“Signs” of False Teachers

There are many warnings in the scriptures concerning false teachers. Paul warned Timothy that there would be teachers who hold to a form of godliness yet deny its power (II Tim. 3:5). There will be churches that heap to themselves teachers who will itch their ears (II Tim. 4:3). To refute these teacher, Paul charged Timothy with the task of preaching sound words (I Tim. 1:13). There will be false teachers. They existed then. They exist even today. How can we know who they are? We do not have the benefit of an Apostle to point them out by name for us.

We do have a list given to us by Peter that describes the fruits of false teachers. Our task today is to examine this list found in II Peter 2.

Forsake the Lord

“False teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction (II Pet. 2:1).” Paul warned the Galatians that any straying from the Gospel first delivered was to make one accursed (Gal. 1:8-9). We are not permitted to stray to the left or to the right of God’s word. Anytime we began to teach something other than God’s word we have forsaken His word. Remember to forsake simply means to “abandon.” This occurs whenever a doctrine other than Christ’s is taught. Furthermore, when we abandon His word we abandon Christ. As his servants we only have the right to speak when He speaks. When we teach things other than His we abandon our post!

Privily Taught

“False teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies (II Pet. 2:1).” Although most false doctrines will all eventually be taught from the pulpit or in other public ways, many false doctrines begin being taught in the private setting. Many get upset whenever Homer Hailey’s name is brought up in the false doctrine discussion. However, his teaching on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (MDR) and the last book he wrote, published after his death on the Non-existence of Hell are not in harmony with God’s word. For years many preachers knew Homer’s stance on MDR. He was approached privately quite often. He said on at least one occasion (By word of one who approached him, “I believe this, but I would not teach it from the pulpit.” Before he retired from preaching his was publicly proclaiming his stance on MDR. I could give you a dozen more examples. The point is not how many who have done it this way, but rather false teachers usually begin teaching their error this way.

For Earthly Gain

“And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you (II Pet. 2:3).” It is not about saving souls it is about what they can get. Billy Graham himself once said that he believed that the Bible taught that baptism was necessary for salvation. He just didn’t believe you can reach people with that message. If he knows that his message does not save souls, then why is he preaching his message? Is their something for him to gain? He certainly has gained prestige among men and treasures on earth.


“But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness (II Pet. 2:10).” Walking after the flesh can be taken in a number of different ways. It can refer to fornication, but it can also refer to worldliness in general. A common trend in American Christianity today is the justification of sins. Last week the bulletin article discussed the justification of homosexuality. It should not at all be surprising that false teachers would go this way. The best way to “tickle an ear” is to tell it that it does not have to change its life to please God.

Resist Authority

“(They) despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled (II Pet. 2:10).” The false teacher will do and say what the false teachers wants to do or say. They may not despise a national government, but they will despise our King. Many false teachers do that today by claiming that he failed to take his throne when God sent Him to this world and that we are awaiting his kingdom even unto this day. By doing so make the same mistake the Israelites made in Samuels day by refusing to recognize His sovereignty and power.


“Sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you (II Pet. 2:13).” To sport oneself is to “take delight in.” Thus they boasted or took delight in their own deception. They are proud of what they had done. Often times they are too proud when shown the error of their ways, speaking of all their works as justification of their error. Paul never boasted in himself, but rather in Christ who enabled him!

Fancy Speech

“They speak great swelling words of vanity (II Pet. 2:18).” Paul did not come with eloquent speech. He used the word of God to convert men to Christ (I Cor. 1:17). In fact he stated that in doing so one would invalidate the word. The power of God unto salvation is in His word (Rom. 1:16); not the words of men. If one has to use great speakers to convert people to whom are they are converted? Christ or the great speaker?

False Promises

“While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage (II Pet. 2:19).” The last is not so much a sign as it is a result of false teaching. False teachers promise their followers that heaven is theirs. Yet so long as the false teacher is followed and believed the convert will never be saved.