TO: Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

FROM: Dr. Stan Eakins

Associate Dean, College of Business

DATE: 1/24/07

RE: Dept. of Marketing and Supply Chain Management

Curriculum Proposals

Following are the proposed curriculum changes for the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management:

1)  Revise the name, prerequisites, and catalog description of OMGT 3123 (Operations Management). Supply Chain Management gives firms a strategic business advantage today. As such, it is important to reflect this in the core business curriculum by changing the course name to “Operations and Supply Chain Management.” The most common way that business schools are doing this today is to change their Operations Management course to integrate this concept. In addition, the prerequisites for MATH 2283 are all currently adequate for course performance, so the MATH 1066 requirement can be removed. As such, MATH 2283 is the only math prerequisite needed. The minimum grade of C is also not necessary, since the course has a reduced quantitative focus. Also, recent changes to OMGT 3123 no longer justify the need for MGMT 3202/3302 as a co-requisite.

2)  Revise the name and prerequisite of OMGT 4493 (Management and Analysis of

Quality). The proposed name change from “Management and Analysis of Quality”

to “Quality Management” better reflects the course focus on integration of quality

philosophy and methods in the firm and across the supply chain. Changing the

prerequisite from MATH 2283 to OMGT 3123 will allow greater depth of coverage

since the quality and supply chain topics are first introduced in OMGT 3123, which

is being revised to reflect a focus on supply chains.

Dept of MSCM

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3)  Revise the catalog description of OMGT 4743 (Logistics and Materials Management). Our business advisory board requested that we make modifications to this course’s description to better reflect the state of the industry and practice.

4)  Revise the prerequisite for OMGT 4763 (Supply Chain Management). Changing the prerequisite from MATH 2283 to OMGT 3123 will allow greater depth of coverage since the supply chain management topic is first introduced in OMGT 3123, which is being revised to reflect a focus on supply chains.

5)  Update the catalog to reflect the change in department from Marketing to Marketing and Supply Chain Management. This past summer the Operations Management faculty members, along with the concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management, were administratively moved from the Decision Sciences Department into the Department of Marketing. Both departments were renamed, but the catalog was never updated for Marketing to the new name of “Marketing and Supply Chain Management.”

6)  Update the catalog to show the Operations and Supply Chain Management concentration in the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management instead of Management Information Systems. As mentioned in item 5, the concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management was administratively moved from the Decision Sciences Department into the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management. The catalog needs to be updated to reflect the administrative change.

Thank you for your consideration of these proposals.