Instruction: How to use SBS Ordering System(for order approval)
(Recommend to budget holders)
Once login is made successfully, user will get into Dashboard page – guidelines & announcement will be placedthere.
User could edit his/her personal information in Profile page. e.g. telephone no., email, password & etc.
Budget Holder could view all purchasing records under his/her account on Order pageand check his/her account balance on Profile page.
For Order approval
Once an order is created, an email notification (Order Approval – in pending stage) will be automatically sent to Initiator (order creator), Budget holder (if involved) Lab superintendent (if involved).
Note:If Budget Holder’s account is charged (in a yellow/green stream in flow chart for order approval), an email notification will be sent to budget holder. Otherwise, the email will be sent to our superintendent Mr. KY Ng ()
Important notes:
- Order initiator (e.g. technician) could not edit the order once confirmation is made.
- Budget holder (e.g. supervisor) could edit the order before order approval is made.
- Once the order is approved, the order could not be further edited by budget holder/superintendent. Please contact General Office (SBS Ordering System Administrator) for order editing.
- Order in multiple charging accounts, the approval would be simply made by Lab Superintendent.
“Approve order”should be pressed for order endorsement if there is no amendment.
And then, “Confirm” should be pressed by budget holderfor no further change.
If there is any change (e.g. charging account), budget holder could press “Edit order” to update the information.
Once the order is submitted, an email notification (Order Approval – in approved stage) will be sent to Initiator (order creator), Budget holder (if involved), Lab superintendent (if involved) and Administrators.
Order initiator (e.g. technician) could send the order to company.
If the amount of order exceeds $5,000, a print copy should be made for Director’s endorsement (Please refer to the flow chart)
Budget holder could view all his/her related records in Order page
In order to illustrate the order summary table, an administrator’s view is used as an example.
Order no. – a prefix (a letter) followed with 6 digits (e.g. M000046)
Prefix could be
- C – Central fund
- G – Research grant
- S – Staff allocation
- M – Multiple parties
Official P.O. – It is assigned & input by Administrator
Date – Date for order (current date as default, but user could change a desired date)
Charging account – there are some coding to represent what kind of account charging for the order
e.g. R-FCL means charging FCL’s research grant
T-NK means charging School general expenses (Teaching), associated with NK
SBS means charging School general expenses (Central funded)
DD means charging DD’s general expenses
Initiated by – to show who place the order.
Supplier, Items, Amounts – in brief
The details could be viewed by clicking into a particular order.
Status – in Pending, Approved or Cancelled
The order could be cancelled with a supporting reason. User should be an obligation to make sure the order correctly.
Note: If user violates the system regulation, his/her user account would be disabled.
Delivery – Outstanding or Completed
PDF – An order form in PDF
There is a link to draw Budget Holder’s attention about order(s) as follow.
This instruction guideline is prepared by Lily Ng on January 2017