Role of the Reading Coach
Guidance Document for Florida School Districts
Table of Contents:
Appendix A: Sample Position Description for Reading Coach……………. Page 3
Appendix B: District Cadre Interview Questions……………………………Page 5
Appendix C: Reading Coach Candidate Application Rubric……………….Page 7
Appendix D: Coaching Evaluation - District Level Sample…………………Page 10
Appendix E: Record of Services – Sample Documentation………………...Page 11
Appendix A
Position Description for Middle/Secondary Reading Coach1.
7. / Primary Responsibilities: Middle/Secondary Reading Coach – Middle and Secondary Education
The Middle/Secondary Reading Coach will provide assistance to Middle/Secondary teachers in meeting students’ educational needs by performing the following functions:
Curriculum Implementation:
- Train and coach reading teachers to implement the Reading/Language Arts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.
- Train and coachreading teachers to correlate the Reading/Language Arts Next Generation Sunshine StateStandards with their instructional planning and instructional materials.
- Train and coach reading teachers to develop an understanding of instructional expectations based on appropriate data gathered throughout the assessment cycle of screening, diagnosing, progress monitoring and reviewing outcome data.
- Inform and assist teachers to implement and monitorthe K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan strategies along with other site-based literacy goalsthat are grounded in student data.
- Train teachers touse effective instructional strategies and materials to increase reading and writing achievement.
- Model and coach teachers to implement effective reading/writing strategies appropriate for use in the content and reading classroom.
- Coach and mentor non-education majors and developing reading teachers touse effective instructional practices.
- Train and coach teachers to implement differentiated instruction methods within the content area and reading classrooms.
- Train and coach reading and content teachers to identify and implement effective instructional strategies that support the district’s Response to Intervention model.
- Facilitate cross-curricular literacy initiatives involving site-based content area leaders.
- Train and coach reading teachers to implement the balanced literacy model in all reading classrooms.
- Train and coach reading and content teachers to implement higher order thinking strategies.
- Train teachers to use a variety of reading assessment instruments, with an emphasis on diagnostic and progress monitoring assessments,utilizing available technology.
- Model and coach teachers how to administer assessments and collect data.
- Assist teachers and administrators to disaggregate and interpret assessment data for all students, using available resources and technology, with an emphasis on identified subgroup populations to plan effective instruction to accelerate reading achievement.
- Coach teachers to facilitate changes in instructional practices, behaviors, attitudes and expectations to strongly impact student achievement.
- Conference with teachers to interpret formal and informal assessment dataand plan instruction.
- Conference with teachers using data to effectively inform instruction during Professional Learning Community meetings.
- Provide demonstration classroom opportunities for reading and content teachers followed by coaching and conferencing opportunities with individual teachers.
- Support administration in the appropriate placement of students in reading classes to meet legislative mandates.
- Provide modeling and training support services at the school sites through for teachers and parents of Middle/Secondary students.
- Conduct book studies and disseminate current reading research focused on increasing reading achievement during Professional Learning Community meetings.
- Serve as a facilitator and resource to the Reading Leadership Team, Professional Learning Communities, and the School Improvement Team to increase reading achievement.
- Collaborate with media to support school-wide reading incentive programs.
- Participate in on-going training and support sessions for reading coaches provided by the district and the state.
- Inform and support teacher use of instructional technology in the content and reading classroom.
- Model and coach teachers in the integration of 21st Century literacy skills into the reading and content classrooms.
- Train and support teachers as they create relevant opportunities that motivate students in the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical reading skills.
Appendix B
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (district cadre)
Overall Rating: ______
Name: ______Date: ______
Directions: Indicate your ratings in the blank to the left of the dimension and the overall rating at the top of this form.
(5=Very Highly Recommended; 4=Highly Recommended; 3=Recommended for Serious Consideration; 2=Recommended with Some Reservation; 1=Not Recommended)
Listen for specific information, i.e., situation, action taken by the applicant, and results. Take notes on the lines following the question.
Dimensions and Questions
- _____Content knowledge.
A. Describe what the reading block should like in all elementary classrooms or what an Intensive Reading Classroom should look like at secondary schools.
B. What does small group instruction look like?
- What tools would you use to support the implementation of this instructional model?
- _____Sensitivity.
- How do you perceive your role in working with departmentalized content area teachers?
- _____Initiative.
What initiatives have you personally used to motivate the teachers you work with to become excellent teachers of reading?
- _____Job Motivation.
Tell us your experience working with teachers on how to support struggling readers. Unmotivated readers?
- ______Tolerance for Stress.
Many times a situation arises when you are pulled in different directions. How would you handle ensuring that the role of the reading coach is implemented in accordance with the state’s model coach definition?
- _____Technology.
How have you used technology in a presentation and/or as part of your daily practice? How have you utilized the PMRN, Progress Monitoring Reporting Network?
7. _____Knowledge.
What is the most recent reading professional development training you have attended other than reading endorsement classes? How have you utilized that training to enhance your reading instruction?
8. ______Presentation.
Share the most recent reading training you have presented to teachers. How did you support teachers as they began to implement the new knowledge into their classroom practice?
9._____Support K-12 Reading Plan
Share how you have supported the implementation of the district’s K-12 Reading Plan in your school. What school committees did you serve on last year?
10.____Wrap Up.
What is one asset you will bring to this position that will best help a school wide reading program?
