Should Genetics Be Used to Improve Humans? Biology Homework

In 1978, the first successful in vitro fertilization procedure was performed on a human. In vitro fertilization is the process of fertilizing an egg with a sperm outside the body. Once the egg is fertilized, it is placed back into a woman’s uterus for further development. The purpose of this procedure was to allow women with certain reproductive disorders to have children. While this goal was achieved (the doctor who developed this procedure, Dr. Robert Edwards, one the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2010), the procedure also gave rise to a number of ethical, legal, and moral issues.

As research provides more and more information about the human genome (all the human DNA), it may become possible for scientists to manipulate (change) human DNA. The potential development and use of such techniques will raise very difficult questions. Many of these questions will center on the use of technology to “improve” the human species.

Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering can be thought of as the “redesigning” of organisms by changing their genes. The most important technique used in genetic engineering is the combination of DNA from two different cells. This technique is called recombinant DNA technology. Genetic engineering has successfully developed methods of producing large amounts of certain vaccines, and drugs such as insulin (for diabetes) and interferon (used to kill viruses).

Genetic engineering has raised concerns that the techniques used to “redesign” organisms might be applied to humans. Genetic engineering could make possible a modern-day eugenic movement to alter(change) the genetic makeup of people deemed to be “undesirable.” (Hitler used this and we all know he was a very bad man).

Trait Selection At present, the fears that genetic engineering might lead to extreme alterations of humans seem unfounded (baseless). However, the mapping of the human genome does present the possibility of parents being able to “select” certain traits for yet-to-be conceived offspring.

It is now possible to screen embryos (early-fertilized eggs) for a broad spectrum of genetic disorders and inherited traits. Thus, future generations of prospective parents may be able to select some of the physical traits they will pass on to their children. It may even be possible for parents to make decisions regarding certain mental and personality traits.

Should Genetics Be Used to Improve Humans? Homework Analysis

Part One:Summarize the article on a separate sheet of paper. Use the sentence starters below to keep you organized and on track. Remember in a summary, there is no opinion. Just state the facts from the article.

-The purpose of this article was ….

- The article informed me of…

-The importance of this article is…

-In conclusion, …

Part Two:What other words could you use here? It is okay to use a dictionary or thesaurus if needed.

a) “Thus, future generations of prospective parents may be able to select some of the physical traits they will pass on to their children.”

Other word(s) for prospective: ______

b) “Genetic engineering has successfully developed methods of producing large amounts of certain vaccines…”

Other word(s) for producing: ______

c) “Genetic engineering can be thought of as the “redesigning” of organisms by changing their genes.”

Other word(s) for redesigning: ______

Part Three: Answer these questions below using complete sentences.

1) Based upon the information in the article, what is in vitro fertilization?

2) Based upon the article, how has genetic engineering been beneficial to humans (why is it good?)

3) Under what circumstances should doctors be allowed to change the genes (DNA) of patients? Support your opinion with facts.

4) Should genetic engineering be used to improve the human species? Support your answer.