Table S2a Analysis of variance in Cabildo 2006 using a mixed model and considering genotype as a fixed effect and replication as a random effect

Source of variation (MS)
n / Genotype / Replication / Error / df (error)
Heading date (Hd) days / . / . / . / . / .
Flowering time (Flt) days / . / . / . / . / .
Plantheight (Ph) cm / 251 / 84.18*** / 127.87*** / 15.58 / 160
Pedunclelength (PdL) cm / 251 / 24.26*** / 32.73* / 9.41 / 160
Grain yield (Yld) Kg ha-1 / 267 / 290366*** / 524173** / 93071 / 176
Biomass per plant (Bpp) g / 251 / 3.44ns / 21.17** / 3.36 / 160
Number of spikes per square meter (Ssm) / 267 / 8350.0** / 7172.71ns / 5368.50 / 176
Number of spikes per plant (Snp) / 251 / 0.50ns / 4.05*** / 0.48 / 160
Grain number per ear (Gne) / 251 / 22.63* / 56.14* / 16.52 / 160
Grain number per plant (Gnp) / 251 / 458.24ns / 2117.66** / 428.85 / 160
Spikelet number per ear (Sne) / 251 / 2.71*** / 0.74ns / 1.40 / 160
Fertile spikelets per ear (Fse) / 251 / 3.08** / 0.15ns / 1.81 / 160
Grain weight per ear (Gwe, g) / 251 / 0.05ns / 0.22** / 0.04 / 160
Grain weight per plant (Gwp, g) / 251 / 0.48* / 1.56* / 0.35 / 160
Grain number per fertile spikelet (Gnfs) / 251 / 0.08** / 0.20* / 0.05 / 160
Grain number per total spikelets (Gnts) / 251 / 0.12* / 0.39* / 0.09 / 160
Harvestindex (Hi) / 251 / 0.003*** / 0.01*** / 0.00 / 160
Spikefertility (Sf) / 251 / 0.004ns / 0.01ns / 0.00 / 160
Thousand grain weight (Tgw, g) / 267 / 17.13*** / 50.09*** / 3.87 / 176

*, **, ***significant at p = 0.05, p = 0.01 and p = 0.001, respectively;ns, not significant

Table S2b.Analysis of variance in Barrow 2006 using a mixed model and considering genotype as a fixed effect and replication as a random effect

Source of variation (MS)
n / Genotype / Replication / Error / df (error)
Heading date (Hd) days / 279 / 14.352*** / 1.91ns / 1.02 / 184
Flowering time (Flt) days / 279 / 5.99*** / 6.01*** / 0.49 / 184
Plantheight (Ph) cm / 278 / 113.69*** / 0.34ns / 8.99 / 183
Pedunclelength (PdL) cm / 278 / 22.84*** / 15.31** / 2.40 / 183
Grain yield (Yld) Kg ha-1 / 279 / 717502*** / 874062ns / 280228 / 181
Biomass per plant (Bpp) g / 278 / 18.07*** / 6.64ns / 6.67 / 183
Number of spikes per square meter (Ssm) / 276 / 4589.12*** / 9678.45** / 2026.13 / 182
Number of spikes per plant (Snp) / 278 / 0.45*** / 0.39ns / 0.19 / 183
Grain number per ear (Gne) / 278 / 28.78*** / 20.28ns / 7.26 / 183
Grain number per plant (Gnp) / 278 / 665.24*** / 349.42ns / 246.92 / 183
Spikelet number per ear (Sne) / 278 / 1.65*** / 1.45** / 0.26 / 183
Fertile spikelets per ear (Fse) / 278 / 2.15*** / 0.28ns / 0.77 / 183
Grain weight per ear (Gwe, g) / 278 / 0.06*** / 0.17** / 0.03 / 183
Grain weight per plant (Gwp, g) / 278 / 2.70*** / 3.42* / 1.08 / 183
Grain number per fertile spikelet (Gnfs) / 278 / 0.07*** / 0.09** / 0.01 / 183
Grain number per total spikelets (Gnts) / 278 / 0.09*** / 0.09** / 0.02 / 183
Harvestindex (Hi) / 278 / 0.003*** / 0.01*** / 0.00 / 183
Spikefertility (Sf) / 278 / 0.003*** / 0.001ns / 0.00 / 183
Thousand grain weight (Tgw, g) / 279 / 19.06*** / 32.23* / 7.87 / 184

