Member Newsletter
Welcome fishing enthusiasts to the Winter-Spring Edition of the CBAC Newsletter.
President Bob Ricketts thanked members for attendance at the Corinella Bowling Club.
The AGM preceded the Presentation night. Life Member Bob Bray opened the proceedings.
54 members, family and friends attended the night.
Elected office bearers:
President: Brian Ellis
Vice President: Tony Heppleston
Secretary: Kaye Barr
Treasurer: Kevin Ryan
Assist. Secretary: Diane Heppleston
Committee Members: Greg Charles
Peter Tait
Sub Committee Member: Rob Kelso
A raffle was held during the evening with several lucky attendees taking home a range of great prizes. Door prize went to Brian Kelso.
The night topped off another successful year’s fishing for members. Trophies were awarded in a number of categories.
2016 Club Champion Brian Ellis with 262.24 points. Junior club champion Brian Kelso 209.85 points.
Presidents Message
Dear Corinella Boating and Angling Club Member, welcome to the 2016 CBAC AGM and Presentation Night.
I would like to thank committee members past and present and individuals who have helped me in the running of the club. Without your support the job as President would be so much harder. Your support has been greatly appreciated.
The future:
The club over the years has had its trials and tribulations regarding growth and keeping the club relevant to the membership. The committee has always strived to make comps and the social events interesting. This is not
always an easy task and with the commitment of the current and previous committee, this job has been made a lot easier.
To the incoming committee, I wish them all the best in their endeavours to grow the club and keep it relevant. There are some experienced committee members as well as some new committee members who will hopefully bring new and exciting ideas to the club.
To all members, thank you for your support. Without you we wouldn’t have a club.
Please continue to support the club where you can, to ensure that we extend on the 35 years that the club has been running.
All the very best and see you out on the water!
Bob Ricketts
My name is Diane Heppleston
Mobile: 0429 918 576
Address: 66 Bass Road, Bass, 3991
Membership Renewals
Membership renewals are now overdue for the 2016-2017 season. To make the process easier you can now renew your membership via our website and pay your fees via direct credit to our bank account.
Please renew your membership by going to and click on the join/renew tab.
When depositing your membership dues please use the following bank account details and include your membership number and name as a reference and send your renewal form, attached, to:
CBAC PO Box 20, Corinella, 3984.
Tony Franze
- receiving appreciation trophy
(left to right) Gloris Willoughby – Life Member
Outgoing President Bob Ricketts with Mako Champion Shield
New President Brian Ellis with Club Champion shield and trophy
Junior Club Champion Brian Kelso with shield and trophy
Junior Club Champion Brian Kelso 209.85 pts
Receiving his shield
Allan Willoughby receiving his Appreciation Plaque
Gummy Shark Competition
Won by Junior member Brian Kelso, 1.49kg.
Kids day Corinella Jetty 20.8.16
Run in conjunction with Glenn Cooper from TTTAF (That’s The Thing About Fishing). Teaching kids how to fish at the Corinella jetty. 16 kids braved the elements on the day, followed by a sausage sizzle and prizes given to all the kids that attended.
/ This will be my last as President of the club and it is timely to reflect on the year and the milestones the club has achieved over the last few years.
First the year in review:
The club as in previous years, held a number of fishing comps and social events. All were well attended, however, as always, the more members we get involved the greater the success these events will be.
The annual Yaringa lunch cruise was held with a number of members including Life Member Bob Bray enjoying a great day. Other social
events included the club’s Christmas function which saw members enjoy a feast of good food.
Fishing comps were well attended with the Colin Eden Mako Comp and the inaugural Keith Smith Whiting Challenge held in memory of the club member Keith Smith. Keith’s family attended the presentation bbq and presented the winners of the comp Brian Ellis (senior) and Brian Kelson (junior) with their trophies. The inaugural event was a great success and I’m sure the event will continue for years to come.
Other highlights of the year included:
- Significant advancement of the clubhouse project
- The club is in a sound position
- Revamped Club website with online capacities
Over the year a number of great people have helped the committee run the club and try and provide members with a variety of activities both fishing and social. Activities that bind members together and hopefully create lasting
Corinella Boating and Angling Club
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000
Account Number: 124063223
Ref: Member name (your name)
Member No: (xxx)
Pics, videos, stories, club calendar, awards etc.
Dave Wake – trophy
Biggest Squid 2.51kg
2016 Club Champion
Brian Ellis 262.24 pts
Brian Kelso – trophy Biggest Whiting 800 gms
Members present
Guests arriving
Members present
Member Colin Marshall receiving trophy for Biggest Trevally 790 gms
Life Member Gloris Willoughby receiving Appreciation trophy
Gordon Forrester receiving trophy for Biggest Gummy Shark 5kg
Gordon Forrester trophy for Biggest Snapper 8.26 kg & Biggest Flathead 1.67kb
Garfish & Squid Competition
Won by Brian Kelso with a 980gm squid.
For Sale
Free Range Eggs for Sale $4.00doz
Egg Cartons required
Tony HepplestonMob: 0412 253 927
Wanted to buy
80cc Motorbike
Tony Heppleston Mob: 0412 253 927
Next Club Calendar Events
9-11th Sept.2016 Open Species Comp
23-25th Sept. 2016 Snapper Comp
7-9th Oct. 2016 Snapper & Gummy Comp
21-23rd Oct. 2016 Snapper & Gummy Comp
28th Oct. – 6th Nov 9 DAY COMP. Snapper
Gummy & Whiting
25-27th Nov. 2016 MAJOR SNAPPER COMP
Entry $25.00 ea, $10.00 per junior
Non members $35.00 ea
Prize awarded for 1st & 2nd largest snapper
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