Simco Meeting Minutes

Date: March 10, 2015

Attendees: Kathi McCollumn, Kellie O’Brien, Kelly Giorgi, Kara Bolduc, Melissa Hart, Aurora Cumani, Mia Arvanigian, Barbara Ronzoni, Harriet Fradellos

  1. Kathi suggested that Paxton Center School try to make connections/relationships with local businesses. Businesses would be a “business partner” with a grade level starting next year.

●Each grade level would write or type up what they have been doing each month and it would be posted within area businesses.

●Post the businesses that are sponsoring a grade level on our “shout out” board in the lobby. The shout out might say, “Shout Out to ____for sponsoring grade __.”

●Discussion was made about displaying the sponsor on our float for the Paxton Parade in September.

●Brainstormed a list of local businesses that might be interested in partaking in this event.

  1. Reviewed the School Improvement Plan
  2. Curriculum and Instruction
  3. Data Teams
  4. Teachers are currently looking at data to drive their instruction
  5. Continue to develop grades K-8 RTI
  6. Questioned about fitting in an advisory period into the middle school
  7. Discussion was made about grade levels utilizing the Language Intervention Boxes (Title I resources) that are in the teachers lounge.
  8. Curriculum Vertical and Horizontal alignments
  9. New Science Curriculum has more high level thinking involved (more evidence based and problem solving)
  10. PLC (Professional Learning Community) is currently working on school wide 6 traits of writing rubric. Grades 3, 4, and 5 continue with RTI daily
  11. School Climate
  12. PLC is working on ways to enforce hallway etiquette within our school
  13. Discussion was made that teachers come up to give the character traits awards out and explain why the student has earned it.
  14. Community Relationships
  15. Business Sponsorship as discussed at beginning of minutes.
  16. School is partaking in the 250th Birthday Parade for the town by building a float.
  17. Professional Learning
  18. What are we doing to develop more learning for teachers.
  19. Teachers had great feedback on peer observations and would like to continue with them.
  20. Work on getting students more engaged in the learning process
  21. Kathi stated at one of her data trainings they had to look at sayings that teachers typically place on students papers and analyze if it was positive feedback and if not how to reword to make it more positive.
  22. Facilities and Resources
  23. Form a committee to plan and start to carry out ideas to ‘spruce up’ the overall look of the inside of the school.
  24. Deb Mita and Diane Sobal have already started this process by giving us an updated waiting area. Thank You Ladies!!

Next Meeting: April 14, 2015 (9:15 - 10:15)