Responsibilities of Representatives on the Activities Board

Activities Board representatives help groups navigate the Columbia bureaucracy, aid groups in event and financial planning, and support the development of student life on campus. Representatives are advocates for the groups they oversee and are crucial in identifying areas in which the Board, the administration, and other student leaders can help improve students' experiences at Columbia.

There are 13 representatives on the board; each representative is responsible for one of the following group categories:




Black, Latino, and Native American

East Asian

South Asian & Pacific

European and Middle Eastern






Special Interest

A list of which specific groups are in each category can be found at the end of this application.

Throughout the year, we vote on recognizing new groups, and pursue policies that enhance student life. In the spring, we determine allocations for groups. The Activities Board is a great place to learn more about student groups and funding, to gain leadership experience, and to make an impact on campus.

All representatives must attend weekly board meetings at 8:30 pm on Wednesday evenings and any subcommittees they are assigned to. Reps will also be required to attend a (free and exciting!) retreat during the first week of school in the fall. Finally, reps will be required to attend the New Group Recognition Interview Day as well as Town Hall, twice a year, once each semester. You must be available for Fall New Group Recognition on Saturday, October 15th, all day, and Fall Town Hall on Tuesday, November 8th, from 8-10pm.

Applications must be submitted to by 11:59PM on Monday, April 18th. Candidates may start campaigning from April 19th to April 25th. Elections will close on April 25th and newly elected representatives will be expected to attend the last ABC meeting on April 27th.

2016 – 2017 Representative Application

Applicant Information

Candidate Name:





Which group category are you running to represent (max one):

Candidate Statement

In your candidate statement, please explain your interest, qualifications, and ideas for the position of Activities Board Representative, making sure to answer the questions below. You may provide separate responses to each question or address them all in one statement.

1. Why do you want to be an Activities Board representative?

2. Name two to three policy initiatives that you think the Activities Board should pursue this year.

3. Please detail your involvement at Columbia, highlighting any experience leading Activities Board groups.

4. Please detail your commitment to club positions, jobs, internships, or other responsibilities for 2016-2017.

Group Categories


Columbia Ballet Collaborative, Columbia Bellydancing Troupe, Columbia Raas, Columbia University Bhangra, Columbia University Lion Dance, CU Generation, Dhoom, Onyx Dance Troupe, Orchesis, Orisha, Raw Elementz, Sabor, Taal, Venom Step


Bach Society, Clefhangers, Columbia Classical Performers, Columbia New Music, Columbia University Wind Ensemble, Glee Club, Gospel Choir, Kingsmen, Metrotones, Non-Sequitur, Notes and Keys, SHARP, Uptown Vocal, VivaceChamper Singers


Bacchanal, Black Theater Ensemble, Chowdah Sketch Comedy Group, Columbia Musical Theater Society, Columbia University Performing Arts League, CU Players, Fruit Paunch, Kings Crown Shakespeare Troupe, Varsity Show

Black, Latino, and Native American

African Students Association, Black Heritage Month, Black Students Organizations, Caribbean Students Association, Chicano Caucus, Columbia Por Colombia, Haitian Students Association, Latino Heritage Month, Native American Council, Native American Heritage Month, Organization of Latin American Students, Student Associaton of Latinos, Brazilian Society

East Asian

Asian American Alliance, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, Chinese Students Club, Columbia Japan Society, Global China Connection, Hong Kong Students & Scholars Society, Korean Students Assoc, Taiwanese American Students Association

South Asian & Pacific

Club Bangla, Club Zamana, Liga Filipina, Malama Hawaii, Organization of Pakistani Students, Singapore Student Association, South East Asian League, Thai Sabai, Vietnamese Student Association

European and Middle Eastern

Armenian Club, Columbia Iranian Students Assoc, French Cultural Society, Hellas, Polish Club, Russian International Assoc, Turath, Turkish Students Assoc, Ukrainian Students Society, Tatar Club, Germanic Cultural Society,


Africa-Diaspora Literary Society, Columbia Model Congress, Columbia Neuroscience Society, Columbia Pre-Law Society, Columbia Society for Undergraduate Chemistry, Columbia University Sign Language Club, Mock Trial, Parliamentary Debate, Philolexian Society, Political Science Student Association, Quiz Bowl, Society of International Undergraduates, Columbia Linguistic Society, Student Union for Sustainable Development


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Application Development Initiative,Association of Computing Machinery, Biomedical Engineering Society, Columbia U Engineers Without Borders, CUINFORMS, Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers


American Medical Students Association, Charles Drew Pre-Med Society, Columbia Association of Pre-Dental Students, Columbia China Law Business Association, Columbia Economics Society, Columbia Organization of Rising Entrepreneurs, Columbia U Financial Engineering, Columbia Women’s Business Society, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Multicultural Business Association, National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, Women in Computer Science,


Architecture Society, Birch, Blue and White, Columbia East Asia Review, Columbia Journal of Literary Criticism , Columbia Review, Columbia Science Review, Columbia Undergraduate Law Review, Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal, Federalist Paper, Helvidius (Journal of Politics and Society), Jester of Columbia, The Culinarian


Artist Society, Columbia Television, Columbia University Film Production, Columbia University National Undergraduate, Columbia University Photography Society, Columbia University Science Fiction Society, CU Records, Ferris Reel Film Society, Film Festival, Sounds of China, Students for the Advancement of Underrepresented Filmmakers

Special Interest

Anime Club, Chess Club, ConversioVirium, Culinary Society, Games Club, Club, Nightline, Queer Awareness Month, E-sports Club, US Milvets of CU, Women's History Month, Gosh Yarn It!

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