Annex B

Sub Forum Review Meeting

Tuesday22nd April 13:00 – 14:30

County Hall, CG23

Minutes of Meeting


Yannick Stupples-Whyley – Schools Finance Manager, ECC – YSW

Farah Pervez – Project Accountant, ECC – FP (Minutes)

Richard Thomas – Executive Director ASHE - RT

Rod Lane – RL

Ruth Bird – RB

Sian Shordon - SS


Dean Tandy – Schools Broadband Development Manager, ECC – DT

Sally Davies- SD

Richard Foster – RF

Paul Ellis – PE

  1. Apologies from Sally Davies, Richard Foster and Paul Ellis.
  2. Dean Tandy is on sick leave; Sian Shordon (ECC) attending on his behalf.
  1. SS presented a ‘jargon free’ leaflet she produced which explains schools broadband offerings in a clear and simple fashion. Sub-group were not aware of this and asked that it be available on Infolink, if not already there.
  2. SS presented a newsletter which is a joint ECC/DUCL update to schools on their schools broadband. There is a feature article on telephony savings which will be useful for schools.
  3. Hard copies will be sent to all headteachers and governors, including copies of past newsletters. Will be emailed to YSW in the first instance to ensure it is forwarded to the sub-group.
  4. Contains reference to an IT Resources Exhibition being held on the 30th April, at which DUCL will be exhibiting.
  5. A Secondary Schools Network Managers meeting is scheduled for the 18th June and is also referred to in the newsletter. At the last meeting 50 schools attended and communication was sent through head teachers.
  6. The sub-group were not aware of these meetings and asked they be communicated to relevant parties in advance of the above dates so schools could make arrangements to attend.
  7. Similar meetings will be scheduled for primary schools however additional planning is involved due to the number of schools.
  8. Communications to be sent to schools to clarify what is included in Microsoft 365 package so that schools can utilise as many features.
  9. Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed and comments made as follows:
  10. SS to confirm if report will be available by 2ndMay for the Schools Forum schedule for the 21st May. Sub-group would like year 1 and year 2 indicative costs included for schools wishing to convert from maintained to academy.
  11. SS to confirm 2.1 is included on Infolink.
  12. Need to know what schools are paying for and how much any add-ons would cost (point 5).
  13. SS confirmed schools can seek indicative savings figures from DUCL even if they are in contract with another broadband provider as in some instances the termination fee is less than the savings if moving to DUCL.
  14. SS to provide schools and savings for circulation through Richard. To be send to YSW for circulation in first instance
  15. SS informed sub-group that the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) pilot has been completed and was successful.
  16. SS to provide overview of transparent proxy (settings which prevent users with own devices accessing filtered sites).
  17. RT asked whether the roadshows mentioned at the last meeting would still be taking place with Microsoft, given ECC is a large customer. SS to liaise with DT on this.
  18. SS to provide communications through “update meetings” which are held with head teachers.
  19. DT to provide spreadsheet outlining “tipping points” for contract, beyond which not viable for schools forum to contribute.
  20. Sub-group thanked SS for stepping in at such short notice.