Shropshire County DementiaProfile 2016/17Summary Report

The Dementia Profile has been developed to support an intelligence driven approach to understanding and meeting need. It collates and analyses a wide range of publically available data.

There are seven categories to this profile and these are:

Pathway on a PagePrevalence

Preventing Well Diagnosing Well

Living Well Supporting Well

Dying Well

For the purposes of this report onlyprevalence,pathway on a page and supporting welldata will be included as the remaining categories are either not relevant or do not contain annual comparative data for Shropshire.This report is based on County and UA leveldata.


Table 1Shropshire county dementia prevalence – 2016/17

Source: Public Health England 2016/17

Key Headlines:

  • Dementia recorded prevalence (all ages)– In 2016/17Shropshire had asignificantly higherpercentage of all ages with dementia (1.1%)compared to the England percentage of 0.8%. Both the local and national percentage rates have increased annually since 2011/12 with the gap between the two widening (see appendix 1).
  • Dementia recorded prevalence (aged 65+) – Based on 6-monthly returns, Shropshire was similar to England in April 2017, but by September 2017, Shropshire was significantly higher at 4.51% compared to England at 4.33%.

Pathway on a Page:

Table 2: Shropshire county dementia pathway on a page data – 2016/17

Source: Public Health England 2016/17

Key Headlines:

  • Dementia: recorded prevalence (aged 65+) - Please see prevalence and appendix 1.
  • Dementia: ratio (per 100) of inpatient service use to recorded diagnosis - In 2016/17 the Shropshire ratio of inpatient service use to recorded diagnosis was significantly lower at 44.5compared to England at 55.1 but both local and national rates increased from 2015/16. Shropshire has been consistently lower than England since 2012/13 (see appendix 2).
  • Dementia: DSR (per 100,000 population) of emergency admissions (aged 65+) – Rates forboth Shropshire and England increased from 2012/13 but Shropshire rates have been consistently and significantly lower than England. In 2016/17 Shropshire rates were 2613 compared to England at 3482 (see appendix 2).
  • DSR (per 100,000 population) of mortality: people with dementia (aged 65+)–The rate of deaths for adults aged 65+ increased annually for both Shropshire and England but in 2016 Shropshire had significantly higher rates at 963 compared to England at 868 (see appendix 2).

Supporting Well:

Table 3: Shropshire county Dementia – Supporting Well 2016/17

Source: Public Health England 2016/17

Key Headlines:

  • Dementia: ratio (per 100) of inpatient service use to recorded diagnosis - Please see pathway on a page and appendix 2.
  • Dementia: DSR (per 100,000 population) of emergency admissions (aged 65+) - Please see pathway on a page and appendix 2.
  • Dementia: short stay emergency admissions (aged 65+) - Proportions forboth Shropshire and England generally increased from 2012/13 but Shropshire proportions have been consistently and significantly lower than England. In 2016/17 Shropshire percentages were19.2% compared to England at 28.2% (see appendix 3).
  • Alzheimer’s disease: DSR (per 100,000 population) of inpatient admissions (aged 65+) –From 2012/13 Shropshire rates were significantly lower than England although both local and national rates increased annually. However, in 2016/17 the Shropshire (629.3) rate was similar to the England rate of 652.1.
  • Vascular dementia: DSR (per 100,000 population) of inpatient admissions (aged 65+) –

Rates forboth Shropshire and England generally increased from 2012/13 but Shropshire rates have been consistently and significantly lower than England. In 2016/17 Shropshire rates were 466.3 compared to England at 523.3 (see appendix 3).

  • Unspecified dementia: DSR (per 100,000 population) of inpatient admissions (aged 65+) – Rates forboth Shropshire and England generally increased from 2012/13 but Shropshire rates have been consistently and significantly lower than England. In 2016/17 Shropshire rates were 1185.6 compared to England at 1299.5 (see appendix 3).

Appendix 1: Prevalence Trend charts

Appendix 2: Pathway on a Page Trend charts

Appendix 2: Supporting Well Trend charts

Shropshire County Cancer Services Profile 2016/17

PHE Profile website:

Public Health Intelligence

Shropshire Council

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