*, **, ***significant at p = 0.05, p = 0.01 and p = 0.001, respectively;ns, not significant

Table S2c.Analysis of variance in Balcarce 2006 using a mixed model and considering genotype as a fixed effect and replication as a random effect

Source of variation (MS)
n / Genotype / Replication / Error / df (error)
Heading date (Hd) days / .
Flowering time (Flt) days / 279 / 7.13*** / 3.90*** / 0.39 / 184
Plantheight (Ph) cm / 279 / 112.17*** / 172.25*** / 11.89 / 184
Pedunclelength (PdL) cm / 279 / 15.90*** / 48.08*** / 2.54 / 184
Grain yield (Yld) Kg ha-1 / 279 / 1122753*** / 706184ns / 238676 / 184
Biomass per plant (Bpp) g / 279 / 10.53ns / 11.71ns / 8.33 / 184
Number of spikes per square meter (Ssm) / 279 / 2255.88ns / 13639** / 1848.22 / 184
Number of spikes per plant (Snp) / 279 / 0.14ns / 0.27ns / 0.12 / 184
Grain number per ear (Gne) / 279 / 33.49*** / 89.35** / 12.54 / 184
Grain number per plant (Gnp) / 279 / 307.86** / 184.73ns / 197.90 / 184
Spikelet number per ear (Sne) / 279 / 2.72*** / 16.32*** / 0.96 / 184
Fertile spikelets per ear (Fse) / 279 / 3.96*** / 23.22*** / 1.37 / 184
Grain weight per ear (Gwe, g) / 279 / 0.12*** / 0.37*** / 0.04 / 184
Grain weight per plant (Gwp, g) / 279 / 2.00** / 2.16ns / 1.32 / 184
Grain number per fertile spikelet(Gnfs) / 279 / 0.07*** / 0.14** / 0.02 / 184
Grain number per total spikelets (Gnts) / 279 / 0.09*** / 0.14** / 0.03 / 184
Harvestindex (Hi) / 279 / 0.002*** / 0.00ns / 0.001 / 184
Spikefertility (Sf) / 279 / 0.001*** / 0.002ns / 0.00 / 184
Thousand grain weight (Tgw, g) / 279 / 26.19*** / 88.33*** / 3.93 / 184

*, **, ***significant at p = 0.05, p = 0.01 and p = 0.001, respectively;ns, not significant

Table S2d.Analysis of variance in Cabildo 2007 using a mixed model and considering genotype as a fixed effect and replication as a random effect

Source of variation (MS)
n / Genotype / Replication / Error / df (error)
Heading date (Hd) days / 279 / 10.18*** / 0.23ns / 0.82 / 184
Flowering time (Flt) days / 279 / 11.60*** / 10.71** / 2.17 / 184
Plantheight (Ph) cm / 272 / 73.35*** / 93.45*** / 10.25 / 177
Pedunclelength (PdL) cm / 272 / 17.51*** / 20.07** / 2.83 / 177
Grain yield (Yld) Kg ha-1 / 279 / 464919*** / 2723379*** / 83641 / 184
Biomass per plant (Bpp) g / 272 / 3.64** / 6.83ns / 2.32 / 177
Number of spikes per square meter (Ssm) / 279 / 4140.21*** / 1008.15ns / 2366.35 / 184
Number of spikes per plant (Snp) / 272 / 0.08ns / 0.08ns / 0.08 / 177
Grain number per ear (Gne) / 272 / 28.19*** / 45.98** / 8.45 / 177
Grain number per plant (Gnp) / 272 / 198.96*** / 515.16** / 104.77 / 177
Spikelet number per ear (Sne) / 272 / 1.47*** / 9.26*** / 0.33 / 177
Fertile spikelets per ear (Fse) / 272 / 3.32*** / 4.91** / 0.81 / 177
Grain weight per ear (Gwe, g) / 272 / 0.04*** / 0.05ns / 0.02 / 177
Grain weight per plant (Gwp, g) / 272 / 0.64*** / 1.07ns / 0.36 / 177
Grain number per fertile spikelet (Gnfs) / 272 / 0.05*** / 0.06* / 0.02 / 177
Grain number per total spikelets (Gnts) / 272 / 0.09*** / 0.10* / 0.03 / 177
Harvestindex (Hi) / 272 / 0.002*** / 0.005* / 0.00 / 177
Spikefertility (Sf) / 272 / 0.01*** / 0.004ns / 0.00 / 177
Thousand grain weight (Tgw, g) / 279 / 15.72*** / 65.1*** / 5.01 / 184

