they had not already done so and also to push contractors to upgrade to EPS 2 as soon as possible before Feb 2013. Recent viewing of the CfH website showed a significant number were not even EPS1 compliant yet. The issues raised were mainly around the MDS pilot and the current restrictive involvement and a lack of transparency.
9. AOB – DS pilot – Members expressed issues surrounding the recently supplied report on this pilot and the lack of detail and data contained in the report. An e-mail from Michelle Haddock had indicated that the scheme has been extended to all wards for Dec – March 2013. DA also raised the point that the tendering process was about to launch and the service could slip under the radar if we are not careful. It was suggested that MH, Indi and Richard Cattell be invited to attend the January meeting to explain themselves. **ACTION- WW to forward this e-mail to JH & MD. Invite RC, IM and MH to January meeting. Buddies to pose questions to contractors about hand over process and involvement in process to date.
Signed by the Chairman ......
Date :...... 14th January 2013 ......