SAC Meeting

Silver Ridge Elementary School

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2:15 pm, Ms. Long’s Office


Administration- Wendy Borowski

Staff- Lisa Campolo, Maria Henao,Linda West, Jen Adkins

Parents-Celia Martin,Dawn Aufenanger, Angela Villegas

Business Partners-Greg Weinbrum

Absent- Armando Avila, Lizzette Able Ruffin, Margret O’Connor, Lajoyce O’Neal


Welcome: Ms. Campolo called the meeting to order at 2:20pm

Student Council: Madison Adkins spoke about the toy drive, they went shopping for 2 families. The budget was $1000. They bought toys, clothes, diapers etc. The families gave us a list of items that they needed. Student Council also sold out the 500 Jingle Bells which also assisted the toy drive. 15 families received toys from the toy drive.

Approval of October 2016 Minutes:

Mrs. Borowskimade a motion to approve the October 2016 minutes.

Jen Adkinsseconded the motion. All in favor.

Principal’s Report:

Unfortunately no smart bond updates. Mrs. Borowski had a scheduled meeting, but it was canceled. Looking at items on the ballot, ex: carpets, WSRN, Activities, etc. Hopefully by January’s meeting, she should have an update. We received a letter that will go out with all student regarding the BAS. Teachers should put a sticky note on it or add how students are currently performing since the score is from the first quarter.

Mrs. Borowski had a meet and greet with parents planned by the PTO. The PTO felt that she had not communicated changes before making them (ex: dismissal). It was held over two consecutive days. On Thursday, November 3rd4 parents showed up and on Friday, November 5th only 5 showed up. A workshop about FSA scores will be held sometime in January or February. Mrs. Borowski feels that she needs support, because she feels that the parents are not open to changes and are not being respectful.

Family and Community Engagement Plan

Need clarification from District. Need to ask more of a cultural group rather than community SAC members. Looking at possibly asking ESOL parents.


Ms. Campolo shared points on the District power point which is located in the front office, and reviewed the needs assessment from accreditation report.

Partnership Report:Friday, December 22ndis Jingle Bell Jog, weather permitting.

I-ZONE Report—nothing to report

SAF Report: District is requiring that SAC meeting be closed out and SAF meeting take place afterward. We will need to figure out what it is going to look like for us. The purpose of SAF is to bring parent concerns from SAF to SAC, and from the District to SAF. Nothing formally written for parents to come and express their concerns.

Mental health and suicide prevention-ESE Dept has taken this under their wing. 13 suicides have taken place this year. Looking at new legislative session and the breakdown of representatives. Inclusion activities- visuals and talking points. ESE meeting is Jan 18th from 6:30-9pm. DAC is Jan 11, 6:30-9pm @ KCW, Jan 19 9:30am @ Piper

SAC Budget: As of today we have $9,612 in the SAC budget.

Safety: Spontaneous fire drill on Friday, December 16th.

Added items/Concerns:None

Ms. Adkins made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Aufenanger seconded the motion @ 3:21pm. All in favor