*, **, ***significant at p = 0.05, p = 0.01 and p = 0.001, respectively;ns, not significant

Table S2e.Analysis of variance in Barrow 2007 using a mixed model and considering genotype as a fixed effect and replication as a random effect

Source of variation (MS)
n / Genotype / Replication / Error / df (error)
Heading date (Hd) days / 279 / 13.82*** / 28.85*** / 1.70 / 184
Flowering time (Flt) days / .
Plantheight (Ph) cm / 278 / 85.22*** / 24.94ns / 9.98 / 183
Pedunclelength (PdL) cm / 278 / 21.63*** / 3.39ns / 2.73 / 183
Grain yield (Yld) Kg ha-1 / 279 / 593404* / 10088586*** / 411761 / 184
Biomass per plant (Bpp) g / 278 / 8.22* / 3.47ns / 5.60 / 183
Number of spikes per square meter (Ssm) / 279 / 2962.73** / 6059.74* / 1829.22 / 184
Number of spikes per plant (Snp) / 278 / 0.12ns / 0.17ns / 0.12 / 183
Grain number per ear (Gne) / 278 / 21.12*** / 9.278ns / 9.71 / 183
Grain number per plant (Gnp) / 278 / 233.08* / 254.70ns / 167.13 / 183
Spikelet number per ear (Sne) / 278 / 1.19*** / 0.64* / 0.14 / 183
Fertile spikelets per ear (Fse) / 278 / 2.27*** / 0.86ns / 1.16 / 183
Grain weight per ear (Gwe, g) / 278 / 0.04** / 0.19*** / 0.02 / 183
Grain weight per plant (Gwp, g) / 278 / 1.19ns / 0.74ns / 0.91 / 183
Grain number per fertile spikelet (Gnfs) / 278 / 0.05*** / 0.02ns / 0.03 / 183
Grain number per total spikelets (Gnts) / 278 / 0.06*** / 0.03ns / 0.03 / 183
Harvestindex (Hi) / 278 / 0.001* / 0.003* / 0.00 / 183
Spikefertility (Sf) / 278 / 0.005* / 0.003ns / 0.00 / 183
Thousand grain weight (Tgw, g) / 279 / 16.53*** / 144.06*** / 8.94 / 184

*, **, ***significant at p = 0.05, p = 0.01 and p = 0.001, respectively; ns, not significant

Table S2f.Analysis of variance in Balcarce 2007 using a mixed model and considering genotype as a fixed effect and replication as a random effect

Source of variation (MS)
n / Genotype / Replication / Error / df (error)
Heading date (Hd) days / 271 / 5.02*** / 109.02*** / 2.36 / 176
Flowering time (Flt) days / 200 / 13.46*** / 14.29* / 4.03 / 115
Plantheight (Ph) cm / 269 / 96.4*** / 4.38ns / 8.23 / 174
Pedunclelength (PdL) cm / 269 / 27.36*** / 7.77* / 2.10 / 174
Grain yield (Yld) Kg ha-1 / 270 / 770464*** / 2039825*** / 241497 / 174
Biomass per plant (Bpp) g / 269 / 9.10** / 20.12* / 5.48 / 174
Number of spikes per square meter (Ssm) / 270 / 2409.11ns / 4157.55ns / 2001.09 / 175
Number of spikes per plant (Snp) / 269 / 0.17ns / 0.35ns / 0.13 / 174
Grain number per ear (Gne) / 269 / 27.44*** / 4.54ns / 13.53 / 174
Grain number per plant (Gnp) / 269 / 250.18** / 187.01ns / 148.75 / 174
Spikelet number per ear (Sne) / 269 / 1.18*** / 0.47ns / 0.39 / 174
Fertile spikelets per ear (Fse) / 269 / 4.18*** / 1.11ns / 2.26 / 174
Grain weight per ear (Gwe, g) / 269 / 0.08*** / 0.01ns / 0.04 / 174
Grain weight per plant (Gwp, g) / 269 / 1.54*** / 0.96ns / 0.87 / 174
Grain number per fertile spikelet (Gnfs) / 269 / 0.05* / 0.18** / 0.04 / 174
Grain number per total spikelets (Gnts) / 269 / 0.09*** / 0.03ns / 0.05 / 174
Harvestindex (Hi) / 269 / 0.005*** / 0.002ns / 0.002 / 174
Spikefertility (Sf) / 269 / 0.01*** / 0.01ns / 0.01 / 174
Thousand grain weight (Tgw, g) / 270 / 17.92*** / 11.87ns / 4.20 / 175

