In a few lines from his poem, The Rock, the poet T S Eliot, captures the distractedness of our times:
“The endless cycle of idea and action,
Endless invention, endless experiment,
Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness;
Knowledge of speech, but not of silence;
Knowledge of words, and ignorance of the
How do we quite our restless hearts? How can we open a space where God may work? How can we hear the Word resounding within us?
A first step is silence. A silence which eschews negative thoughts, gossipy exchanges, unjust and unneeded criticisms of others and endless hours on the social network. From being dissipated we begin to discover in our hearts that still centre of which we were unaware. In this space the Word of God grows within us, nourishing our faith, bringing us deep peace and a joy that energises our every day. Who would not long for this? This is God’s gift to us, God who, as St John of the Cross said, hears ‘the silent language of love.’
In our busy, busy days, it is no easy thing to quieten our restless hearts, silence our magpie minds. But if we are generous with God, if we go that extra mile and try, gently, to discipline our hearts and minds by silence, we will by God’s grace, find that pearl of great price right there in the centre of our being.
Far East Magazine
September/October 2011
Author Unknown
MonSt Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
FriSt Turibius of Mongrovejo
The Holy Father’s Intention for March that the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the person and communitarian levels; candidates for the Sacraments of Christian Initiation; penitents and wanderers; Rosie Baudains and Jasper & Freddie Blockleybaptised last week;the sick and those who care for them especially - Audrey Burke, Betsy Bawdelly-Smith, Josephine Whittle, Cliff Hutchinson, Alan Berry, Pat O’Neill, Nicolle Ernould, Christine Ashworth, Gerry Newell, Pat Cooke, Jesu Lopez, Ruth de Stefani, Michael Polack, Damian Norris, Daphne da Roza and Rudolf Dorrepaal; Peter Ellis, David Bleddyn, Justine Hooker, Fr John Pearson (formerly Parish Priest at Walton on Thames) and Fr David Maskell (formerly Parish Priest at Henfield) recently deceased and Kevin McKenna, Pauline MacNamara, Fr Edmnd Daly (former Parish Priest), Edward McMullen and Jeremy Holmes whose anniversaries occur around this time.
PALM SUNDAY Blessing of Palms & Procession at St Joseph’s at 10 15 a m.
MAUNDY THURSDAY Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Recommissioning of Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at 8 p m at St Edmund’s.
GOOD FRIDAY Hot Cross Bun Service at 9 a m at St Edmund’s.
Stations of the Cross at 10 a m at St Joseph’s.
Walk of Witness in Elstead at 10 30 a m from the United Reform Church, Milford Road and St James Church, Westbrook Hill, finishing with drinks and hot cross buns on the Village Green.
Walk of Witness in Godalming at 10 45 a m from The Wharf to the Pepperpot, followed by refreshments in Godalming Baptist Church, Queen Street.
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, with Blessing of Readers, at St Edmund’s at 3 p m.
HOLY SATURDAY Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter, with Reception of RCIA candidates at 8 p m at St Edmund’s at 8 p m.
EASTER SUNDAY Sunrise Service at 6 45 a m at Minster Field. Drinks afterwards at Ladywell Convent.
Other Sunday Masses as usual.
We have about 100 Easter Cards showing our services over the Easter weekend. The idea is that Parishioners take one or two, write a personal greeting and pop them through the door of a Catholic friend(s) or neighbour(s) who may not attend Mass regularly but might be thinking of coming to Massthis Easter. If they could come with you, even better. Please mark on the card that (M) means St. Joseph's, Milford, (G) means St. Edmund's, Godalming and (F) means St. John's, Farncombe.
Parish Pancake Races On Sunday, 11th February, 84 Parishioners turned out for a fun afternoon of pancake races, and lunch for all who attended. St Edmund’s School hosted the event with Francis Quinlan and Sarah & Matt James organising the races, with medals and cups being received by the children. A fantastic lunch was provided, and many thanks to Sandra Paiano and her team which included Margaret McClinton, Natasha & Grace Brown, Pam Lennox, Andrew Herrington, Frances Blackett, Ian Honeysett, JoLewry, Mary Wright, and Paula Manning, who all helped with the clear up. A special thank you to St Edmund’s School for allowing us to use their premises. Another wonderful Parish Day
Gift Aid Envelopes Tax Year 2018/2019 The boxes of envelopes for the new tax year will be available after Masses this weekend and on the weekends of 24th/25th March and 31st March/1st April.
If you have not managed to collect your box by the end of the third weekend, please contact Eileen Hudson on 208238 or email to advise her at which Church you would like your box to be left.
PARISH PILGRIMAGEThere is one seat left on the coach for the trip to Aylesford on Tuesday, 8th May. Please let Jan Honeysett (429615) know as soon as possible if you would like to go. Cost £19.
AND FINALLY Lent is a period of spiritual “combat” which we must experience alongside Jesus, not with pride and presumption, but using the arms of faith: prayer, listening to the word of God and penance. In this way we will be able to celebrate Easter in truth, ready to renew the promises of our Baptism.
Pope Benedict XVI
Belonging and Communication
This week I am pleased to be able to present the results of the Attitude Survey relating to our sense of belonging and how we communicate. As previously, this comes in the form of a summary followed by detailed information relating to each question, with only the summary response appearing in the newsletter. The results in these two sections have been quantified using the same approach as for the earlier sections.
Belonging (Section 5)
Summary – The overall feeling is that there is a sense of belonging – but it is not a strong feeling. Moreover, whilst Parishioners are relatively positive about how we treat people we know, they indicated that we could do more, especially in terms of engaging with those at services and how we look after newcomers. The average score across all questions was 3.12 and the ratio of agree : disagree was 1.4 : 1.
Twice as many Parishioners agree with the statement that “we are a welcoming Parish” than disagree with the statement. Despite this positive view, more than half of the Parish indicate that they do not know the names of most of the people who sit near them at a service.
Many Parishioners say they would make a point of talking to a person who is new to the Parish, but acknowledge that, as a Parish, we do not make it easy for newcomers to follow our services, nor do we specifically encourage newcomers to join in spiritual or practical activities in the Parish.
Communication (Section 6)
Summary – The questions in this section resulted in some very definite opinions. There was strong support for the newsletter. Five times as many Parishioners felt that it provided the necessary information in an accessible form as felt that it did not. Parishioners were overwhelmingly happy to receive communications by email (only 14 out of 210 Parishioners disagreed with this statement).
The majority of Parishioners indicated that the web site is not, at present, a regular source to which they turn for information. Parishioners also made it clear that they considers that we do not make good use of social media.
The final “summary” question in this section asked Parishioners whether they had a good knowledge of what is going on in the day-to-day life of the Parish. The responses were split down the middle – just over half saying “no” and just under half saying “yes”.
Once again, I am grateful for the range of views expressed. They highlight both strengths and weaknesses in what we are currently doing. Importantly, they provide direction and guidance. Welcoming and a sense of belonging are very important and I think it would be helpful to review how we approach this as a Parish. It is time to have another look at the layout of the Newsletter and also the website, although they are not immediate tasks. Please pray that the plans that are being made to implement the ideas in Divine Renovation come to fruition.
God bless you, Fr David
ON A PERSONAL NOTE, I have been told by the doctor that I have some blockage in my left artery which will require an angiogram on Monday, 26th March. This is why I have not been quite so active and visible this Lent, but hopefully normal service will be resumed after Easter. Please keep me in your prayers, especially on the 26th. Fr David