Shore Angling Map

Dungarvan to Waterford

1 . HELVIC HEAD. Fishing from rocks for mackerel, pollack, wrasse and conger. Specimen wrasse recorded here.

2. HELVIC PIER. Conger in both pier walls. Mullet will take pieces of fish and fish gut on seaward side of end of pier from late ebb to early flood; at other times inside harbour near trawlers. Occasional bass, flatfish while bottom fishing from pier. Distance casting produces ray.

3. CUNNIGAR. Bottom fishing for bass and flatfish at springs only.

4. CUNNIGAR SPIT. Bottom fishing for bass and flatfish. Late flood to high water. Spinning for bass at extreme point of Cunnigar, late flood to high water.

5. SWIMMING POOL. Bottom fishing into secondary channel for bass and flatfish. Low water to high water. Specimen bass and flounder have been taken from here.

6. RAILWAY BRIDGE. Spinning for bass and bottom fishing for flounder above bridge. Many specimen flounder taken here especially during midwinter using lugworm and crab. Late ebb to early flood best.

7. ABBEYSIDE. Spinning for bass. Late flood to high water. Bottom fishing for flounder, late ebb to early flood..

8. BARNAWEE. Spinning for bass late flood to high water. Bottom fishing for flounder early flood. Occasional seatrout. Mullet above road bridge.

9. BALLINACOURTY PIER. Bass, flatfish and dogfish (bottom fishing) half flood to early ebb. Spinning from reefs behind Golf Course between pier and lighthouse.

10. CLONEA STRAND. Surf fishing for bass and flatfish. Low water to early ebb. Clean beach.

11. CLONEA CASTLE, Surf fishing for bass and flatfish. Low water to early ebb. Spinning from reefs in rocky coves near high water.

12. STRADBALLY. Beach fishing for bass, flatfish and dogfish. Early flood tide best, with moderate surf conditions.

13. BALLYVONEY. Bottom fishing for bass, flatfish and small coalfish. Mixed ground of sand and


14. BALLYDWAN. Beach fishing for bass, flatfish, dogfish and occasional ray. Rocky patches interspersed on beach.

15. BUNMAHON. Bottom fishing for bass, flounder, plaice, dogfish and occasional ray. Specimen thornback ray and flounder have been recorded from the beach.

16. DUNBRATTIN. Spinning, float fishing and bottom fishing for mackerel, pollack, wrasse and


17. ANNESTOWN. Bottom fishing for bass, flounder and occasional thornback ray. Mullet at mouth of river on western side of beach.

18. KILFARRASY. Bottom fishing for bass, flatfish and dogfish. Local competitions are held on this beach. Flood tide best.

19. WESTTOWN ROCKS. Spinning for mackerel and pollack and float fishing for wrasse. Fishing prohibited at mens bathing place.

20. TRAMORE STRAND, Surf fishing for bass and flatfish at all stages of tide. Best at high water and low water.

21. TRAMORE STRAND (EASTERN END). Surf fishing for bass, flatfish and dogfish. Specimen bass and dogfish have been recorded here.

22. SALEENS. Bottom fishing for bass and flounder below car park. Many specimen flounder and bass taken from this stretch. All stages of the tide. Mullet in channel.

23. BALLYMACAW COVE. Bottom fishing for flounder and dogfish. Spinning for pollack on western point of cove. High water best.

24. RATHMOYLAND COVE. Bottom fishing for flounder and dogfish. Spinning for pollack on eastern point. High water best.

25. DUNMORE EAST. Spinning for mackerel and pollack from rocks below car park. Float fishing for wrasse. Specimen wrasse recorded from here.

26. DUNMORE EAST PIER. Bottom fishing from either pier for flounder and three bearded rockling. Specimen flounder and three bearded rockling recorded here. Night fishing for conger and float fishing for mullet.

27. LADIES COVE. Bottom fishing for flatfish and dogfish on south western side of cove. Fishing from rocky platform. Can be cut off at high water springs.

28. FORNAUGHT STRAND. Bottom fishing for flatfish and dogfish. Last half of flood and high water best.

29. WOODSTOWN STRAND. Beach fishing for bass, flatfish and freshwater eels. This stretch is used for competitions. Specimen black sole recorded here. Two hours either side of high water best.

30. PASSAGE EAST. Bottom fishing for bass and flatfish at high water. Spinning from bank south of pier for bass at low water and first two hours of flood.


A. DUNGARVAN SWIMMING POOL. Soft and peeler crab plentiful under weed on strand below swimming pool. Some lug can be dug here.

B. ABBEYSIDE. Crab plentiful under weed south of Abbey. Luq in sandy patches.