*, **, ***significant at p = 0.05, p = 0.01 and p = 0.001, respectively; ns, not significant

Table S2g.Analysis of variance in Barrow 2007 using a mixed model and considering genotype as a fixed effect and replication as a random effect

Source of variation (MS)
n / Genotype / Replication / Error / df (error)
Heading date (Hd) days / 279 / 16.80*** / 0.42ns / 3.36 / 184
Flowering time (Flt) days / 279 / 11.02*** / 0.07ns / 4.30 / 184

***mean significant at p=0.001; ns, not significant

Table S2h. Analysis of variance considering the effect of genotype (G), environment (E) and GxE interaction, and considering genotype as a fixed effect and environment and interactions as random effects

Source of variation (MS)
n / Environment (E) / Genotype (G) / G x E / Error / df (error)
Pheno-morphological traits
Heading date (Hd) days / 1387 / 4445.60*** / 39.99*** / 5.00*** / 2.13 / 922
Flowering time (Flt) daysa / 837 / 3878.55*** / 17.81*** / 3.45*** / 1.08 / 558
Plant height (Ph) cm / 1627 / 3572.99*** / 449.60*** / 21.29*** / 11.41 / 1073
Peduncle length (PdL) cm / 1627 / 2762.82*** / 95.53*** / 6.40*** / 3.76 / 1073
Yield-related traits
Grain yield (Yld) Kg ha-1 / 1653 / 119101040*** / 1790665*** / 454967*** / 258365 / 1099
Biomass per plant (Bpp) g / 1627 / 1348.47*** / 15.59*** / 7.56*** / 5.42 / 1073
Spike number per square meter (Ssm) / 1650 / 287535*** / 5995.66*** / 3696.41*** / 2606.46 / 1097
Spike number per plant (Snp) / 1627 / 19.07** / 0.32*** / 0.23* / 0.19 / 1073
Grain number per ear (Gne) / 1627 / 7944.98*** / 77.58*** / 16.81*** / 11.52 / 1073
Grain number per plant (Gnp) / 1627 / 42712*** / 670.76*** / 291.63*** / 216.62 / 1073
Spikelet number per ear (Sne) / 1627 / 362.82*** / 7.14*** / 0.72* / 0.61 / 1073
Fertile spikelets per ear (Fse) / 1627 / 1093.52*** / 9.33*** / 1.90*** / 1.39 / 1073
Grain weight per ear (Gwe, g) / 1627 / 14.09*** / 0.15*** / 0.05*** / 0.03 / 1073
Grain weight per plant (Gwp, g) / 1627 / 219.35*** / 2.75*** / 1.17*** / 0.84 / 1073
Grain number per fertile spikelet (Gnfs) / 1627 / 7.05*** / 0.17*** / 0.04*** / 0.03 / 1073
Grain number per total spikelets (Gnts) / 1627 / 38.88*** / 0.24*** / 0.06*** / 0.04 / 1073
Harvest index (Hi) / 1627 / 0.61*** / 0.01*** / 0.002*** / 0.001 / 1073
Spike fertility (Sf) / 1627 / 4.56*** / 0.01*** / 0.004*** / 0.002 / 1073
Thousand grain weight (Tgw, g) / 1653 / 17825*** / 50.69*** / 12.26*** / 6.31 / 1099

*, **, ***significant at p = 0.05, p = 0.01 and p = 0.001, respectively; ns, not significant

a ANOVA for Flt involved 3 environments.