Week 1

Sight words, r-controlled “a”,

1. over

2. new

3. sound

4. take

5. only

6. car

7. park

8. hard

9. barn

10. card

Week 2

Sight words, -ai- pattern,

1. little

2. work

3. know

4. place

5. years

6. rain

7. mail

8. wait

9. paint

10. chant

Week 3

Sight word, -aw pattern,

1. live

2. me

3. back

4. give

5. most

6. saw

7. law

8. raw

9. jar

10. straw

Week 4

Sight words, r-controlled “i",

1. very

2. after

3. things

4. our

5. just

6. girl

7. dirt

8. shirt

9. third

10. thirst

Week 5

Sight words, -ight pattern,

1. name

2. good

3. sentence

4. man

5. think

6. right

7. might

8. high

9. tight

10. flight

Week 6

Sight words, -ol- pattern,

1. say

2. great

3. where

4. help

5. through

6. gold

7. colt

8. fold


10. sold

Week 7

Sight words, -ou- pattern,

1. much

2. before

3. line

4. right

5. too

6. loud

7. sound

8. found

9. shout

10. count

Week 8

Sight words, -ue pattern,

1. means

2. old

3. any

4. same

5. tell

6. blue

7. true

8. clue

9. glue

10. due

Week 9

Sight words, r-controlled “u”,

1. boy

2. follow

3. came

4. want

5. show

6. nurse

7. curve

8. turn

9. burn

10. curl

Week 10

Sight words, Long –ea- pattern,

1. also

2. around

3. form

4. three

5. small

6. mean

7. clean

8. peak

9. dream

10. beach

Week 11

Sight words, short e –ea- pattern,

1. set

2. put

3. end

4. does

5. another

6. head

7. bread

8. dead

9. sweat

10. deaf

Week 12

Sight words, -ew pattern,

1. well

2. large

3. must

4. big

5. even

6. grew

7. stew

8. drew

9. chew

10. few

Week 13

Sight words, r-controlled “e”

-at family words

1. such

2. because

3. turn

4. here

5. why

6. germ

7. herd

8. clerk

9. nerve

10. serve

Week 14

Sight words, -or- pattern,

1. ask

2. went

3. men

4. read

5. need

6. short

7. core

8. sport

9. report

10. port

Week 15

Sight words, final blend -mp

1. land

2. different

3. home

4. us

5. move

6. bump

7. stump

8. clump

9. stamp

10. clamp

Week 16

Sight words, final blend –st,

1. try

2. kind

3. hand

4. picture

5. again

6. fast

7. past

8. last

9. contrast

10. blast

Week 17

Sight words, final blend –nd,

1. change

2. off

3. play

4. spell

5. air

6. bend

7. send

8. mind

9. offend

10. sand

Week 18

Sight words, final blend –sk,

1. away

2. animal

3. house

4. point

5. page

6. desk

7. mask

8. task

9. ask

10. tusk

Week 19

Sight words, final digraph –ch,

1. letter

2. mother

3. answer

4. found

5. study

6. much

7. such

8. church

9. search

10. march

Week 20

Sight words, final digraph –sh,

1. still

2. learn

3. should

4. America

5. world

6. hush

7. slush

8. dash

9. wash

10. wish

Week 21

Final –es pattern,

1. boxes

2. foxes

3. churches

4. dishes

5. couches

6. brushes

7. bushes

8. rushes

9. wishes

10. washes

Week 22

Final –ing pattern,

1. thing

2. string

3. sing

4. bring

5. fling

6. ring

7. king

8. sting

9. wing

10. cling

Week 23

Final digraphs –gh/-ph,

1. graph

2. laugh

3. photograph

4. tough

5. rough

6. enough

7. telegraph

8. phonograph

9. trough

10. cough

Week 24

Final digraph –th,

1. bath

2. math

3. moth

4. sloth

5. breath

6. mouth

7. path

8. cloth

9. tooth

10. death

Week 25

Final digraph –ck,

1. back

2. stack

3. pack

4. dock

5. lock

6. quack

7. sack

8. snack

9. quick

10. neck

Week 26

Final digraph –nk,

1. drink

2. think

3. sink

4. stink

5. wink

6. thank

7. bank

8. drank

9. honk

10. blank

Week 27

Final blend –ft,

1. soft

2. lift

3. shift

4. drift

5. gift

6. left

7. raft

8. craft

9. loft

10. swift

Week 28

Final blend –lt,

1. bolt

2. jolt

3. colt

4. felt

5. belt

6. welt

7. built

8. stilt

9. wilt

10. melt

Week 29

Initial wh- pattern,

1. whale

2. when

3. where

4. what

5. why

6. which

7. whistle

8. whip

9. whiff

10. while

Week 30

Words with the suffix –ly

1. badly

2. madly

3. quickly

4. weekly

5. daily

6. sadly

7. gladly

8. proudly

9. softly

10. loudly

Week 31

Words with the suffix –er.

1. painter

2. washer

3. dryer

4. flyer

5. server

6. worker

7. singer

8. teacher

9. speaker

10. thinker

Week 32

Words with the suffix –est,

1. fastest

2. slowest

3. biggest

4. shortest

5. loudest

6. softest

7. smartest

8. silliest

9. brightest

10. funniest

Week 33

Words with the suffix –ful,

1. thankful

2. cheerful

3. hopeful

4. grateful

5. thoughtful

6. useful

7. forgetful

8. painful

9. joyful

10. careful

Week 34

Words with the suffix –ness,

1. happiness

2. thankfulness

3. usefulness

4. thoughtfulness

5. forgetfulness

6. helpfulness

7. cheerfulness

8. brightness

9. carelessness

10. childishness

Week 35

Words with the suffix –able,

1. capable

2. acceptable

3. adorable

4. excitable

5. agreeable

6. bearable

7. desirable

8. comfortable

9. disposable

10. irritable

Week 36

Final –sion/-tion, and

1. addition

2. subtraction

3. fiction

4. compassion

5. distraction

6. recreation

7. confusion

8. vacation

9. election

10. completion