Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 23 May 2017 at 11am
at the Beacon Room, Ludlow Castle
The chairman welcomed all to the AGM, and Matt & Annabelle from Hundred House Coffee who had provided pre-meeting drinks explained about their local new coffee company. ( )
Registration had been online with the following in attendance:
Jane Chesson, Nichola Cariss, David Palliser, Clare Wright , Robert & Chris Tromans, Kay Dartnell, Lesley Baddeley, Jack Limond, Merinda Essex, Paul Baddeley, Ray Foster, Steven Blackman, Clive & Cynthia Prior, Dave Wright, Joyce Cook, Bob Welch, Caroline Magnus, Paul Davis
And these members apologised:
Sheila Davies, Jo Longstaff, Catherine Evans, Ewa Lovejoy, Caroline Barr, John Dover, Mike Brogden, Sue Murray, Nigel McDonald, Isabel Barnard, Mary Meddings, Laura Penman, Carolyn Chesshire
The Minutes of Shropshire Hills Tourism AGM 2016 were briefly read and proposed as being a fair reflection – Proposed Kay Dartnell, Seconded Dave Palliser. Carried unanimously
No Matters Arising from the Minutes other than the special resolutions regarding company structure to come later
5. Chairman’s Report
Paul reported that a lot of opportunities had been created this year for members to meet and socialise – visits to Shrewsbury Museum & Castle, Visit to Stokesay Court, entry to Ludlow Food Festivaland a meet up in their hospitality lounge, tour on the Sabrina River boat,& walking tour of Shrewsbury lead by a professional town guide, The Judges Lodgings and Hergest Croft Gardens. In addition there had been 3 IT focused courses plus a Self-help IT Workshop. He thanked Louise and team from Buy-From, White Horse Inn Clun, and Westhope College, Tim King, Caroline Magnus, Dilwyn Jones, Bronwyn Skipworth and Tim King – now sadly retired.
The Annual leaflet swap and information dissemination session atStokesay Court in conjunction with the AONB had been a huge success with over 120 attending and Press Release getting into the papers thanks to Kay
Thanks to Ludlow Castle and Ludlow Food Festival a Tourist Information stall awas run t the Ludlow Spring Food Festival. 900 maps given out, engagement with visitors.
The Photography Competition ended with 120 entries. Thanks to Louise and Richard Childs for judging and Cynthia for prize coordination
Various funding streams had been bid for, with the EFARD currently ongoing being run through Shropshire Council.
There had been just one Special Offer, Local social enterprise, Green Leaf Eco Films, will produce a polished, informative, one minute promo video for the discounted rate of£150
The new Discover Shropshire Group through SWT has brought a number of tourism entities together and the encouraging willingness to cooperate was refreshing.
Shropshire Hills had appeared on TV through Tori Herridge Walking through time, while the association had facilitated Christopher Sommerville for a walk in The Times thanks to Schoolhouse B&B in Chapel Lawn
The Chair thanked Louise for all her input to Social Media and other marketing, Dave Palliser & AONB for Great Days in the Shropshire Hills Map, and all members for being enthusiastic. Also big thanks to Jack for taking over the accounts mid year with all the frustrations of getting bank access etc
Treasurer’s Report
Jack stated that it had been another difficult year still getting systems in place as he had taken over mid year. There is a good sum in the bank as membership has been received from 141 while expenditure had not yet gone out for the summer. He thanked Paul for his help in chasing up payments. The meeting unanimously adopted the accounts, although some defunct memberships would be removed before sending returnto companies house. Proposed Caroline Magnus, Seconded Lesley Baddeley. Carried
The sum of £45 was unanimously agreed for the membership fee for 2017/18 Proposed Jack Limond, Seconded Dave Palliser Carried
The current Board Members agreed to continue, with one addition of Bronwyn Skipworth from the Stables Inn, Hopesgate.
Board members are: Paul Davis, Dave Palliser, Jack Limond, Caroline Magnus, Bob Welch, Cynthia Prior, Kay Dartnell, Louise Welsby, Francesca Biddlecombe, Catherine Evans, Sonja Belchere, Bronwyn Skipworth with Nigel McDonald attending for AONB Elected en bloc
Directors, Paul Davis, Dave Palliser, Jack Limond were elected unanimously
Rationalisation of company structure:
To dissolve Shropshire Hills Tourism Ltd and transfer all assets to South Shropshire Tourism Ltd (the actual holding company) Carried unanimously
For the Treasurer to open a bank account in the name of South Shropshire Tourism Ltd, trading as Shropshire Hills Tourism Carried unanimously
Any other business: Clive Prior requested that we lobby for more South Shropshire literature to be on the shelves at Shrewsbury TIC – it was noted that certain items had been sent from the leaflet swap, and large stocks of Great Days out had been supplied. Clive also raised the issue of Church Stretton TIC. Bob noted that, after the withdrawal of Shropshire Council funding, this was currently in the library, pending the outcome of a Shropshire Council procurement process following a judicial review. However, Church Stretton Town Council were committed to having a TIC in the town centre, staffed by volunteers, whatever the outcome.
Caroline Magnus flagged the complete closure of the A49 for repairs to Onibury level crossing from 30 June to 10 July. The chairman agreed t write to the relevant authorities expressing concern on the impact to tourism. Members were warned to keep a look out for public meetings and to raise their concerns.
The meeting closed with a guided tour of Ludlow Castle with archaeologist Leon Bracelin and visit to the new Buttercross Museum.