I’m hoping these ideas will help spark ideas of your own and that you don’t just grab any old idea to get this job done! Goals that you create and set in motion for YOURSELF are the ones that will actually matter in your life. Think back to those hypothetical questions you did earlier and your reflections on them – use these to guide your goals…


Eat only healthy foods (learn about how to eat healthy)

Establish and practice a fitness plan that includes aerobic activity and strength training

Learn how to properly wash my hands; practice this X times/day and see if I get sick less

Make 2 phone calls instead of texts every week

Make contact with someone I don’t often talk to at least 2X / month

Practice a “random act of kindness at least once a day

Check my phone only once in the morning and once in the afternoon

Have a pleasant conversation once a week with someone I don’t know

Find something to laugh at every day (just not at someone’s expense)

Meditate 10min/day

Give up junk food

Read 2 books/month

Read a newspaper every day

Eat 2 meatless meals/week for 6 months

Drink no more than X drinks per week

Look at and reflect on all my short - term goals once a week until I achieve them

Speak up when I see someone bullying / being bullied

Practice speaking in uncomfortable situations (on the phone, in class, in large groups…)

Start a relationship


Learn a language

Learn to play a musical instrument

Start a collection

Learn sign language

Learn how to plant a garden

Get a pet and learn how to take excellent care of it (includes saving for vet bills)

Take an anger management course

Learn to draw/paint

Learn to tie flies

Take up fly - fishing

Take up a new sport or return to an old one

Act in a play

Find work as an extra on a movie

Learn how to become more optimistic

Hike a really difficult trail somewhere not around home

Learn everything I can about alternative energy

Join a political party

Vote regularly at all levels – local, provincial, federal

Volunteer in my community

Take a cooking course

Live on a boat/houseboat

Learn to sail


Finish at/near the top of my class

Study/read every day for at least 1 hr.

Have all assignments finished within 24hr of when they are assigned

Keep a record of each day spent in school – what did I do/learn

Speak with 5 potential employers before I finish school

Find and establish a relationship with a mentor who is doing what I am training or plan to train to do

Research starting wages for my trade or career choice in 6 different cities in Canada and look at availability of jobs in those places

Read at least 2 books or find 5 web resources about my trade or career in addition to my textbooks

Get unpaid experience somewhere while I am still a student – arrange a co-op credit doing something I think I might like to do as a career

Talk to the career counselor at my school about ALL the areas open to me in a trade or other career possibility (e.g. automotive repair could lead to sales, customer service, parts manager, auto writer etc.)

Get nothing less than 75 on all my tests

Find a job within 6 months after graduation

Win an award

Learn to work with the most difficult person in my class

Bring a positive attitude with me EVERY day / or at least 3 times every week

Long-term Career/Education IDEAS

Get the highest qualification possible for my trade or chosen career (red-seal etc.)

Become a supervisor

Start my own business

Go back to school to learn something new or retrain for a new career

Work in a foreign country

Take Math courses / teach myself

Work in another province

Take on a new job in my workplace (e.g. service manager etc.)

Keep up with/gain computer skills

Learn accounting/bookkeeping for a business

Earn an award for my work

Compete in a contest in my trade

Find a business partner

Join a professional group in my trade and become involved


Save for my own set of tools / more tools / tool storage or career related equipment like a computer

Learn how to write a budget

Read 2 books about managing money

Only buy clothes at Frenchy’s for one year (money saver)

Make and bring lunch every day (money saver)

Bike or walk instead of drive whenever possible (money saver)

Add $X to my bank account every week

Change to the cheapest cell plan possible and stick to it (money saver)

Give up my data plan and only use my phone for texts or calls (money saver)

Don’t buy anything new for one year (money saver)

Bring coffee in a thermos (money saver)

Sell useful things I no longer use (online) (money saver/ earner)

Find a job I can work at part-time while I’m in school

Keep track of ALL my spending for 3 (or X months)

Come up with and get going on 5 self-employed skills related to my future career that I could do now to make money (change oil, detail cars, repair lawn mowers, repair electronics…)

Only go totake-out and restaurants once a month (money saver)

Only trade things for my hobby (skating, RC cars ???) and don’t buy anything until I finish school

Prepare a list of my future savings goals (house, car, travel…) and learn about costs for these items


Visit a financial planner once I get a job in my trade; develop and keep to a financial plan

Start paying back my student loan early

Learn how to invest money; begin investing

Start a retirement savings plan

Pay off my student loan by X (when)

Compete with a co-worker to reach a savings goal

Start putting together an emergency fund of 2 months wages in case I lose my job

Retire when I’m 40 with enough $ to live comfortably

Earn X by the time I’m X years

Learn what it costs to raise children and save for it; be able to start a family by X age

Make a plan for what I would want my family to have and what I would need to earn to achieve that plan

Learn how to build a house that uses alternative energy (money saver)

Learn how to do my own taxes; learn how to save money on my taxes

Establish a credit record; learn how to access my record

ONLY use credit if I can pay it off by the end of the month, review every 6 months

Talk to older people with more experience to get advice about money

Save enough to... by …(when)