Enhancing the Conservation Effectiveness of Seagrass Ecosystems Supporting Globally Significant Populations of Dugongs across the Indian and Pacific OceanBasins
(Short Title: “The GEF Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project”)
Interim Funding Agreement
TheMohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, a grant-giving endowment fund organised under the laws of Abu Dhabi, (hereinafter referred to as “TheFund”), represented by [NAME, JOB TITLE] and having its office at P.O.Box 131112, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
[PROJECT PARTNER NAME] (hereinafter referred toas the “Partner”), represented by[NAME, JOB TITLE] and having its office at [ADDRESS]
In support of the GEF financed [NATIONAL PROJECT TITLE] (hereinafter referred to asthe “national Project”)in [COUNTRY].
The present interim Agreement represents the commitment of The Fund and the Partner to the joint implementation of the national Project. Itfacilitates the initial financial arrangements between The Fund and the Partner during the Inception Phase due to end on 31 August 2015, after which this interim Agreement will be superseded by the final Funding Agreement.
Contact details for correspondence on substantive and technical matters as well as on administrative and financial matters are as set out in Appendix 1 of this Interim Agreement. Any changes to these details shall be communicated in a timely manner.
Terms of scope
The work implemented under this interim Agreement should result in the delivery of a comprehensive project proposal, including but not limited to the activities described in Appendix 2.
The Partner shall not use the prescribed funds for any other purposes but for achieving the objective of the national Project, namely [NATIONAL PROJECT OBJECTIVE].
The agreed activities, except for project reporting,may be altered upon written approval by The Fund.The Partner should send requests for changes in writing to Project Coordinator (contact information provided in Appendix 1 of this Interim Agreement).
This interim Agreement is effective from the date of the latest signature and shall expire after 6 months, or upon satisfactory delivery of a comprehensive project proposal, unless sooner terminated by the Parties to this Agreement or when the final Funding Agreement comes into effect.
Should it become evident that an extension beyond the duration of this interim Funding Agreement is required, The Fund shall issue an extension to thisinterim Agreement upon expiry, based upon The Partner’s forecast of expenditure requirement for the period to be covered and upon acceptance thereof by The Fund.
Cash Advance
The Fund hereby agrees to grant US $ [AMOUNT IN FIGURES & WORDS] to the Partner. This cash advance represents xxx% of the total available GEF funding for the national Project. The remainingxxx% shall be released to the national Project in instalments upon signing the final Funding Agreement or the extension to this interim Agreement (if applicable).
No additional funds will be dispersed prior to signing of the final Funding Agreement unless an extension is mutually agreed upon.
The total cost of the national Project is US $ [AMOUNT IN FIGURES & WORDS] of which US$ [AMOUNT IN FIGURES & WORDS] is GEF financed and US $ [AMOUNT IN FIGURES & WORDS] is co-financed.
Bank account
The Partner will maintain a separate project bank accountand keep separate, accurate and up-to-date records and documents in respect of all expendituresfor all funds made available by The Fund.
The funds shall be deposited in:
Bank Name:Bank Postal Address:
Name of Account:
Bank Account Number:
Sort Code:
Currency of Account:
IBAN number:
SWIFT number:
ABA or BIC Number:
The Partner will submit reports to The Fund, against the items detailed in Appendix 2. These reports will follow the specified formats (templates enclosed), as per the following schedule:
Quarterly expenditures report on or before:
10 April (for period January-March)
10 July (for period April-June)
10 October (for period July-September)
10 January (for period October-December)
Half-yearly Progress Reporton or before:
10 July (for period January-June)
10 January (for period July-December)
Co-funding Report on or before:
10 July (for period January-June)
10 January (for period July-December)
Final Cash Advance report:
At the end of the duration of this interim Agreement, or when funds have been 100% depleted, the Partner shall submit a full financial statement of funds expended.
All funds must be accounted for in US $ and include the exchange rate used for converting local currency into US $.
Either party may terminate this interim Agreement in writing at least one month prior to such termination.
In the event of termination, all remaining funds, other than those irrevocably committed in good faith before the date of termination or agreed between The Fund and The Partner as being required to finalise activities, will be returned to The Fund. The Fund reserves the right to take action as may be necessary to recover any obligated funds or unauthorised expenditures.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this interim Agreement:
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund / [Insert full name of the Project Partner]By: ______
Title: ______
Date: ______/ By: ______
Title: ______
Date: ______
Contact Details
Correspondence shall be addressed to:
At MbZSCF / At PartnerMs. Maya Bankova-Todorova
GEF Project Coordinator
P.O. Box 131112
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: +971 50 445 8010
Cc Ms. Mariam Yacout
Project Associate
P.O. Box 131112
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: +971 50 445 8010
- Identify and appoint project team
- review and refine project concepts
- review and accept/ propose changes to annual budget allocations
- provide a workplan
- contribute to/ participate in the inception workshop and other events organised under the project
- contribute to the establishment of a NFC
- provide a support to the Project Coordinator for the establishment of the Executive PSC
- familiarize with technical and progress project reporting (Appendices) and deliver reports to Project Coordinator, according to the calendar specified in section "Reporting'