11.____Communication (Oral and Written)
Overall Rating: ______
Written Response Questions
For the Reading Coach Pool
- Describe what you think are the most important aspects of a reading coach’s role.
2. What school based data/assessments would you utilize to support teachers with formalizing small groups for differentiated instruction?
Appendix C
- Performance appraisals
5 = outstanding in 5 of 6 categories; satisfactory in 6th category
4 = outstanding in 4 of 6 categories; satisfactory in other categories
3 = outstanding in 3 of 6 categories; satisfactory in other categories
2 = satisfactory in all categories
1 = needs improvement in any category
0 = unsatisfactory in any category
- Professional contributions – Trainings attended
5 = District trainings directly related to
- reading instruction and coaching such as curriculum-related trainings;
- differentiated instruction
- summer reading coach candidate training
- reading endorsement courses; and
- attendance at trainings or workshops outside of district offered trainings
4 = District trainings directly related to
- reading instruction and coaching such as curriculum-related trainings;
- differentiated instruction; and
- reading endorsement
3 = District trainings directly related to
- reading and coaching such as curriculum-related trainings; and
- reading endorsement
2 = District trainings directly related to
- reading; and
- instructional trainings such as cooperative learning, small learning communities, etc.
1 = District trainings not directly related to reading instruction
0 = No trainings listed
- Workshop trainings delivered
5 = National/State level trainings, professional study day trainings, district-level trainings, site-based reading trainings staff development trainer for reading endorsement, ACP all related to reading
4 = Professional study day trainings, district level trainings, site-based training related to reading
3 = Site-based training related to reading
2 = District level trainings related to other instructional practice
1= Site-based training related to other instructional practice
0 = No trainings
- Reason for becoming a reading coach
5 = Specific statements of interest
- in improving student achievement at the school site;
- in working with adults;
- in building a literacy environment at school site with specific examples of how that might look;
- in learning more about reading and sharing it with colleagues with a specific example of how that might look ; and
- in becoming an outstanding staff developer with specific example of how that might look.
4 = General statement of interest
- in improving student achievement at the school site;
Specific statements of interest
- in building a literacy environment with an example; and
- in providing staff development with an example
3 = General statements of interest
- in improving student achievement at the school site; and
- in providing staff development
2 = General statement of interest in improving student achievement at the
school site
1 = General statement about wanting to change job focus
0 = No statement
- Strategies you use to meet the needs of struggling readers in your classroom or at school
5 = CRISS, Balanced Literacy, Differentiated Instruction (DI), Cooperative learning, Strategic Reading (informational text strategies),
4 = CRISS, Balanced Literacy, DI, Cooperative Learning
3 = CRISS, Balanced Literacy, DI
2 = CRISS, Balanced Literacy
1 = CRISS or Balanced Literacy
0 = strategies listed do not support district philosophy’
- Reading philosophy
5 = Balanced literacy, differentiated instruction, CRISS, cooperative learning with specific examples of how used in his/her classroom
4 = Balanced literacy, DI, CRISS with specific examples of how used in his/her classroom
3 = Balanced literacy, CRISS with specific examples of how used in his/her classroom
2 = General statement of the importance of reading to adolescent readers with specific examples of how supported in classroom
1 = General statement of the importance of reading with no examples
0 = No response
- Essay
5 = Grammatically and structurally well-written; one relevant contribution with multiple specific details to support how the contribution impacted student achievement
4 = Grammatically and structurally well-written; relevant contribution with some specific detail to support how the contribution impacted student achievement
3 = Grammatically and structurally well-written; multiple contributions listed with little specific detail to support how the contribution impacted student achievement
2 = Grammatically and structurally well-written; one contribution listed with specific detail to support how the contribution impacted student achievement
1 = Grammatically and structurally weak; one contribution listed with no specific detail to support how the contribution impacted student achievement
0 = No focus on the topic
Appendix D
Coaching Evaluation - District Level Sample
Indicator / Tools for Evaluation / Emerging / Developing / AccomplishedAt least 75% of reading coach time spent in classrooms and/or with teachers to improve and sustain student achievement through targeting instructional coaching using the gradual release model / PMRN Reading Coach Log
Record of Services
District and School
Student Data
Promoting school-wide culture for literacy learning to include all stakeholders / PMRN Reading Coach Log
Record of Services
Reading Leadership Team Minutes
Enhancing and refining reading instruction and intervention / PMRN Reading Coach Log
Record of Services
Student Data
District and schools walkthroughs
Reading Leadership Team Minutes
Building capacity for literacy across the curriculum / PMRN Reading Coach Log
Record of Services
Student Data
District and schools walkthroughs
Reading Leadership Team Minutes
Appendix E
Record of Services – Sample of Documentation for Reading Coaches
This record substantiates the services the coach has provided to facilitate systemic change in the school, and allows the coach and administrators to evaluate the effectiveness of the services provided.
The record of services should include the following documents:
- Reading coach action plan developed in collaboration with the principal
- Sign-in sheets from whole-group and small-group professional development provided by the coach
- Evaluation sheets assimilated pertaining to the professional development delivered
- Agendas from Reading Leadership Team and other literacy focused meetings
- Documents that reflect a focus on school-wide efforts such as parent workshop sign-in sheets and agendas, and documentation of work with business partners and community organizations
- Summary of student data
- Logs of the coaching process
- Action plan for teacher support with expectations and reflections.