SIEC Operational Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 28, 2016

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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Department of Transportation, Brick Store Landing Road Smyrna

Bill Carrow, DIVCOM
Tim Dobrowolski, MicroTek
Andrew Fulton, DHSS
Bill Streets, New Castle County
James Clacher, DelDOT
Arnold Maas, DEMA
LTC Wiley Blevins, DNG
Renee Hupp, DEMA


Jim Clacher, DELDOT opened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. with introductions.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from Previous Meeting:

Motion by Bill Carrow, second by Andrew Fulton to accept September’s minutes as submitted. Motion passed unanimously.

Project Updates:

o  700MHz / 800MHz Systems – Bill Carrow

o  BDA – Tim Dobrowolski

o  Fiber & Data Project Updates – Mark Cabry

o  Broadband Update – Tim Dobrowolski

Bill Carrow briefed that both system are operating normally. He reported on the Technology Refresh contract signed with Motorola which begins July 1, 2016.

Tim Dobrowolski provided an update on the BDA project. He advised Alfred Waters Middle School had been completed. He also advised the current contract would expire in March and the current vendor is no longer interested in participating in BDA projects.
Work is underway to secure new vendor to complete pending projects.

Mark Cabry was unable to attend the meeting so the fiber and data project report was tabled.

Tim Dobrowolski provided a broadband overview and advised that FirstNet and NTIA will attend the February SIEC and Broadband Working Group meetings.

Old Business
Bill Carrow reported on an issue from November dealing with private ambulance company radio contact with medical direction. After consultation with the Fire Prevention Commission Bill forwarded an e-mail to all 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) as a reminder of the FCC requirement to monitor 8CAL90. Private ambulance companies are required to maintain radios programmed with 8CAL90 and 8TAC91-94. Should they require emergency contact with a 9-1-1 center or hospital medical direction, they will call on 8CAL90 and the 9-1-1 center will patch to a trunked talk-group.

New Business
Bill Carrow brought up the issue of proper antennas on portable radios. The State’s 800 radio system has always been designed for portable radios to operate at peak performance using the standard eight-inch antenna. In 2013 the issue of agencies replacing these antennas with smaller “stub” antennas was brought before the SIEC, and DIVCOM recommended against using the smaller antennas due to signal degradation. At the SIEC’s direction an advisory was sent to all SIEC representatives and the vendor community warning of possible communications issues surrounding use of the small antennas.

Bill related actual communications issues witnessed by DIVCOM in a hotel in Dewey Beach and the Sussex County Courthouse and recommended a motion be made to move this issue to the SIEC for a vote to prohibit use of the small antennas.
Bill Streets advised that the majority of tactical members from NCCPD use the small antennas.

Motion by Andrew Fulton, second by LTC Wiley Blevins to recommend the SIEC prohibit agency use of any antenna on a portable radio other than the standard issue long antenna unless proven tactically necessary with a waiver signed by the agency Chief and filed with DIVCOM. Motion carried with no opposition.

Community Reports
Bill mentioned that the DIVCOM administration will be moving in the near future to the old Troop 3 building.

Next Meeting

March 31, 2016 @ 1:30 p.m. at DelDOT/TMC, Rehoboth Conference Room.


Motion by Bill Carrow, second by Andrew Fulton, meeting adjourned @ 2:00 p.m.

2016 Remaining Meeting Dates

May 26 July 28
September 29
November 17 (Due to Thanksgiving Holiday)