Private Copying
The COMPANY......
(company name, registered office, share capital, company registration no.) represented by ......
(surname, first name, exact position in the company)
hereby declares that it appoints as its representative:
S.C.P.P. (Société Civile des Producteurs Phonographiques), a Civil Law Company incorporated and acting under the regime established by Book III, Title II of the Intellectual Property Code, having its registered office in NEUILLY (92200) at 14 Boulevard du Général Leclerc, the intervening party for the purpose of acceptance of said instruction by its Managing Director.
The text of this standard instruction of joint interest was adopted by SCPP's Board of Directors on 12 July 2006. Conferring an instruction in accordance with this standard instruction is not a necessary condition for membership of the Society and for remaining a member of the Society.
The represented person gives the representative the exclusive power to:
A. – Collect, or to have collected, all royalties or remuneration for private copying accorded by legislation, international agreements and/or by general or individual contracts concluded by the Society, including by similar overseas private organisations that it has instructed to do so, for musical or comedy videograms, of which the represented person owns the corresponding royalties as producer of the videogram.
Royalties or remuneration for private copying that may fall into the category of individual management by the producers as part of digital rights management (DRM) systems shall be expressly excluded from this instruction.
B. – Negotiate, if applicable, the amount of such royalties or remuneration
C. – Distribute the amount of such royalties or remunerationaccording to the conditions set in the Society’s General Regulation or by its Board of Directors.
In order to collect his or her share, each member of the Society must first:
- have declared the musical or comedy videogram according to the conditions and timescales set in the Society’s General Regulation and by its Board of Directors,
- have indicated, if applicable, to which similar organisations of right-holders or to which right-holders should be paid a part of the remuneration due to the producer of the videogram.
D. – Establish, in coordination with similar organisations of right-holders, whether French or overseas, any register, file or database that may facilitate performance of this instruction.
E. –To make claims or have claims made for infringement of the represented person’s rights to such videograms, to plead and compromise for the defence and observance of such rights.
Since this instruction may apply to only a part of the repertoire registered with SCPP by the represented person, it is up to the latter to notify SCPP of any part of his or her repertoire to which this instruction shall not apply, according to the procedures in force.
The represented person may ask for this instruction to be withdrawn at any time, by registered letter with proof of receipt.Withdrawal of the instruction shall take effect at the end of the calendar year following the year in which the represented person notified SCPP of his or her request to withdraw the instruction.
Done at Neuilly on
(in duplicate)
Managing Director
add the words “read and approved”Instruction accepted
Instruction given