End of Season meeting

Monday 18th May 2015


1.  Present and Apologies

June Byrne – Chair / Tibberton

Siobhan Byrne – League Administrator / Tibberton

Ali Thompson – Treasurer / Market Drayton

Jude Frost – Fixture Secretary / Market Drayton

Hazel Yates – Results Secretary / Oswestry

Anna Owen – Bridgnorth

Kathy Gardner - Baschurch

Tracey Bugiel – Severn Gems

Sally Loft – Flames

Nicky Fuller – Flames

Karen Bowen – Hotshots

Nicolette Byrne – Tibberton

Sharon Dudley – Tibberton

Vikki Woodman – Tibberton

Jill Loveday – Wenlock

Ann Smith – Wenlock

Lynda Manson – Recycles

Karen Hall – Recycles

Doreen Morgan – Telford

Jess Lightwood – Telford

Apologies – Pam Dean Umpire Secretary

Sian Roberts - Oswestry

Karen Bennett - Tibberton

2. Matters arising from last minutes

KB from Hotshots said she had attended the last meeting but was missing from the minutes.

SB to amend

JB signed as correct.

3. Finances

AT issued a copy of the balance sheet and informed the meeting that the ‘Income’ had been better managed this season.

Umpire expenditure - down by £260.

Facility hire - down by £180.

Trophies - down by £200.

LM said Phoenix were very good to adjust the courts fees to reflect the time we use. AT said she does give them prior warning.

AT had been in touch with Tina Owen and the Treasurer of the former Shrewsbury Netball Club regarding their bad debt - £157.50.

The meeting agreed that should we not receive this by the end of June, we would write to them asking to see a copy of their accounts to prove they have a zero balance.

Next season fees were discussed at great length. It was agreed that the League entry fee will remain the same at £20 per team.

All teams will now pay per Match, rather than per fixture date. A cap of £10.50 fee per team per match was agreed. This was unanimously agreed by all Clubs via a vote to be the fairest way.

4. Competitive Structure:

U11 – June asked all the clubs if they were all happy with the structure and all agreed it went smoothly. One suggestion was if it could be written in the Rules that after Xmas you would be able to move team members around from one team to another. This was agreed to be put in the Rules. SD - to action.

U14 – Same question as above. Jude reported on the structure of teams going through to Region only play 3 match days and is not enough; need to play every week to show progress. Nicolette pointed out that we need to take into consideration the weekly costs of umpires, venue and parent commitment if Div 1 teams played each week. It was agreed in the end to try it and see how it went.

It was suggested a September tournament be held so as to help coaches and teams develop their match play, date for this was agreed – 4thOctober at Phoenix all day. Teams will be entered by the clubs into either the Cup or Plate section of the tournament. With Cup teams being seeded to form DIV 1 & 2 of the league and Plate teams seeded to form Div 3 & 4.

It was agreed that extra dates would then be added , to accommodate extra Div 1 matches, with the aim of teams playing fortnightly until Christmas.

U16 – Had 2 divisions after Christmas and had no real issues; two teams withdrew during the season.

As with the U14s, the U16 Div 1 teams will play the extra dates before Christmas to gain extra match play before regional league.

Decision about whether to include the U16s in the pre-season tournament will be left until entry forms are received.

U19 - Only 1 division, need to try and push more teams to enter.

5. Election of officers:

Chair Nicolette Byrne

League Admin Sharon Dudley

Treasurer Ali Thompson

Fixture Sec Jude Frost

Results Sec Hazel Yates

Umpiring Sec Pam Dean

6. Dates for next season CVL:

18th October, 22nd November, 6th December , 2016 : 24th January, 7th& 28th Feb, 13th March

Reserve: 17th April

Division 1 U14/U16 : extra dates - 1st November (am) and 8th November (pm)

7. Regional league results:

June asked the clubs that took part how the teams got on.

U14 – Lynda (Recycles) said they struggled with the high standard but were not put off and all the players enjoyed it.

U16 – Lynda(Recycles) and Jill (Wenlock) both said it was hard but still the players enjoyed the experience.

8. Matters/issues recorded by the CVL administrator:

All issues that have occurred had been dealt with. The only issue discussed was fines and that they should be written into the Rules for next season. New Rule was agreed as follows:

-  No fine if club has to pull out of league as long as sufficient notice is given so as to allow the league to re structure the league.

-  If a team has to cancel a match they MUST give 24 hrs notice, i.e by 8pm Friday.

SD = to action rule change

9. AOB

June went round the clubs asking if there was anything else to discuss which was not on the Agenda.

Bridgnorth commented on how the U14 matches umpires lacked enthusiasm and level of ability to umpire to showing the basic understanding of moving up and down the court with the play. Bridgnorth did stress that Pam does a great job in organising umpires and understands how hard it is to get umpires , but possibly a more experienced umpire should run alongside a lesser umpire and monitored in some way. Jude did mention that 26 people had recently just passed their beginners course and would get hold of this list to help with umpiring. But beginners must still be monitored in some way to help them improve on the standard. It was discussed that the League must have qualified umpires on ALL 'Div 1' games. As this season we had aC Award on a Div 4 game, while 2 beginners were on a 'Div 1' match.

Tibberton raised the point that all teams must make sure their 'bench' are to the left of the umpire, and that they do not allow their sub players to be warming up on the side/back of the court, or throwing balls around on the side of the courts - there is plenty of room outside the courts for warming up, to avoid disturbing matches.

Much Wenlock – thanked Sue Richards for her help with organising the umpires for regional league.

All Clubs – Gave thanks to June for all the years of commitment and dedication to setting the CVL up.

CVL forms to be in by: 19th September

Next Meeting: 4th October (after tournament)